Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1621 Earth Demon Star

Based on the nature of the Magic Planet game system, Xiao Ming can roughly guess what kind of wearer the magic star attached to the Hades Clothes will be more interested in.

Their first choice should be the player character. After all, players have strong subjective initiative and can provide unimaginable help to Hades.

The most important thing is that the system believes that players are the protagonists of the game. So players have priority most of the time.

The second choice is naturally free NPC. Their intelligent program is more advanced. If they become Hades warriors, they can also help Lord Hades solve problems.

The worst choice is the NPC of the army. With the simple intelligent program of these guys, they can only be a common man who charges into battle. And the possibility of matching failure is the greatest.

In addition, there will be other selection criteria, that is, the race and rank of the wearer.

The race that is most suitable for the Hades warrior must be the undead race, and the higher the rank of the wearer, the better.

Xiao Ming guessed that the system may have special requirements for the rank of the wearer, and must be able to match the corresponding Hades warrior. Especially for the NPC of the army.

We know that the Earthly Stars generally correspond to Saints of bronze to silver level, that is, level 5 to 6; while the Sky Stars correspond to silver to gold level, that is, level 6 to 7; as for the three giants of the underworld, they are all level 8 S.

If players use their own soldiers to serve as Hades warriors, the rank must be worthy of them.

Moreover, at the current stage of the game, mainstream players have just begun to enter the fourth level. The controllable free NPCs are probably at this level. Compared with Hades warriors, they are a bit lower, but the recruited soldiers may be higher.

For example, the researcher has the right to recruit level 5 minotaurs and treemen. But they are basically sold to the Li family.

If the wearer is replaced by a free NPC or player, the system will appropriately lower the standard. Because they have an advantage over the NPC soldiers.

Remember that Li Huamei had just been given the seed of the microcosm by Xiao Ming, and she had the strength of a silver Saint Seiya, which shows that free NPCs also have great potential.

Especially the protagonist-type NPCs like Li Huamei, after they comprehend the microcosm, their strength can be rapidly improved. Even players do not have this potential.

However, players have a greater advantage, that is, they can get rewards by completing tasks. The rewards for tasks related to the four great gods will all contain small universes.

So as long as the tasks are done well, it is more reliable to expect the growth of players. After all, there are only a few protagonist-type NPCs in the entire game; but there are endless players.

In fact, there are also differences between NPCs of different arms. Some specific NPCs have the potential to become free NPCs. There is also the possibility of becoming Hades warriors.

The system probably has to weigh the above-mentioned aspects and finally give a conclusion on whether the wearer matches the Hades clothing. But the relevant details will definitely not be made public, and players need to explore it themselves.

Xiao Ming did not waste time. After thinking for a while, he offered a valuable small universe to Hades and got the first Hades clothing - [Earth Demon Star Demon Butterfly].

Note that the ownership of this Hades clothing is not in the hands of the deceased, so the deceased cannot wear it. Even if it is forcibly put on, it will not have any effect.

This demon star is a master of mental power and has three forms: insect eggs → reptiles → demon butterflies. The Earth Demon Star Hades Warrior can reach a higher form step by step through evolution and gain stronger combat power.

Among the Earth-generation Hades Warriors, he is one of the few who can compete with the Gold Saints. Even Radamanthys, one of the three giants of the underworld, appreciates him very much.

In the first stage of recruiting Hades Warriors, the first Hades Clothes given by the system is the Earth Demon Star, and it is also intended to provide considerable combat power to the Hades Legion as soon as possible.

Although the three giants are powerful, their Hades Clothes are also sky-high, and players may not be able to afford them. So the system has to disperse them. Arrange them to the 3rd, 6th, and 9th stages.

Relatively speaking, the Earth Demon Star Hades Clothes are the most cost-effective. Players use the small universe of the Earth Demon Star Hades Clothes level to exchange for a Hades Warrior who is stronger than most Tiangang Stars. Why not?

Moreover, this kind of super-powerful Demon Star is very likely to defeat the intelligent program of the player or NPC on the spiritual level and achieve "rebirth".

Lord Hades also hopes that the first Hades Warrior can be a powerful and loyal Demon Star. From any angle, Earth Demon Star is the best choice.

From Xiao Ming's perspective, this is a difficult problem. He knows that this demon star is not easy to deal with. Fortunately, Xiao Ming already has several alternative plans.

The first is Plan A. Xiao Ming brought the Earth Demon Star Ghost Messenger who was in the underworld of Kuafu into the game. He used the same method as Deathmask back then.

Strictly speaking, the Ghost Messenger is actually Xiao Ming's clone and cannot be considered an independent individual. It should be considered a part of Xiao Ming.

However, Xiao Ming's Ghost Messenger clone is different. Because it integrates his mind beast 108 [Pluto Guards]. The mind beast is more independent than the clone. Xiao Ming can't guess whether they can wear the underworld clothes.

According to normal rules, it should not be possible. But after all, he integrated the underworld clothes of the Earth Demon Star in the reincarnation world, and the matching degree must be very high. Xiao Ming thinks it's worth a try.

If it fails, Xiao Ming plans to adopt Plan B, using the same method he used back then, first devouring (eliminating) the evil star in the Hades Clothes, and then looking for a wearer for the Hades Clothes.

As for Plan C, it is to arrange for the insect humans under his command to enter the game, and then give them the Hades Clothes. Anyway, no demon star can be resurrected.

As it turns out, the game system may be confused by this complicated relationship, or it may be pretending to be confused. In the end, it actually allowed Xiao Ming's Earth Demon Star Ghost Messenger clone to wear the Earth Demon Star Hades Clothes.

It can't even be said to be put on. The ghost messenger simply swallowed the demon star and completely merged the Hades Clothes with itself. Not only has the strength been completely restored, but it seems to have improved.

If Xiao Ming enters the reincarnation world of the "Saint Seiya" series again in the future, his Earth Demon Star Ghost Messenger can completely defeat the Earth Demon Star Hades fighters under Hades.

Plan A was very "lucky" to succeed, so the subsequent Plan B, Plan C... can be thrown into the garbage dump.

It was busy until that night, and the first batch of 7 Earth Demon Star Hades Clothes and 4 Sky Star Hades Clothes were also successfully swallowed and merged by Xiao Ming's ghost messenger clone, which was a huge profit.

Because there is a powerful Earth Demon Star in this batch, the other 11 Hades Warriors are not very strong. The combat power is distributed evenly.

What is even more unexpected is that Xiao Ming's ghost messenger clone can be split into two. The main body of the clone stays in the Kuafu Underworld or Kuafu Planet to do its job, and the secondary body of the clone can play games, without delaying either side. Work and games are blooming.

This level can be achieved because Xiao Ming's own strength has been greatly improved after he occupied the world of "Great Sword".

Xiao Ming is so happy now. He can completely let his ghost messenger clone completely replace the 108 Hades Warriors in the game. Let's see what tricks Hades can play.

Happy New Year and all the best.

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