Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 177 The Lucky New Han Kingdom

Most normal technological civilizations will deal with the [consciousness transmission] technology in their development process. It is really useful.

The difference is nothing more than: to be studied, being studied, giving up research, having studied, or having successfully studied...

When starting to study consciousness transmission, each civilization will first taste it for a period of time.

After suffering a certain loss, they will find: What? There is such a thing as [cognitive dislocation]!

Then it takes a long time of exploration, research and experimentation; and pays a considerable price; to find a general solution to this problem.

After that, it is continuous improvement and development from generation to generation.

This is the general process of technological civilization. But the New Han Kingdom was particularly lucky to skip this process.

Because the New Han Kingdom "picked up" the "high" artificial intelligence of alien civilization - the nine-tailed fox.

It also "picked up" a ready-made solution - the research results of alien civilization - [games] and [game warehouses].

Simply put, [games] are to put the player's spirit into virtual bodies, so that players can learn to adapt to this less severe cognitive dislocation.

The sense of dislocation in the game is not as strong as that of consciousness transmission, which can just serve as an intermediate step, step, and threshold.

So the game seems to have become a school for simulation training. On the one hand, it trains talents suitable for consciousness transmission, while also screening out those who are not suitable.

[Game Warehouse] is used to repair the damage received by the player. Both physical and mental damage can be repaired.

Even if the player has adapted to consciousness transmission, he will still suffer a small amount of damage after each use.

If left alone, it may become a big problem over time.

However, we all know that the game warehouse of the magic planet is a combination of game warehouse, medical cabin and hibernation cabin.

Its medical function provides corresponding maintenance work, so that the player can recover before he suffers real damage.

In fact, with the original technological level of the New Han Kingdom, it is still a long way from studying consciousness transmission.

After picking up the nine-tailed fox, he directly obtained a mature method to solve cognitive dislocation. At the same time, he began to study consciousness transmission technology.

Although he has not yet understood and mastered this technology, it has been widely used in games and outer space.

It can be said that the New Han Kingdom straddled several steps in a very strange posture, without fear of the pants splitting.

This kind of luck can only be described as green smoke coming out of the ancestral tomb.

It is said that after the World War, the newly established New Han Kingdom was able to dominate the wreckage of the alien spacecraft, so that it can now look down on the heroes of Pangu Star.

The ancestral tomb of the Great Han Emperor definitely did not just emit a little green smoke, it is estimated that it almost blackened the sky.

We have said before that the current consciousness transmission technology of the New Han Kingdom is actually a technology that uses the quantum communication of the nine-tailed fox to transmit information in a timely and two-way manner.

It is not really possible to separate a person's spirit and then transmit it to another place. That is something that can only be done in the very distant future.

So if there is no game cabin, the player just sits in front of the computer and uses the keyboard and mouse to operate across the screen. There will be no cognitive dislocation at all.

But the New Han Kingdom has obtained the alien game cabin. Immersive game experience, don't be too regretful.

Besides, new technologies will have to be studied sooner or later, and it would be bad to stop eating because of choking.

The senior officials of the New Han Kingdom, the Royal Academy of Sciences, the game creation team, and the Nine-Tailed Fox discussed repeatedly for a long time.

Only then did they decide to make the Magic Planet game into an immersive online game.

While bringing players an unparalleled gaming experience, it also brought the devil of cognitive dislocation.

This is to experiment with the majority of players. Due to the large number of players, there is no way to provide all players with high-end game warehouses.

Therefore, the game warehouses of ordinary players are simplified versions, and there is no function to repair mental damage.

It can only prevent the players' spirit from being truly damaged by timely reminders or even forced players to be kicked out of the game.

For players who are really not used to consciousness transmission, it will take the approach of reducing the players' gaming experience.

Greatly reduce the players' sense of identity with their virtual characters, so that cognition will not be dislocated. It's just that the game is not as fun as before.

If you really find a talent suitable for consciousness transmission, then upgrade his game warehouse under various names.

These "well-intentioned" measures cannot be understood.

The game company makes players hate it with gnashing teeth, and from time to time they are sent a razor blade or something. It was quite unlucky.

Xiao Ming's game cabin was also a simplified version. Although it was enhanced with superpowers, it only activated the quantum communication device and opened the channel for consciousness transmission.

The game cabin did not gain the function of a medical cabin. This was mainly due to hardware reasons. The popular version of the game cabin did not have so many medical parts installed at all.

Even if Xiao Ming wanted to enhance its medical function, it was difficult for a good cook to cook without rice.

Because the channel for consciousness transmission was opened, Xiao Ming not only played the game, but also directly transmitted consciousness several times.

So the nine-tailed fox was also very worried, reminding Xiao Ming several times about the problem of cognitive dislocation, and often paying attention to his mental state.

Maybe it was because the time was too short, or maybe Xiao Ming himself was special, he had never suffered any damage due to cognitive dislocation.

But Xiao Ming thinks: not having been hurt before doesn't mean he can rest easy in the future. If you don't think about the future, you will have immediate worries. You should stop at skr.

In fact, it's mainly because Xiao Ming feels scared deep in his heart. He feels panic for no reason.

This is a bit like the so-called whim in the immortal novels, and cognitive dislocation is also a bit like the inner demon in the immortal novels.

No wonder Xiao Ming backed off. Of course, it may just be that the otaku loser retreats when he encounters difficulties.

After thinking it over, Zhang Xiaoming still backed off. He won't upgrade the hot-blooded Nezha for the time being, and will stabilize for a while.

The diver was doing two things at the same time, dancing gracefully with the six-armed Naga sword technique, while holding the "Overview of Surface Races" and pretending there.

His mind gradually wandered, thinking about the hot-blooded Nezha, cognitive dislocation, nine-tailed fox, aliens...

As he drifted, he didn't know why his attention came to the book in front of him. (After all, his eyes were fixed here.) He gradually read it in.

Humans: Compared with other races, humans have a relatively short lifespan and are quite fragile.

Humans are full of desires and ambitions, and their personalities are complex and varied.

Among all races, humans have the strongest adaptability, and most of them can adapt to the environment where other civilized races can survive.

(The living environment of the sea race, winged race, demon race, undead race, etc. is too special, and it is really difficult for humans to adapt.)

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