Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 176 The Purpose of the Game

It is true that the total amount of telekinesis of the diver is far greater than that of Xiao Ming. But this statement is not very accurate.

To be more precise: the total amount of telekinesis of the diver appears to be greater in the virtual environment of the game.

The real situation is: in the virtual environment of the game Magic Planet, the telekinesis consumed to achieve the same effect is much less.

At the same time, in order to encourage players to exercise these abilities, the system also opens a certain degree of plug-in for players.

So it seems that the total amount of telekinesis of the player is much greater than in reality. This is an illusion.

For example, Xiao Ming's housekeeper space in the Magic Planet game - Guangmingding is 1,000 times that in reality.

Even the total amount of telekinesis of the character in virtual data is not yet so much. It is purely a backdoor opened by the game system.

The system does this, on the one hand, to give telekinesis users (or other ability users) a certain sweetness and encourage them to continue to work hard in this regard.

On the other hand, it also gives ability users an opportunity to develop new abilities in the game in advance to assist their growth in reality.

Because after adapting in the game, it will be easier to develop and exercise in reality.

This is the case with Xiao Ming. Many times, he first developed new telepathic abilities in the game, and then copied them back to reality.

Originally, Xiao Ming thought that this setting was made by the game's creative team to increase the appeal and fun of the game.

But after experiencing the reincarnation space, and seeing the Reincarnation Alliance, the underworld, and aliens. Zhang Xiaoming now has a new guess.

The main purpose of the game is not only to train and reserve talents for space development.

The deeper purpose is probably to cultivate reincarnations.

You must know that there is almost no magic power, no aura, no force, no chakra, etc. on Pangu Star. There is almost no soil for the growth of supernatural powers.

It's not that supernatural powers cannot be cultivated in reality, but it is extremely hard and difficult. Normal people have given up long ago.

Therefore, the modern civilization of Pangu Star is a technological civilization, and talents suitable for becoming reincarnations in reality are also very rare. (Xiao Ming, who is cheating, does not count.)

Few people will exercise supernatural abilities. Some people just can't get in.

The purpose of the game is to influence more people to learn, exercise, and master supernatural powers through subtle means.

First, teach players how to exercise in the secret realm; - Xiao Ming learned telekinesis in the hunter secret realm.

Then use the virtual environment to cultivate players' interest; - Zhang Wen's telekinesis beast was discovered in the secret realm. His pursuit of telekinesis was also determined at that time.

In this way, the game encourages players to do the same exercise in reality. As long as there is a little progress, the chance of this player being selected by the reincarnation space will be greatly increased.

And don't forget that the plots of some secret realms in the game are the same as those of the reincarnation world, at least there are overlapping parts.

This in turn increases the player's profit and survival rate in the reincarnation world. Think about Xiao Ming's novice world and you will know.

Because he has entered the secret realm of the biochemical crisis once in advance in the game, Xiao Ming knows how to deal with it.

Otherwise, the elimination rate in the biochemical crisis world is not low. Xiao Ming, Xiao Jing'er, and Zhang Wen have little chance of surviving, not to mention brushing points.

Xiao Ming feels that he may have grasped the pulse of the game a little. The Nine-Tailed Fox never mentioned this matter, and it may be that the Nine-Tailed Fox is not very clear.

It seems that there is a high probability that the senior reincarnationists of the New Han Kingdom participated in the production of the game.

If Xiao Ming is a normal new reincarnation, he can basically give up his work, and even give up the main game of the magic planet.

Concentrate most of his energy on brushing various secret realms and increasing his knowledge. This is of great help to the reincarnationists in doing tasks in the reincarnation world.

But Xiao Ming has the status of a VIP. In the reincarnation space, he will neither die nor have tasks to do.

There is no pressure to survive; the rewards are not much different for him. It is just a matter of a little more or less source energy. It can't inspire his enthusiasm at all.

Therefore, Xiao Ming's main focus is still on the game, how to have more fun in the game.

Anyway, at 8 o'clock every night, after the game is over, Xiao Ming has plenty of time to brush the secret realm. (Because Xiao Ming no longer needs to sleep.)

In this way, it seems that Xiao Ming should completely upgrade the hot-blooded Nezha and have a good time in the game.

It can develop and train the ability of mind in advance; it can also enhance the strength in the game.

Even if it is just to make the two Nezha symmetrical, this can be regarded as a sufficient reason.

But Xiao Ming is still indecisive and has difficulty making up his mind to "upgrade" the hot-blooded Nezha.

Because Xiao Ming needs to consider a question: how to reduce the [cognitive dislocation] in the ability of mind?

[Cognitive dislocation] This is a term that Xiao Ming began to come into contact with after playing the Magic Planet game.

The nine-tailed fox once mentioned it to him, and Xiao Ming didn't remember which day it was. Maomao occasionally mentioned this term.

Later, Xiao Ming possessed Zhang Xiaoliang and became a lieutenant in the military. It seems that, probably, and possibly, he has also heard relevant remarks.

The cognitive dislocation they mentioned. It mainly refers to when a person's consciousness is transmitted to various copies.

Due to differences in physical hardware, environment, social relationships, etc., the negative impact on the person's spirit.

Ordinary people will also encounter this phenomenon. For example, some patients will feel that the amputated limbs are still on their bodies after amputation.

They can even feel pain. This brings great trouble to the patient.

Similarly, including Xiao Ming, most people in the Yanhuang Three Star System use consciousness to transmit to operate various replicas. (Simulated intelligent program operation is not counted.)

Human consciousness switches repeatedly between different bodies. Sooner or later, he will have this cognitive dislocation problem.

It may not be seen on the surface, and even he may not be aware of it.

But the subconscious mind has begun to be confused and dislocated. It is unclear what his real body should look like.

This cognitive dislocation has great harm to the human spirit and may even cause great problems. Therefore, it must be treated with caution.

But this kind of harm is very hidden and often shows up in other forms.

For example, mental confusion, lack of concentration, physical fatigue, etc. It is not easy to be discovered.

This problem is more common among races with technological civilization.

Most technological civilizations have studied the topic of consciousness transmission during their development, and most of them have been troubled by the phenomenon of cognitive dislocation.

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