Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1434 Ninjutsu Demonstration

Deep in the Forbidden Forest, on a vacant lot by the river, the principal, dean, professors, and teachers of Hogwarts School were watching the leader's right guard perform ninjutsu.

Originally, the right guard was to fight with some magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest so that everyone could observe the power and practicality of ninjutsu up close.

But after seeing the right guard kill the Dementor in one go, other magicians were fine, but Rubeus Hagrid was not going to do it.

If ninjutsu was this powerful, if he tried it casually, I don't know how many creatures in the Forbidden Forest would die. He would be particularly distressed. So the display of ninjutsu was moved to this vacant lot.

"Earth escape·Earth flow wall!" The leader's right guard made seals with both hands, pressed on the ground and shouted, and three 5-meter-high, 5-meter-wide, and 1-meter-thick earth walls rose from the ground. Connected to form a section of a wall in the shape of a "J".

"Wind escape·Wind blade!" The right guard jumped back several feet, gathered rapidly rotating wind with both hands, and threw it out in a series.

He cut the few bushes inside the wall into pieces. After leaving dozens of marks on the earth flow wall, it finally stopped.

"Thunder escape·Fake dark!" He spit out several lightning bolts from his mouth, splitting the already scattered bushes and causing sparks. The ground was also blackened.

"Fire escape·Flame bomb!" Since sparks were already coming out, Xiao Ming simply added a few more fireballs to set all the bushes on fire.

"Water escape·Water dragon bomb!" Of course, it is wrong to light a fire in the wild, and it will be bad if it causes a fire. A water dragon flew out of the stream beside the right guard of the leader and rushed into the fire.

The fire naturally went out, and the surrounding earth walls, unable to withstand the blows of several forces in succession, completely collapsed. The scene was in a mess. Fortunately, the earth walls were used to limit the scope.

... The onlookers fell silent. Xiao Ming scratched the back of his head and said:

"It's the same as the four major attributes of earth, fire, water, and wind in magic. This is the five nature-changing escape techniques of fire, water, wind, thunder, and earth in ninjutsu.

In fact, there are Yin escape techniques and Yang escape techniques. I don't know Yin escape techniques, and Yang escape techniques are the ones that dealt with the Dementors before, and you've all seen them..."

"Hua La La!" Everyone was just stunned by the ninjutsu for a moment and didn't react. Only then did they realize it and sincerely applauded the leader's right guard.

The ninjutsu that Xiao Ming displayed was selective. All the ninjutsu he displayed were medium-powered. If the power was too low, it would be easy to be underestimated, and if it was too high, it would be easy to scare them, so this was more appropriate.

Little did they know that even so, Dumbledore felt a little regretful.

Before, he pushed Xiao Ming in front of all the professors from a selfless perspective. This kind of powerful power should not be completely in his own hands.

It can be seen that he is not a person who covets fame, wealth, and power. Otherwise, he would not have rejected the nomination for Minister of Magic 12 times.

However, after seeing the ninjutsu of the leader's right guard, he felt that he had not considered it carefully. Ninjutsu seems to be more powerful than magic.

Although there are many magics used for combat and are quite powerful. However, since the magic world is generally peaceful, the development of magic is also comprehensive and does not focus on combat.

Ninjutsu seems to be more professional. Just take the several ninjutsu displayed by the leader's right guard as an example. There are those for defense, those for special attacks, and those that can contain and stop the enemy...

I believe there must be other various ninjutsu suitable for combat. Can this kind of thing really be promoted in the magic world?

Dumbledore wants to introduce the power of ninjutsu to Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic. The main purpose is to fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

Now it seems that ninjutsu can indeed play this role. However, it is likely to bring about a greater crisis.

Xiao Ming had told him long ago that ninjutsu is not only for magicians to learn. Muggles can also learn it.

Introducing ninjutsu seems to balance the power comparison between Muggles and magicians. Dispel the arrogance of pure-blood families. However, this is not necessarily a good thing.

In today's world, the conflict between Muggles, half-blood wizards and pure-blood wizards has a long history. The rampage of Voldemort and the Death Eaters is actually the product of this conflict.

Once ninjutsu is promoted, it may directly cause war. Dumbledore has always been committed to reconciling the differences between the parties and never wanted to use war to solve the problem.

Many pure-blood families look down on half-blood wizards, and even more so on Muggles. Dumbledore is very disgusted with their arrogant attitude.

But he only wants to change the concept of pure-blood families through propaganda and guidance, and has no intention of physically destroying them. That's too much!

But now it's too late to block the news of ninjutsu. The professors and deans in Hogwarts School are not all Dumbledore's die-hard supporters.

They have no obligation to keep this secret for Dumbledore. Most of the wizards who can teach at Hogwarts have quite extensive connections.

Besides, with so many people entering the Forbidden Forest, they actually disturbed the various magical creatures inside the Forbidden Forest. Now there are many monsters observing here from a distance.

Among them are giant spiders, centaurs, thestrals, goblins..., it is even more impossible for them to keep secrets.

Dumbledore listened to the conversation between the professors and the leader's right guard, and was still calculating the pros and cons in his mind.

In the eyes of other teachers, ninjutsu is comparable to magic. Even if you learn ninjutsu, it may not necessarily enhance your combat effectiveness.

It is not a good thing to be broad but not refined, and to be diverse but not specialized. A hero can use both swordsmanship and swordsmanship, but his strength may not be stronger than those who only know swordsmanship.

These professors already have a mature combat system, so they don't really need to learn a new one. Besides, it's not certain whether they can learn it.

Of course, as a new power system, they don't need to learn it, but they need to understand it. Knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle.

Hagrid and Professor Filius Flitwick are the most interested in ninjutsu and want to learn it. They surrounded the right guard of the leader and asked questions.

Others also had questions, but they couldn't get a word in. Fortunately, these two had asked very comprehensive questions, so they just had to listen.

"Ninjutsu is just like magic, it's not easy to learn. Many people are stuck at the initial level for their whole lives, and they can't even extract chakra..." Xiao Ming's words partially dispelled Dumbledore's doubts.

That's right! It's unrealistic to promote ninjutsu without dozens or hundreds of years. With this time as a buffer, the magic world should be able to adapt.

Muggles have gained a new power, so magicians naturally have to put down their arrogant attitude, which may be a good thing.

At this time, Professor Lupin came out to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, it's so late, and my distant cousin needs to rest. Let's talk about it tomorrow. Brother, are you afraid of sleeping alone in a room?"

"Okay, I'm not afraid."

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