Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1395: The Sorrow of Taotie

The two foreigners came to China, and they might not have any good intentions. Xiao Ming took a peek into their thoughts.

William Garin and Pero Tovar were two mercenaries. They came to China this time to steal black gunpowder.

When they set out, there were a total of thirty mercenaries in the team, but now there are only two of them. The others died in the more than six months of hard journey.

The last few dead were killed by the scouts of the Taotie, which can be regarded as a gain of experience before death. It is just as the Chinese saying goes, "If you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening."

As for the Taotie that attacked them, William, who had rich combat experience, cut off one of its front claws and fell off the cliff. I don't know if it's dead.

Such a terrifying monster, maybe there are brothers and sisters looking for food nearby. The two were so scared that they ran away overnight with the claw. This run lasted for two days.

Today, they didn't encounter that kind of monster again, but they were spotted by a group of Khitans and chased closely. Finally, in a panic, they came to the border of the Great Wall.

Foreigners did not have the same treatment as those Han players. The archers upstairs blocked their way with a circle of accurate arrows.

This was just a warning. If they dared to take another step forward, they would immediately become hedgehogs. No matter how strong the two were, they were powerless in the face of the army.

In front of them was the city of China, and behind them were the pursuers of the Khitan people. William and Perrot had no choice but to dismount and surrender, and were tied up and taken into the city.

Xiao Ming had no intention of following the next plot. Because he had already found his target.

A large group of Taotie were moving towards the border all over the mountains and plains. The density was almost the same as that of the Zerg. There were at least hundreds of thousands of them.

There must be a general leader among so many Taotie. Sure enough, Xiao Ming found the leader in the herd without much effort.

I have to say that he looks a bit ugly. Maybe it's just a small leader. Its physique is not much bigger than other Taotie. It looks slightly different from ordinary Taotie.

There are two soft horns on the top of its head, and a thin membrane is spread between the soft horns. It gives orders by vibrating the sound waves generated by the membrane. On the backs of other Taotie, there is an organ under the black hair that can receive this sound.

This method is certainly not as high-end and classy as the Zerg's mental communication, but it is also quite good.

There are always dozens of Taotie with obviously strong physiques protecting it around it. It is probably the existence of the guards.

There are some organs around their heads, which look like a round shield when opened, which is very strong. Dozens of round shields put together can form a solid fortress. It's a bit interesting.

However, compared with the Zerg, the arms of the Taotie clan are still too poor. If nothing else, there should be at least some long-range arms. In fact, there are none, they are all a group of melee soldiers.

More importantly, they are still a land race. They don't even have an air force, let alone a space army.

I couldn't communicate with ordinary Taotie spirits before, but this Taotie leader should be able to communicate, right? Being able to command such a large army to fight, it means that his IQ should not be low.

Xiao Ming used his mental power to invade his brain and found that this guy's IQ was indeed high, but he was still a completely uncommunicative object. It was absolutely impossible to subdue him.

When thinking of the notoriety of the four ancient beasts of Taotie, Xiao Ming understood a little. This is not a normal and rational creature. It is a special existence.

According to several generals in the Shadowless Forbidden Army, this thing appears once every 60 years and attacks the Great Wall from the north. If they can't be stopped, there will be a world-destroying disaster.

It does not conform to the laws of biology. Instead, it is a bit like the subordinates of the devil in Western legends. Xiao Ming has no psychological burden when killing them.

Even if they can be subdued, Xiao Ming will only subdue a few for fun at most, and the others will still be completely eliminated.

The Taotie suddenly found that a purple mist began to rise on the road ahead, becoming thicker and thicker.

The Taotie leader thought about it for a few seconds, and then continued to move forward without intending to bypass the fog. Just rush through. Anyway, the Great Wall is not far ahead.

At first, nothing happened. The Taotie army rushed into the fog and continued to move forward. There were no enemies or traps. Even the leader and the guards rushed into the fog.

As the fog became thicker and thicker, the Taotie's vision was gradually blocked, and they could no longer see the road in the distance. They just instinctively followed the tribesmen in front of them and ran.

The fog inhaled into the body and attached to the surface of the body began to make the Taotie feel uncomfortable. Because the fog is corrosive and poisonous.

But none of them cared, including the leader.

Originally, the Taotie was a fearless race. And this level of corrosiveness did not cause much damage.

The Taotie tribe knew the location and distance of the border, which was not far ahead. The fog should stop spreading there. So they thought they would not be poisoned too deeply.

If this fog even spread to the border, it would be even better. Wouldn't the fog be more harmful to weak humans? They could win without fighting.

Little did they know that after running for a long time, the leader felt something was wrong. How come they haven't reached the border after running for so long? !

It was sure that the army under its command had been charging forward and had not turned around. What exactly happened?

The leader stopped running and sent out a sound wave signal, hoping that the Taotie army would stop and go to all directions to take a look.

But it unexpectedly discovered that its command signal was not working. It vaguely saw the Taotie in the distance still rushing forward, and it didn't seem to receive any orders at all.

Just when it wanted to learn more about the situation, a large amount of purple liquid appeared beside it and the guards.

This venom is naturally more lethal than the poison mist. After only 3 seconds of contact, it and the guards let out a tragic roar. The skin began to rot and decay.

A minute later, it turned into dozens of Taotie corpses. Before it died, it couldn't understand why the Taotie army ran past not far from it, but none of its subordinates saw its miserable situation or heard its screams. Did it rebel?

What it couldn't understand even more was that this venom was confined to a transparent cubic space and didn't flow out at all. It seemed to be specially designed to poison them.

In terms of anti-poison ability, it and the guards were more than ten times stronger than ordinary Taotie.

The fog that could harm ordinary Taotie on the periphery was completely ineffective against them.

Xiao Ming discovered this and used liquid poison to deal with it. Focus on key targets.

As for the ordinary Taotie on the periphery, they continued to run for another day and night before they were completely poisoned to death.

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