Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 180: Less Struggle for a Few Days

Game companies need to understand the mentality of players. Players who are willing to spend money and energy are mostly pursuing the word "satisfaction".

In addition to wanting to make money, professional players also want to be happy. But the profession of the ascetic monk is not fun at all.

The most "driving" feature of this profession is that players have to endure hardships and can't enjoy themselves.

It hurts my heart! Why do professional players work hard to level up and invest a lot of money and energy?

With so many resources, wouldn't it be better for them to choose other professions?

Even if they pursue a small goal of making 100 million first, it is more fun than being an ascetic monk.

Therefore, professional players rarely choose to be ascetic monks, and those who choose to be ascetic monks are mostly losers like Xiao Ming, or naive.

The possibility of ascetic monk players upgrading their suits is also very small. Except for Xiao Ming, who is cheating, there is basically no chance for others.

The game production team also saw this point. The Magic Planet game made corresponding adjustments during production.

For the ascetic players who upgraded their suits to high-level, the system naturally increased the rewards given by the God of Light.

The game company must have released this news in a subtle way to let high-end players know.

So Xiao Ming cannot say that he has no competitors at all. It's just that the difference is too big.

It's only the 8th day since the server was launched, and Xiao Ming's suit has been upgraded three times, reaching the purple perfect level.

This is a bit too bullying! Why don't you go to heaven?

So, what kind of reward made Xiao Ming become a fool in a second? Let's talk about it one by one.

The God of Light did not give any rewards for the previous two upgrades. This was just a test. God will never forget the efforts of players.

So this time it is equivalent to the rewards accumulated three times at once. ——Of course, the third one must account for the largest proportion.

The experience reward of the first item is scary.

The ascetic of the combat profession of the explorer jumped 5 levels and skipped the upgrade task and the job transfer task, and directly became a level 2 hero.

It's good to have a generous boss, and you can fight less for several days.

We have said before that when a task rewards a lot of experience and the player's level is close to an integer, the system will generally automatically adjust.

Reduce some other rewards (usually gold coins) and give a little more experience. Let the player reach an integer level, everyone is happy.

But this time the situation of the explorer is just the opposite. The experience is too, special, good, old, thief, too much.

Because the Ascetic suit above the perfect level is already at the level of a hidden task. It is not prepared for players at level 1 at all.

According to the calculation of the system, the fastest player to complete this hidden task is level 3 or 4.

Maybe it will never be completed. The requirements of the Ascetic are really tricky.

The system intends to let players at level 4 upgrade by 1 or 2. Calculate how much experience that is!

As a result, the big gift package "Duang~" from the sky hits the explorer.

What should I do? The system is also helpless. No one wants to meet a pervert. But it can't let the explorer soar so many levels at once.

We had to use various methods to distribute this reward according to the pre-set balance mechanism.

First, the explorer skipped the task of upgrading to level 2. Every time the player upgrades, the system will interrupt him and do a task.

In fact, if you pay close attention, when you reach an integer level, the experience required for that level will be more than normal.

But the task of upgrading to level 2 cannot be too difficult. So this did not share much.

So the system let the explorer skip the task of changing jobs to heroes. (Regardless of whether the player is willing to be a hero.)

And rewards were given according to the evaluation of perfectly completing the job change task. This shared a lot.

Let the explorer directly become a blue hero of level 0. And give the explorer very good talents and initial attributes.

——When the explorer is upgraded to level 2, the ascetic heritage equipment is also upgraded. This is the characteristic of heritage equipment.

There is still some experience left, and the system, in the name of the God of Light, also upgrades the explorer's spirit pet-Xiaobai to level 2.

Some people may think that the God of Light did this a bit unrefined.

After the explorer reaches level 2, he can use his faith points to exchange for a level 2 pet. There is no need to spend the rewards of the God of Light on Xiaobai.

Of course, it is not just that. If Xiaobai reaches level 2 in this way, can he still be an ordinary level 2 pet?

Spirit Dog Xiaobai: Spirit Pet; Level: Level 2, Level 0;

Combat Skills: Possession, Holy Light Bullet, Multiple Holy Light Bullet, Holy Light Cannon.

After reaching level 2, Xiaobai's original skill effects have been significantly improved.

Using the Possession skill, the temporary attribute improvement obtained by the explorer is doubled:

Physical attributes (strength, constitution, agility) +4 each; mental attributes (intelligence, spirit) +8 each.

Holy Light Bullet is also enhanced as Xiaobai's magic attack is improved.

The two newly added skills are easier to understand. Multiple Holy Light Bullet is to send out multiple light balls at a time. (The more proficient the skill, the more light balls are successfully sent out.)

Holy Light Cannon is to send out a Holy Light Cannonball with the power of 10 Holy Light Bullets. (This skill is a gift from the God of Light, and ordinary tier 2 pets don't have it.)

After all, Xiaobai is a buy-one-get-one-free gift, so it's about right to upgrade to this level.

The main course is still the Explorer.

First of all, the Explorer's various data have been greatly improved.

Up to level 2, the ratio of attribute conversion and the bonus of equipment have changed significantly.

The Ascetic Set not only doubled the original attributes, but also added two new attributes of physical defense and magic defense.

(Finally, it looks like a bit of armor.)

The Ascetic Cane is the same. While most attributes are doubled, physical damage and magic damage bonuses are added.

Although the two data of physical damage and magic damage have not been seen on the panel before, they have actually always been there and are hidden information.

When the player was still at level 1, they were temporarily blocked by the system.

And the system blocked not only these two data, but also many more.

They will be revealed one by one as the player's level increases.

In fact, many players have doubts that the damage caused by oneself in battle is not one's own attack minus the opponent's defense.

Considering the previous game of this game "Hero Continent". Everyone has also speculated that there is probably a data called "damage".

After level 2, it is finally confirmed that there is indeed this data.

Whether it is players, NPCs, including soldiers, creatures, wild monsters, etc., they are all counted. Each individual has a basic damage value.

Then, based on the difference in attack and defense between the enemy and us, factors such as skill bonus are not considered.

The maximum damage caused by an individual's normal attack is 4 times the basic damage value.

The minimum is 0 points. There is no minimum mandatory damage of 1 point in this game. This means that the boss will be more difficult to fight.

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