Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 178 Brother's Eight Hands

Diver, race: Naga of the Sea Clan. Combat profession: Naga Blademan.

Life profession: Blacksmith of the Sea Clan and Surface Scholar. This is a combination that Xiao Ming actively sought advice from the staff of the Career Hall and chose from them.

This matched a special life skill: Primary Land-Sea Combined Forging. So far, it has rarely been used.

As a surface scholar, the diver also bought himself some books for scholars while doing business these days.

"Introduction to Surface Races" is one of them. The books of the Sea Clan are made of leather from marine creatures. Its quality is even better than the paper books on the surface.

The text in the book is of course Chinese characters. For popular books, the game doesn't have to compile another set of characters.

It is time-consuming and laborious, and it adds unnecessary trouble to the players. That's not for nothing.

However, it was not until today that Xiao Ming read this book for the first time. As he read it, he became a little interested in the views of the Sea Clan on the various races on the surface.

For example, the Sea Clan found that the tastes, moral values, and customs of humans are very different, and they are still developing and changing.

Therefore, they think that humans are a race that does not respect history, traditions, and lacks a long and ancient culture.

However, the sea tribe recognizes that humans have the strongest learning and communication abilities among all races.

Learning ability makes humans strong; communication ability makes the relationship between humans and various races OK.

Therefore, humans often serve as envoys, diplomats, arbitrators, merchants, etc. among various races. This is a positive side.

There are also negative sides. Hypocrites, ambitious people, and tyrants among humans will give other races a headache.

And from this, a general perception of "humans cannot be trusted" is generated. This makes humans generally not have a high reputation among other races. It's really a rat that spoils the whole pot of soup...

Seeing this, a sense of déjà vu lingered in Xiao Ming's head, and it was hard to get rid of it.

Isn't this the most common setting for humans in various fantasy games, comics, and novels?

Oh, I almost forgot that the magic planet was originally a game. It's normal to use this setting.

He closed the book and stopped the Naga sword technique. Xiao Ming was startled, and there were two little heads in front of him.

He looked carefully, and there were two little spectators. They were watching with great interest.

Aren't these Emily and Bobby? When did they come?

The diver's home has become the Temple of Light, but they still came in without hesitation.

They didn't consider whether they would anger the gods at all, and the children were so innocent.

In a place like Gray Rock Town, there are a few 4-armed Nagas in the army, but it is rare to see 6-armed Nagas of level 4-5.

Not to mention watching this Naga perform 6-arm swordsmanship for you. This is a legendary thing among the children in Gray Rock Town.

The children don't know the difference between 4 arms, 6 arms, 8 arms, or even 10 arms. They only know that the more arms a Naga has, the more powerful it is.

At this moment, the diver has 8 arms, and he can dance with a sword while reading a book. Er Xiao doesn't understand, anyway, he looks very powerful.

He has no idea that the diver can't use the 8-arm swordsmanship at all. I have to say that Xiao Ming is very good at pretending.

So it's no wonder that the two little guys are now full of stars in their eyes, admiring the diver brother pretending to be cool.

Emily is just average, she is more looking at the "handsome" guy. Bobby is worshiping him with all his heart.

Octopus is also a multi-armed tribe. This tribe originally worships Naga, and children are even more so. Today, I found out that the diver brother also has eight hands, and the children are very excited.

But the 8-armed Naga and the 8-tentacle octopus like Bobby are completely different concepts. It's almost the difference between Buddha and coal ash.

But what he didn't know was that the 8-armed Naga of the diver was actually a fake, a high-imitation counterfeit.

It's not much better than his coal ash, at most it's a brick.

Seeing the two little guys laughing foolishly, Xiao Ming felt "very" relieved. His mind suddenly became much broader.

To be honest, Xiao Ming has been planning in his mind how to use this 6-arm swordsmanship to get some benefits from the Naga tribe.

But he had no idea about the high-level structure of the sea tribe, and didn't know where to start.

If he ran there rashly, he would probably die without knowing how he died.

Who should he show it to so that the divers can get the most benefits? This is a very complicated question.

Today, Emily and Bobby unexpectedly saw it. And they were very excited. Xiao Ming suddenly realized that he was happiest when he showed it to them.

All those petty things were thrown behind him at once. Coax the child first.

***Speaking of Emily's age and figure, she is no longer a child, but this mermaid girl is sometimes more silly than children like Bobby.

After confirming her eyes, she is just a little girl. Look how beautiful she is, dancing with joy. Calm down, girl, calm down.

...~~((/——)/Alas, Xiao Ming, this slow-witted child, is hopeless. Let's give up.***

So the diver continued to show off deliberately, using his eight arms to perform various unnecessary postures, recombining the six styles of Cloud into a heavy sword.

This caused Emily and Bobby to scream with excitement. Deep down, he strongly despised himself for posing so many shameful postures.

——The scene can be referred to the appearance of the Ginyu Force when they appeared.

Fortunately, no adults took seats in the front row to watch the show, otherwise it would be embarrassing. I had to dig a hole to bury myself.

Xiao Ming inserted the big sword in front of him, opened his hands, and made a cross posture.

At the same time, he consciously controlled the six arms to turn into liquid metal and slowly retract them, turning them into armor covering the upper right body. That momentum was enough to fool the children.

Xiao Ming felt that he was so handsome that he was ridiculous. (lll¬ω¬) He was ridiculous, but he was definitely not handsome, but stupid.

Although this action was very second-rate, Emily and Bobby were even more excited. Seeing that the diver had finished his work, they rushed up together.

Bobby's tentacles came out together and touched the Claude big sword transformed by the hot-blooded Nezha;——Claude's six styles were really handsome, and Xiao Ming was the only second-rate one.

Emily rushed behind the diver to see where the arms had gone; was her brother performing magic?

Xiao Ming had no choice but to respond to the audience's request and transform the Iron Blood Nezha into 6 arms again for Emily to play with.

The little octopus fiddled with the six-style combination knife for a while, but couldn't find the right method. He looked at the diver brother for help.

He found that the metal arm was also very interesting, so he separated 3 tentacles to touch and search.

Fortunately, the Iron Blood Nezha is a universal equipment. Although Xiao Ming can use and sense it, he can barely bear it with such a layer of separation.

... Just touch it for a while... Not finished? ... Forget it, I will withdraw first.

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