Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 213: Pulling the Map

Xiao Ming came to Kuhn Chamber of Commerce in Sayid's image, just to see if he could successfully impersonate this half-orc.

The ancient transformation technique is really amazing. The half of Sayid's memory before his death can indeed allow researchers to impersonate each other more smoothly.

Because memory is something that most people remember more clearly the more important things are.

What they forget are those things that are not so important. Xiao Ming can completely make excuses and say that he forgot for a moment.

After walking around the Chamber of Commerce twice, I found that there was really no problem. The guy caught by Li Huamei is very suitable to be impersonated. The admiral is wise and powerful.

Because Sayid is not very capable, but he has someone above him. The presidents of the branch here are not willing to take care of him.

As long as Sayid does his job well every week, he can do whatever he wants in the rest of the time. The Chamber of Commerce will not give this useless person any tasks.

Although Sayid has a bad character, he often causes trouble in Xinluo City.

But aren't all half-orcs like this? Others are no less troublesome than Sayid.

In comparison, because Sayid is small and looks strong but is weak, he never causes big trouble.

The Chamber of Commerce coaxes him, not many people are really afraid of him, and no one will take the initiative to provoke him.

These are all good things for Xiao Ming, so that the researcher will have no pressure to pretend to be Sayid.

But there are also bad aspects. How to describe Sayid's temper? He is very much like a playboy of the human race, spending money lavishly.

Originally, Green Xiaoming came to the Chamber of Commerce to see how much assets Sayid has. Will there be anything useful in it.

It turned out that Sayid is a negative asset. The salary of the Chamber of Commerce has been overdrawn for half a year.

The Chamber of Commerce cannot let him take money casually, so his overdraft limit is half a year. If he wants to get his salary, he will have to wait until next month.

However, Sayid is now the transformation of the researcher, so he can use the gold coins of the researcher, that is, Xiao Ming. That is more than 300,000.

There are also many good things in the branch, and the prices are not high. They are all stolen goods, so the price is a little different.

But Xiao Ming definitely doesn't dare to buy it now. It's normal for Sayid to have no money, but if he has money, something bad will happen. He doesn't want to arouse suspicion.

So Green Xiao Ming took advantage of Sayid's skin, showed off his power, and forcibly took away three alchemy-related drawings and formulas.

The half-orcs in the Chamber of Commerce were too lazy to bother with him.

Green Xiao Ming returned to the inn and quickly checked the three drawings. One of them was a 2nd-level puppet drawing that he saw with the corner of his eye.

I didn't look carefully at what it was at the time. Now I can see clearly that it is a wooden orc puppet drawing using a big stick.

Puppets are not all in human form, there are also orc forms, elf forms, etc.

But the orc form puppet drawings are not as easy to use as other forms.

Although orcs are indeed taller and stronger than humans, this is the result of blood. Puppets are not supported by blood.

So orc form puppets are just bigger and more material-consuming than human form puppets. The combat power will not be stronger.

Therefore, only the orcs like this kind of puppet. Because the orcs are short, they hope to use a bigger puppet to scare others.

Of course, this information was told to Xiao Ming by Lin Shen, the general under the researcher, and other players don’t know it yet. You can make a fortune in advance.

Besides, it is at least a level 2 blueprint, and the experience of making it will be higher. As for wasting more materials, it is not a problem for Xiao Ming.

However, the researcher cannot learn this blueprint for the time being, as he is not yet level 2. This blueprint is prepared for the explorer.

The other two blueprints are the formula of the level 1 life potion (red bottle); the other is the blueprint for making a level 1 spear. Neither is suitable for the researcher.

Green Xiaoming first used the fine research technique on the three blueprints, and the three times the researcher’s own cartographer experience increased. The luck is not very good.

Green Xiaoming sighed and stuffed the three blueprints into the Bright Summit.

Then he ran to the Temple of Light in Xinluo City and teleported to the adventure map.

In order to keep the transformation secret, the researcher had to spend money to rent a separate teleportation room.

After transforming back to the appearance of the researcher, he teleported again.

The task of making puppets on the strategic map was completed, but the task of making puppets on the adventure map was not yet completed.

Remember? He had a deal with the elves in Danshan City, and he had to deliver a certain number of puppets every week. So he had to continue to work hard.

But that was the matter of the intelligent program, and Xiao Ming quickly switched to the diver.

The diver was very deserted, and he was the only one in the Temple of Light. This was beyond Xiao Ming's expectations.

Yesterday, he demonstrated the Naga swordsmanship in the Temple of Light and was seen by Emily and Bobby.

At that time, he felt that Emily was still hard to say, but Bobby would definitely tell it out loud. Shouldn't this matter cause a little reaction?

Or is it that the reaction arc of the sea people is generally very long, and it will take a few days to react?

And don't the sea people have curiosity? There was suddenly a Temple of Light in Graystone Town. Why is there no reaction?

I can't figure it out... I'll think about it later.

The diver learned the spear blueprint. Although the diver is a sea race blacksmith, he has a special life skill: sea and land combined forging.

So the diver can learn the blacksmith blueprints of the sea race, as well as the blacksmith blueprints of the land race, and then forge the sea and land materials interchangeably.

Having just learned the blueprint, Green Xiaoming is eager to try and use the materials from the seabed to make a spear.

The blacksmiths on the seabed are very different from those on land. Not only are the materials used different.

Because it is impossible to light a fire or melt metal on the seabed, the blacksmiths of the sea clan use forging techniques similar to alchemy to make things.

Of course, a certain degree of hammering is still required, so forging on the seabed also requires a special forging room.

Not wanting the sea clan to find out that the diver has a special forging technique, Xiaoming spent money to build a forging room in the Temple of Light.

For such things, you need to hire an engineering team in reality; in the game, there are generally some procedures and you also need to hire someone to build it.

Only in the temple is it different. The temple is the private property of the god. As long as you donate enough gold coins (10,000) to the god, the god can directly grant you a forging room.

Ding ding dong dong, ding ding dong dong... This is the first time that Xiaoming/the diver has used the sea-land forging technique openly on the seabed.

In the past, I always forged objects in the fishman blacksmith shop because of confidentiality.

Only when the old fishman blacksmith confirmed that he was not there, the diver would occasionally use special techniques. There was never any surprise.

Today, I can finally try it out. Xiao Ming first forged a few spears with materials on land according to the drawings of the spear to practice.

After feeling more proficient, the diver took out the materials of the sea clan and started the sea-land combination forging technique...

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