Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 179 I also want alchemy

Xiao Ming, who fled to the dead in a panic, was still in a panic.

It was really scary that the naughty kids kept going. I guess my departure also scared them.

Iron-blooded Nezha is a universal equipment in the game. Even if Xiao Ming switched away, the diver still had it. That is to say, the six metal arms will not disappear.

But it was the hot-blooded Nezha who turned into Claude's six-style combination sword. It was Xiao Ming's telekinesis ability. Xiao Ming ran away, and the six-style naturally disappeared.

And the intelligent program that replaced Xiao Ming to operate the diver must not have telekinesis. Bobby who likes the six-style may be disappointed.

As for the troubles left after I ran away, the game system will naturally clean up the mess, and Xiao Ming will not worry about it.

Let's take a look at the development of other characters. The dead has now left Pingnan City and is cleaning up the local map.

Not only did he explore the fog in the local map, picked up various resources, and visited various buildings... In fact, he was taking advantage everywhere, and no one would compete with him anyway.

As for how to deal with the wild monsters in the map, it depends on the IQ of the intelligent program.

Low-level intelligent programs may not attack wild monsters that should be attacked, and may attack those that should not be attacked. Even the whole army may be destroyed.

For this point, it is best for players to set it up in advance. Limit the intelligent program in advance and prohibit it from attacking wild monsters.

However, Xiao Ming does not need to do that. The few intelligent programs he has are at least B-level.

They are very reassuring when they fight autonomously, and sometimes they fight better than Xiao Ming.

As a newbie in the game, Xiao Ming often hesitates. Intelligent programs are much more rational than him.

Besides, the strength of the dead is basically invincible in this map that has just been upgraded from the abandoned land to level 0.

Didn’t you see that the dead didn’t even bring out the newly recruited troops in Pingnan City, and left them all in the city.

And the intelligent program will not leave the current map autonomously. So there is no need to worry about the dead clearing the map.

Unless it is controlled by the player himself, not to mention the intelligent program, even the heroes recruited by Xiao Ming will only move in the current map.

However, the forces under his command are not restricted by the map. For example, Xiao Ming doesn't know where the drunk navy is now.

Xiao Ming can't see the map they explored immediately.

He can only wait until the next time the informant meets the drunkard's family and listen to his report to know where the drunk navy has been and what they have done.

The plot task of the informant is to build three undead cities, and now only one Pingnan City has been built.

There are two ways in front of Xiao Ming: one is to develop Pingnan City and the map where it is located well, and it can accommodate more cities after upgrading.

We all know that this is just for the sake of numbers and it takes too much time. This is still a map that has just been upgraded to level 0. Wait for it to develop - Shi Lezhi.

The first small town of the informant, Funnel Village, has not developed into anything in a week.

Or another method is more reliable, that is, to go out and develop in the next map.

There is a large area of ​​abandoned land nearby, which is enough for the informant to develop.

It is just that developing the abandoned land requires repairing various abandoned buildings; if you want to repair buildings, you need source energy; if you want to use superpowers, Xiao Ming himself must be present.

Moreover, there are very few abandoned buildings left on the surface, most of which are buried underground.

To find them, Xiao Ming must rely on his mind ability-circle. The various magics of the dead are of little use in the current situation.

But how can Xiao Ming have that time now? Well, okay, let's clear the map first.

Without even doing the second reinforcement, Xiao Ming switched away again.

If he had been patient and looked carefully, he would have found that his town and his generals had some special changes.

If he dug carefully, he might receive several plot tasks that he needed to handle personally. Unfortunately, this person who had nothing to do was in a hurry to run away again.

In fact, Xiao Ming had a little feeling, but he felt that things were more troublesome and might delay a lot of time. There are still tasks for the explorers!

Although Xiao Ming came out to relax, he didn't want to delay too long. The task still needs to be done.

So let's talk about the dead later, Xiao Ming slipped away.

(σ'ω')σThe loser attribute is exposed again.

——It is a blessing, not a disaster. If it is a disaster, you can't avoid it. Aren't you afraid that when you come back, people will give you a song of "Liang Liang"?

Xiao Ming, who doesn't know that there will be more trouble in the future, is now crazy and silly, like a husky.

After returning to the explorer, Xiao Ming upgraded the ascetic suit for the second time. And the newly added profession after the upgrade is the alchemist.

If there is no purpose to strengthen, Xiao Ming doesn't know what profession will be strengthened, or even whether the strengthening will be successful.

Simply choose to strengthen in the direction of alchemist, at least we are familiar with this line, and it is suitable for the task at hand.

In fact, Xiao Ming first thought of the necromancer, but unfortunately he tried it and found that it didn't work. The conflict of compatibility is still too great.

He had to settle for the second best and chose the alchemist.

Alchemy·Swordsman·Strong Crossbow Ascetic Suit: Level 1, Level 15, Purple Perfect Inheritance Equipment.

Life +120, Strength +120, Mana +160.

Alchemy·Swordsman·Strong Crossbow Ascetic Rattan Staff: Level 1, Level 15, Purple Perfect Inherited Equipment.

Normal Form: Magic Attack +80. Strong Crossbow Form: Ranged Physical Attack +60. One-Handed Sword Form: Melee Physical Attack +60; Alchemy Tools: Puppet Making Success Rate +45%;

Xiao Ming was of course very happy when the attributes of the suit doubled again. But this alone was not enough to make him a fool.

More importantly: the God of Light blessed him again.

We know that the profession of the ascetic monk is quite special. In principle, every upgrade of the inherited equipment is very difficult.

Because every upgrade represents the person's piety and dedication to the God of Light.

The time required for each business is calculated in years. Without ten or eight years of effort, the ascetic monk suit will not be upgraded.

Of course, this is for NPCs, and the treatment of players is much better. (If it really takes ten years, the players will leave with shrimps.)

As long as you do more difficult tasks in the Temple of Light series and the Ascetic monk series, you may be able to upgrade.

But that is by no means easy, ordinary tasks are definitely useless, and only tasks with high enough difficulty can add points to the God of Light.

Previously, the explorer provided a universal crossbow to the Ascetic Monk Headquarters, but it did not attract the favor of the God of Light. It can be seen that the requirements are very high.

Ordinary players cannot complete such tasks, and professional players also need to be at the level of high-level guild members to complete them.

But the embarrassing thing happened again. These big guys who debuted as C positions would only choose the ascetic profession if they have nothing better to do.

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