Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 214 Octopus Coolie

"Good!" Xiao Ming blurted out.

"Does it look good?" Xiao Jing'er, who was standing in front of the dressing mirror and trying on clothes, said in confusion, "The color of this one doesn't match? Brother, your taste has deteriorated."

"Oh, no, I..." Xiao Ming, who was shopping with his sister, hesitated and finally changed his words, "I was a little dazzled just now."

"Really?" Xiao Jing'er looked at herself in the mirror again. "Well, forget it. I'll go change another one."

Silver Xiao Ming supported his forehead and thought it was a close call. He actually said "good" for the game.

He didn't dare to confess this to Xiao Jing'er, although she knew that she was playing games with two minds.

But if she felt unhappy, envious, jealous and hateful, wouldn't it be him who was unlucky? Xiao Ming, who was carrying several bags in his hands, was also helpless.

Green Xiao Ming's land and sea combined forging technique, this time encountered a very small probability, and obtained a spear with special attributes.

Blue fine spear: 1st level adventure equipment. Physical attack +38, poison attack +5.

The special attribute is this poison attack +5. The poison attack not only causes damage, but also has a chance to poison the enemy. It is a good special attribute.

In the future, Xiao Ming will naturally find that one of the most common special attributes of the land-sea forging technique is poison attack.

Because of the exchange of materials, in theory, the original enemy will not adapt to the new materials and will react with poison. (In fact, it is a system setting.)

The appearance of a good thing will not make Xiao Ming cheer loudly.

The main reason is that because of the special attribute equipment forged this time, the system rewarded a sum of experience and pushed the 1st level 14 diver to level 15.

All attributes have been improved. This made Xiao Ming happy to cheer.

He also used super powers to strengthen the diver's equipment twice. Improve some combat power again.

Because it is a new week, Xiao Ming plans to find Emily to pick up things in the [Shipwreck Land].

It is really a treasure land there. In addition to salvaging money and treasures. There are many things that are waste to others, but Xiao Ming can use.

For example, corpses can be used to tell the dead. Xiao Ming can repair the sunken ship with any character.

Although Xiao Ming's four characters cannot use the ship for the time being. Explorers and informants are in inland areas;

Researchers are impersonating others' identities and are not suitable for using ships for the time being; Divers are underwater and do not need ships at all.

Even the ships that were moved last time are still piled up in Guibei Mountain City and have not been moved.

But these are all wealth! The smallest of these shipwrecks in the shipwreck area are medium-sized ships, and even large ships can be moved this time.

Although Xiao Ming has not thought about how to cash them out. But moving a few more ships will definitely not hurt.

So Xiao Ming went to the Gray Rock Town military camp with the small goal of earning 100 million yuan.

Can't go out without a mercenary like last time. Almost died outside, this time it must be fully staffed.

In fact, the road was familiar last time, and the danger level this time is much lower. But Xiao Ming is still unwilling to take risks, safety first.

The sea tribe military camp in Gray Rock Town is actually a large flat ground on the seabed.

Just use some rocks and randomly build a few things that look like houses, and that's the barracks. It's really sloppy.

When coming from a distance, Xiao Ming saw that the barracks were probably full of shrimp soldiers and fishmen.

When he came closer, he saw the training instructor of the barracks - a level 3 fishman riding a seahorse.

The diver came forward to greet him. In fact, low-level sea creatures don't have any etiquette to speak of, just nodding to each other.

Green Xiao Ming directly stated his purpose: "I want to hire some soldiers."

The fishman looked up and down at the diver for a long time, with a weird smile on his face, as if he had found something interesting.

"Diver, because you have the title of "Ancient Octopus's Toy", your authority to hire soldiers is somewhat limited."

"What?" The diver had a question mark on his face. This unlucky title can also play tricks on such things?

"According to the rules, you can only hire soldiers from the octopus tribe or soldiers from your own tribe, the Naga tribe."

Seeing that the diver didn't seem to react, the fishman instructor gloated and said the key point:

"We can't hire Naga warriors here, and the octopus tribe only has 0-level octopus coolies. Do you want it? Hahaha."

At the end, he couldn't help but laughed out loud.

This instructor's character is problematic. Is he so happy?

Xiao Ming complained in his heart, but he still had to hire. 0-level coolies are 0-level coolies.

Green Xiao Ming hired 14 0-level octopus coolies, temporarily packed in the green tent.

Coming to Emily's jewelry store, Emily was buying some rags from sea children.

Seeing the diver coming, it was as if she saw a savior, "Brother, you are finally here, give me money quickly."

The mermaid sister packed up all the rags she had saved, including these children, and sold them to the diver.

Looking at her holding the gold coins, she looked happy. Xiao Ming thought Emily would be a money-grubber when she grows up.

When the shipwreck was mentioned, Emily responded enthusiastically. She said she made a lot of money last time. She closed the store and set off immediately.

These children also clamored to go with her, but they were frightened by Emily's glaring eyes and shrank back.

This is not just a metaphor. Several sea creatures with shells did shrink back into their shells.

The journey is long and dangerous, so how could I take them with me?

Lu Xiaoming didn't dare to switch roles. Emily still needs protection, and she can't do without her own circle.

While Lu Xiaoming and Emily were on the road, Yin Xiaoming and his sister were squeezing in a discount cosmetics store.

Xiaoming hates crowded places the most, and Xiaojing'er doesn't like it either.

But this brand of cosmetics is very popular, and it's rare to be discounted, so why not grab it.

Xiaoming had to do his best to protect his sister. Xiaoming has telekinesis, so it's not difficult to protect Xiaojing'er. Just wrap the two of them with a layer of telekinesis.

Places with a lot of people will be more chaotic, and some people with ulterior motives will squeeze in.

Xiaoming's circle was always open, and after a while, he found 3 pickpockets and 5 people who deliberately took advantage of girls. There were 7 people in total, and one of them was both a pickpocket and a pervert.

Although he rarely encountered this, Xiaoming used to ignore such things. He was really cowardly and didn't dare to care.

These people were gangs, and if they were not careful, they would be bitten back, and it would be three points deep in their bones.

Now, Xiao Ming can manage without showing his face. Telekinesis - ricochet.

When these seven people were about to do something bad, they were hit by small stones flying from nowhere. It hurts to the bone!

Xiao Ming's attack was really heavy, and the pain will not heal for several days. And those companions who covered them, Xiao Ming did not let any of them go.

No matter how much they pretended, under the cover of telekinesis, all their life energy was exposed to Xiao Ming.

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