Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1433: Professors’ Surprise

"That's why so many of our professors are here!" said Professor Minerva McGonagall, who looked kind.

She wore square glasses, had black hair tied up in a high bun, and wore a dark green robe, which made her look like a noble lady.

McGonagall is the head of Gryffindor College and the professor of Transfiguration. She is a fair tutor who treats the four colleges equally.

She punishes students from her own college severely even if they break the school rules, so she is respected by all the students.

She does not avoid punishing students from her own college, Gryffindor, and she is meticulous even if deducting points from them means losing the college cup.

In fact, she is more keen on deducting too many points from students from her own college. She even loses the annual college cup.

Although her reputation is not as good as Dumbledore's, she is also a veritable second person. Her reputation is much better than Snape's.

In addition, McGonagall is an Animagus who can turn into a tabby cat. When she is in cat form, the square glasses she wears are exactly the same as the lines around the cat's eyes.

She didn't really believe in the strength of the leader's right guard. After all, Xiao Ming's 6-year-old body was really untrustworthy.

When Dumbledore came to them, she almost thought the principal had Alzheimer's disease. At that time, many people felt the same way, except Lupin.

Since Dumbledore had made up his mind, they had to follow him together. In case of danger, they could also help.

With so many professors present, if this child could still be injured, they could almost resign collectively.

Hearing what Professor McGonagall said, Hagrid seemed to be a little moved. At this moment, the leader's right guard suddenly raised his right hand and pointed it at the roof of the hut. The weird posture attracted everyone's attention.

What does this kid want to do? Is he going to use the "ninjutsu" he mentioned in the house? Then we have to pay attention.

Xiao Ming didn't waste any words. A golden ball of light shot out from his hand, like a cannonball, overturning a small piece of the roof of Hagrid's hut and hitting a Dementor in mid-air.

The Dementor seemed to let out a shrill howl in the golden light, and then it disappeared into the underworld. In fact, it entered the underworld. The scene was silent for a while.

"Ah, my roof!" Hagrid was the first to come to his senses. This kid was just showing off, why did he flip his roof over! What if it rains tonight?

"Reparo!" Xiao Ming took out a wand and used a spell on the roof to restore it to its original state. So the whole roof was restored in front of everyone.

"Oh my!" Snape, who was always serious, uttered a swear word. But it perfectly expressed the thoughts of everyone present.

The power of the light ball just now was extremely strong. Breaking the roof was nothing. What was rare was that it could actually kill a Dementor. This stunned all the professors except Lupin.

Dumbledore just felt that the leader's right guard was very strong, but there was no substantial evidence. And he didn't know how strong he was.

An expert knows whether there is any as soon as he makes a move. Killing a Dementor casually is a bit too much. The magic world has never heard of Dementors being eliminated.

This child's ninjutsu can actually do it. How can the professors of the magic school not be shocked? As for how to explain to the Ministry of Magic, no one cares too much.

The relationship between Dementors and the Ministry of Magic is just an employment relationship. They are not magicians, not even human beings, but just monsters. The Ministry of Magic has no obligation to protect them.

In fact, if there were magicians who could develop magic to kill Dementors, they would have exterminated Dementors long ago. This thing is really terrible. At most, three or five are left for fun.

Even most black magicians hate this monster. They even hate Dementors more than white magicians.

Because black magicians rarely practice the Patronus Charm, when they encounter Dementors, they don't even have the power to protect themselves.

It's just that most black magicians are dark in their hearts, don't have many happy emotions, and are not Dementors' dishes.

This matter cannot be generalized. After all, dark magicians are also human beings, and they also have happy emotions. If they are targeted by Dementors, it will be very miserable.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic hired Dementors as guards of Azkaban Prison, which is also a way of restraint. Both sides get what they need.

Using prisoners from the magic world to satisfy the desires of Dementors, so as to detain Dementors in one place, they will not go around to harm others. It is also a good intention.

Otherwise, there will be a protracted war between the magic world and Dementors.

Some people may ask why dark magicians rarely practice the Patronus Charm? In fact, this is still a problem of emotions.

When using the Patronus Charm, the magician must do his best to recall a happy thing, or recall something full of love and hope, which is exactly the food of Dementors.

Generally speaking, people who will become dark magicians will not have much happiness and love, and even if they practice the Patronus Charm, it will not be very powerful.

Besides, if a person's heart is full of hope and love, it is difficult for him to become a dark magician. This is a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Of course, there are dark wizards who can use the Patronus Charm. At least Xiao Ming knows that Professor Snape's Patronus Charm is very strong.

But we also know that he should be considered an outlier among dark wizards. It's not that he has no love in his heart, but that he is full of love.

Even the form of Snape's Patronus Charm is the same as Lily's. This is the power of love.

But even the Patronus Charm can only expel Dementors, not kill them directly. So the ninjutsu of the leader's right guard to "kill" Dementors was surprising.

As for the magic repair spell he used later, it was a trivial matter in the eyes of all the professors.

This spell is not difficult, even some students in school can use it. It's just that their magic power is far inferior to that of the leader's right guard.

Their repair spell can only repair smaller things. Repairing the big hole in the roof requires professors.

It is really amazing that a 6-year-old child has such magical abilities. But compared with killing Dementors, it seems mediocre.

Only Dumbledore and Lupin knew that a month ago, this child didn't know magic at all.

In just one month, without anyone teaching him, how did he learn magic? And where did the wand come from?

Countless questions came to their minds, but they couldn't ask directly. After all, the status of the leader's right guard is very special, and it is impossible to ask him about it.

When someone uses magic in front of him, it is also a way of expressing trust. He did not hide the fact that he learned magic from them. If someone has ulterior motives, he is more likely to play dumb.

Dumbledore could not help but feel a little worried. The appearance of such an oriental child who has powerful ninjutsu and is also a magic genius, he did not know whether it would be a blessing or a curse for the European magic world.

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