Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1620 The Third Ring

Today, Hades City is magnificent, with more than a dozen tall gray-black spires than before. The appearance of the castle has also changed a lot.

It looks much more gloomy and terrifying than its predecessor, Funnel City. I don't know if the defense of the city wall and the attack power of the arrow tower have been improved.

The possibility of enemies coming to attack the city is very low, and Xiao Ming thinks there is probably no chance to test it. Unless he takes the initiative to let the distant enemies come all the way to attack the city smoothly.

This kind of thing will definitely reduce Hades's evaluation of the deceased, and it is really not worth the risk.

Hades City is still a small city in principle, but its entire city has the function of an intermediate Hades Temple.

No matter where the player or NPC is in the city, they can pray to Hades, the Hades; they can be teleported to the adventure map; and they can also get Hades' blessing through blessings.

At the same time, the original functions of the city have not disappeared. The barracks continue to recruit soldiers every week, and the undead soldiers in the city have become the peripheral troops of the Hades Army.

Probably only the function of the tavern has changed to a certain extent. Heroes, generals, and soldiers of any race other than the undead will never appear in this tavern again.

In fact, Funnel City was originally a city of great unity among all races, and any race was welcome to come.

On the island in the lake not far from the city, there is the pirate-specialized city of Drunkard City; in the next map in the southeast, there is the human bandit-specialized city of Turtle Mountain City;

At the same time, in the north of Funnel City, there is a small fire hall water fort at the entrance of Funnel Lake. That is the territory of Sarutobi Sasuke, the ninja force under the command of the dead.

Everyone belongs to the dead, and the parties often carry out various commercial exchange activities with Funnel City as the center, which greatly promotes the development of the three maps.

Therefore, in addition to the undead, there are many bandits, pirates, ninjas and other human NPCs living in Funnel City.

Now Funnel City has officially changed to Hades City, automatically excluding all races other than the undead from the city. This is a bit troublesome.

Fortunately, as long as the dead teller wears Pandora's clothes, he will be the commander-in-chief of the Hades Army. These foreigners can be granted the right to enter Hades City.

But it is still very inconvenient to do so. Therefore, not long after, these people automatically moved their activity center to Drunkard City. There are no more non-undead ethnic groups in Hades City.

Although it is troublesome to travel to and from Drunkard City by boat. But it is much better than staying in Hades City, always being rejected by Hades's small universe.

The exclusive characteristics of Hades really make Xiao Ming helpless and speechless.

This guy doesn't understand the economy and people's livelihood at all, and doesn't know that communicating with other races is also beneficial to the undead.

It seems that this guy must be a racist, and we must be cautious about his resurrection.

On the afternoon of November 16, the second ring of the hidden task chain [The Rebirth of Hades] accepted by the deceased [Building Hades City] was officially completed.

Xiao Ming estimated that although this task was completed on the strategic map, it seemed to have nothing to do with strategy, and there should be no chance of strategic experience. But it shouldn't be a problem to upgrade the adventure level to level 5, right? Even if level 5 is too much, level 3 will do!

What a pity! Hades seems to be determined to let Pandora take over the body of the dead. This round cost the player 20 million gold coins and hundreds of resources, but he didn't give any experience.

Except for the two temple cornerstones, all the rewards are piled on the small universe. The upper limit of the dead accuser's small universe increased by 2,000 points, and an additional Pandora soul fragment was added.

In other words, after absorbing the soul fragment, the dead accuser's small universe increased to 24,000. At this rate, the dead accuser will soon be able to enter the level of gold saints.

As long as there are enough small universes, the dead accuser will wear [Pandora's Hades], and his vitality, strength, defense, and attack power will soar.

Directly as a fourth-level player, he has the combat power comparable to the seventh-level A-level NPC. This does not require Xiao Ming to go online personally, even the intelligent program Xiao Wuer can exert this strength.

The only problem is the lack of endurance. After all, the rank of the dead accuser is still at level 4, and the small universe cannot be automatically restored. No matter how high the upper limit is, it will be exhausted.

You should know that Pandora's Hades Cloth consumes 2,000 small universes every minute. Now the total amount of the dead accuser's small universe is only enough to last for 12 minutes.

This is because Xiao Ming swallowed 2 Pandora soul fragments. Otherwise, the dead accuser should only have 4,000 small universes and 2 minutes of endurance.

During this period, the dead accuser cannot consume additional small universes. Otherwise, the duration will be shorter.

Fortunately, there is a fundamental difference between intelligent programs and players. They don't have the desire to wear Hades Cloth to show off.

So Xiao Wuer will choose the most appropriate time to make the most of this short time.

Of course, Xiao Ming must also seize the time to work hard on the task and try to lay a solid "family foundation" for Xiao Wuer. The more small universes the dead accuser has, the better.

The next round of tasks [Phantom Warrior Recruitment Phase 1], orange epic level.

The system said: Hades City must be protected by a regular army of Hades warriors, so the deceased is obliged to recruit 12 qualified Hades warriors for Lord Hades.

The recruitment procedure is as follows. The deceased needs to pay a certain amount of small universe first to exchange Hades clothes with Lord Hades. Part of the small universe can be replaced by faith value.

Then find a suitable wearer for this Hades garment. If it does not match, the wearer will die and Hades will take it back. The deceased will have to "buy" it again.

If a suitable wearer is found, the Hades Legion will get a qualified Hades Warrior. Then the deceased can exchange for the next Hades garment and continue to look for a qualified wearer.

Repeat this action until all 12 Hades Warriors are found. As for the Hades garment, it is not exchanged casually. The order of recruitment is entirely determined by Lord Hades.

Among the 12 sets of Hades garments in the first stage, there will be 8 sets of Earthly Star Hades garments and 4 sets of Heavenly Star Hades garments. There will be no Hades garments of the three giants in this round.

As for what kind of warrior can become a Hades Warrior. The system allows players to explore the rules by themselves. The task rewards are closely related to the quality of recruiting Hades Warriors and the time spent by the players.

But it has nothing to do with the number of failures. The system also emphasized that no matter how many times the player fails, it will not affect the reward given by Lord Hades.

Its intention is nothing more than to let the players try as much as possible and fail more.

In this way, players have to repeatedly exchange Hades's clothes and offer a large number of small universes to further accelerate Hades' resurrection process.

Xiao Ming has nothing to say about this. It is normal for Hades to play such tricks. The other three gods are much more "kind" than him. I don't intend to fall into his trap and must succeed at once.

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