Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1394: The Great Wall Border

Two days later in the secret realm, a quarter of an hour later in real time, Zhang Yi, Zhang Si, Zhang Wu, and Zhang Liu, four players, arrived at the majestic Great Wall border.

One of the original four horses died. Halfway through, a horse stepped on empty air and fell from the high school, breaking its leg.

The few people did not dare to waste it, so they killed the horse and cut it into eight pieces. Even the horse blood was collected. When they were cleaning up these things, several people vomited miserably.

Never expected that the four people took turns riding three horses and arrived at the border so quickly. If they had known this, they would not have killed the horses.

In fact, killing horses was very correct. It was because of this that the system allowed them to see the border earlier. Otherwise, there might be other tests.

Looking up at the Great Wall, the four players were not shocked by this world-renowned wonder.

Because on Pangu Star, the Later Qin Empire and the New Han Kingdom have always protected the Great Wall very well.

Although this great wall has lost its defensive function. But the descendants of Yan and Huang did not give up on it and let it be gradually eroded by nature.

No matter how bad the local natural environment is, the government insists on properly maintaining each section of the Great Wall.

The manpower and material resources consumed every year are absolutely astronomical. But from emperors and generals to ordinary people, everyone expressed support.

Not only because this wall is the pride of China; nor is it just because the country is financially strong and can afford it;

More importantly, people from other Chinese countries, as long as their economic conditions allow, will always come to the New Han Kingdom to see the Great Wall in their lifetime. Brought a lot of tourism consumption.

Therefore, the Great Wall of the New Han Kingdom is still as majestic and majestic as when it was built. There is no difference in this one, so it will not cause much shock.

The four players all look like Han people, and they also reported to the garrison when they left the border. After a little check, they got permission to enter the customs.

Walking on the bluestone road, a burst of ancient and desolate Qinqiang came from afar, as if singing and shouting.

The bright moon in Qin and the pass in Han, the people of the long march of thousands of miles have not returned. But if the flying general of Longcheng is here, the Hu horses will not be allowed to cross the Yinshan Mountains.

The smoke of war is thousands of miles away in the mass graves, and no one visits the lonely souls in the troubled times. The sky is speechless and the pen and ink are cold, and the pen knife pays with blood in the Spring and Autumn Period...

The four people have average hearing, but they just feel a little noisy and interesting, but they don’t care too much. On the contrary, Xiao Ming, who pays part of his attention here, likes it very much.

The first four sentences are from a group of frontier poems "Two Frontier Poems" by Wang Changling, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The artistic conception of the poem is majestic and profound, which is both exciting and intriguing. It complements the Qinqiang.

Xiao Ming has never heard of the last four sentences. It also feels quite good to him. He is also a talent for writing lyrics.

Xiao Ming's mental power swept through the shadowless forbidden army at the border here. It feels that it is indeed a strong army with strict discipline and excellent equipment. The most important thing is high morale.

They almost all hold the determination to die and guard here. There is only one army with such a good spirit in the history of Pangu Star. That is the powerful army of the Later Qin Dynasty.

Later, the armies of the Chinese countries were basically born out of this team, but it was difficult to reach the height of their predecessors.

This is not surprising. After all, after the establishment of the Chinese countries, there were not many wars. The army did not get enough training.

Nowadays, perhaps the space army of the New Han Kingdom has the opportunity to catch up with its predecessors. I hope they can be trained stronger in the "battle" with the Zerg.

This shadowless forbidden army is so strong that 1,800 Taotie are not its opponents at all. Such a strong army guarding the border just shows that the number of Taotie is likely to be extremely large.

Just when Xiao Ming was thinking about it, two groups of people came outside the border wall, one chasing and one fleeing. Everyone has weapons on them.

The group chasing behind looks like Khitans or Turks, and it is normal to appear here.

The two fleeing in front actually have European faces. Europe is quite far away from here, and it is remarkable that they can come here alive.

The book "Ancient Strange People" once described that in the history of a parallel world, there was an Italian named Marco Polo. He claimed to have been to China.

It is said that when he was 17 years old, he followed his father and uncle to the East along the Silk Road, passing through the Mesopotamian Basin, the Iranian Plateau, and the Pamir Plateau. It took four years to reach Dadu of the Yuan Dynasty.

He traveled in China for 17 years and claimed to have served as an official of the Yuan Dynasty and visited many places in China at that time, including Yunnan and the southeastern coastal areas.

Later, he returned to his hometown as an envoy of the Yuan Dynasty. After returning to Italy, Marco Polo was captured in a naval battle. In prison, he dictated a lot of stories about China, and his cellmate Rusticiano wrote the famous "The Travels of Marco Polo".

According to legend, he brought two Chinese delicacies back to Italy. One is fried noodles with soybean paste, and the other is pie.

As time went by, local ingredients replaced the original ingredients, and noodles became pasta, and pie became pizza.

This is just for fun, and the true origin is no longer traceable.

Whether Marco Polo really came to the Central Plains. In the parallel world of Earth, it is a controversial topic. There are many arguments for both sides.

It is not surprising that others doubt it. There are many errors in his book, some of which are quite different from the historical records of the Yuan Dynasty. It is more like hearsay and self-praise.

However, this book was not written by Marco Polo himself, but by his cellmate. It is very likely that there was a lot of bragging in what he said at the time.

People have nothing to do in prison, so it's not strange to brag and chat with their cellmates.

Besides, a person's memory is unreliable. If Marco Polo wrote a diary every day when he traveled in the Central Plains, the accuracy would be much higher.

But that's not the case. He recalled these things that happened more than ten or twenty years ago in prison after returning home. It's normal to have big discrepancies.

Of course, since Marco Polo is not a more reliable scholar. He may just want to get attention and become famous.

Mixing things heard from other businessmen together and pretending that they are his own experiences. There are really many such people in the world.

Xiao Ming had a classmate who loved to do this kind of thing before college.

One day, the two chatted and talked about an absolute. The man slightly changed the couplet written by the ancients, pretended that it was his own, and said it out, which earned Xiao Ming a lot of admiration.

Later, Xiao Ming checked the information and found out the truth, but he didn't say much, and didn't go out of his way to slap his friend in the face.

Because by that time, Xiao Ming had seen more ugliness and beauty in society. The focus was on ugliness.

His friend's little vanity could not cause Xiao Ming to be disgusted. It was not a big evil, a matter of right and wrong.

On the contrary, Xiao Ming thought he was a little cute. If he was exposed at the beginning, how embarrassing would it be? ! Is it worth taking such a big risk for a little vanity?

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