Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1396 The Great Wall Secret Realm Ends

This poison was made by Xiao Ming after a lot of effort. After killing a few ordinary Taotie at first, he knew that Taotie was a monster with a large number but not very strong individually.

To deal with this kind of monster, you don't need a very strong toxin, but the amount required will be very huge.

Under normal circumstances, the poison produced by the Devil Fruit ability user will harm all creatures when the Poison-Poison Fruit is activated. But this is not in line with Xiao Ming's intention.

Once the Taotie spreads the poison to other species, or other animals are infected after eating the corpse of the Taotie, and the poison is endless, wouldn't it be bad?

The most important thing is that this place is not far from the border of the Great Wall. According to military common sense, the Shadowless Forbidden Army should often send scouts to the north.

When the scouts see the bodies of the poisoned Taotie, they will definitely take one or two back for research.

As a result, the poison was accidentally caused to spread, and most of the Shadowless Forbidden Army was poisoned to death, which would be troublesome.

Therefore, when Xiao Ming was developing the ability of the Poison-Poison Fruit, he focused on the target orientation. Only create highly targeted toxins.

The toxins he created this time only work on Taotie. It is harmless to other species.

If he wants to poison people in the future, he will make the kind of poison that only makes people weak but not dead. It is a tribute to the poisonous medicine king Wu Chen.

In fact, Xiao Ming also thought that this is just a secret realm of the game after all. After the main storyline is over, this secret realm will end and disappear.

Even if the body of Taotie is full of poison, the shadowless forbidden army has no time to be poisoned. Maybe it is not necessary to be so cautious.

However, Xiao Ming, who has been to many secret realms or reincarnation worlds, knows that some stories have sequels. If "The Great Wall" has a sequel...

The next time Xiao Ming randomly goes to the secret realm of "The Great Wall 2", the system calculates and finds that humans may have been exterminated by the poison he released. How much sin will he bear? !

Of course, in fact, this secret realm has no sequel. The original work itself is a complete story. There is no clue to shoot a sequel.

In addition, the response to the original work was not very good, and the motivation to produce a sequel was lost.

But Xiao Ming didn't know these things. He could only deal with it according to the possibility of a sequel. Make a toxin that only targets Taotie.

When Xiao Ming saw the Taotie army all over the mountains, he was not surprised. He had seen many dense armies. He even prepared a response plan.

Why can't the Taotie army run to the border in one direction? That's because Xiao Ming used the space-time gate to connect the head and tail of the Taotie army, forming a closed loop.

The Taotie running at the front of the army passed through the space-time gate and instantly ran to the back of the team. This cycle repeats until the Taotie accumulates enough toxins in their bodies and dies.

If it were other intelligent races, the vanguard suddenly ran to the end of the team, and the grassroots officers would definitely find the problem.

Either report to higher authorities or stop temporarily, and some countermeasures can always be made. For example, the Zerg will not fall into such a superficial trap.

But the wisdom of ordinary Taotie is too low. After receiving the order, they will not think about it anymore and just run forward.

So it is not good for soldiers to have low IQ. This is why the clone army replaced the robot army in the world of "Star Wars".

On the other hand, the number of Taotie troops is too large. Even if they are arranged in a column, they are quite wide when viewed horizontally.

Although Xiao Ming opened the space-time gate very wide, there are still a few Taotie who may run beyond the edge of the space-time gate.

So Xiao Ming sent some Seven Yao Shadow clones to guard on both sides. If they encountered Taotie running off the track, they would directly use the ability of flying swordsmanship to eliminate them.

Anyway, the battlefield was filled with poisonous fog and visibility was very low, and other Taotie could not see these unexpected situations.

The only trouble was the Taotie leader with a higher IQ.

In fact, this so-called leader is the beast king of the Taotie clan. As long as it is killed, all the Taotie will die.

From a certain perspective, ordinary Taotie is actually just the clone of the beast king. When the mother body dies, the clones will also die.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming didn't know there was such a trick. He didn't know that the leader was the beast king. Otherwise, the plot would have ended long ago.

The main reason is that the beast king is too weak and not outstanding at all. It is difficult for Xiao Ming to imagine that it is the ultimate BIG BOSS.

Besides, he came to test the poisonous fruit with the Taotie this time. Even if he knew the trick, he would practice with the Taotie army first.

Until the end of the plot, Xiao Ming didn't know about this peculiar setting.

Because he was worried that the Taotie leader (beast king) would make a reasonable response, he put the leader and his guards into Guangmingding in advance. Let them think they are still in the army.

In fact, the scenes of the Taotie army passing by the Beast King were all projected by Xiao Ming.

In fact, the Beast King and the Taotie army were already in different spaces. Therefore, when it found something wrong, it could not control its army.

It was also because of this that when the Beast King was poisoned to death by Xiao Ming, the Taotie army did not suffer the same fate.

The strange connection between them could not cross the barriers of space. In particular, this spatial barrier was created by Xiao Ming.

After destroying the Taotie army with poison, Xiao Ming was still thinking about what to do next. Because he always thought that this army was just the vanguard, and there would be stronger ones behind.

The result was beyond his expectation, and the system quickly gave a prompt:

[Congratulations to the player character Zhang San for clearing the "Great Wall" secret realm. The result is extremely good, and you can choose one of the following three rewards. ...]

Is that all? Xiao Ming was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

This is right, after all, the Magic Planet game will not limit Xiao Ming's ability.

If he exerts his full strength, if the energy level of the secret realm is not very high, there will indeed be a crushing effect.

At this time, several generals of the Shadowless Forbidden Army are interrogating William Garin and Pero Tovar.

Those players are not bad, and they have the qualification to listen to the class. Seeing William Garin's appearance, Zhang Yi showed joy on his face. He recognized Matt Damon's appearance.

Because he has met people with this appearance in other secret realms. It is definitely the protagonist in that secret realm.

Seeing this face again, Zhang Yi immediately determined that William should be the protagonist of the Great Wall Secret Realm.

At the very least, he is one of the protagonists. As long as players follow this person closely and have a good relationship with him, they should be able to get good results. To some extent, this is also a kind of golden finger.

However, a pie suddenly fell from the sky, and before they could do anything, the system announced the end of this secret realm, and they also passed it.

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