Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 241: Death of Cypher

The traitor Cypher died, killed by the tank left behind on the spaceship pulling out the tube.

In the original plot, Cypher would rush back to the Nebuchadnezzar after this operation.

He first attacked the remaining tank and Doser and took control of the spaceship. Then he had a long argument with Trinity.

And he killed Su Weiqi and Aba by pulling out the tube. Finally, he was killed by the seriously injured tank.

***In the secret realm of the Matrix, a person's spirit or soul needs to be connected to the mother body with a catheter.

When a person's soul is still in the mother body, once the tube is pulled out, it is equivalent to cutting off the connection between the soul and the body, and the person will die instantly.

This technology is quite high-end. This is the real introduction of human souls into the game world.

Even in the Magic Planet game, this technology has not been realized. It can only be used to calculate the game world for players through information transmission.

Xiao Ming also doesn't know what the truth is about this technology that separates the soul from the body in a limited way in the reincarnation world of the Matrix.

Did they really use technology to temporarily separate a person's soul from the body?

Or did they just do it on the surface? In fact, it was the reincarnation space behind that controlled people's life and death.

If it was the former, Xiao Ming would have to think about how to learn this technology. ***

This time, Cypher failed to reproduce his original glory. Since Xiao Ming had already reminded Morpheus.

So Morpheus also paid special attention to Cypher's actions. He did find it suspicious.

Therefore, before this large-scale operation, Morpheus specifically instructed the remaining tanks to pay close attention to Cypher's behavior.

If there was a problem, he could kill first and report later. The overall situation of the human resistance was not optimistic, and Morpheus did not dare to take too much risk.

When Cypher secretly dialed the number on his mobile phone and threw it into the trash can. Tank could confirm that he was a traitor.

Under Morpheus's instructions, Tank pulled out Cypher's tube. Cypher died.

Always died in his hands, Tank was also Cypher's natural enemy.

After getting rid of the traitor, everyone met the prophet smoothly. Neo got some pointers, and each reincarnationist got something.

Xiao Ming didn't see what the other reincarnationists got from the prophet.

What he got was "the Force". It can also be called mental power or telekinesis. The last name is very similar to telekinesis, but it is very different in essence.

The skill of the Force is to use mental power to interfere with the real world.

Simple mental power can move objects, complex mental power can change other people's thoughts, and even predict the future.

In this way, it is not much different from other power systems. These effects can also be achieved by other power systems.

Telekinesis, magic, ninjutsu, etc. can actually do it. It's just that their skills are different and their emphases are not exactly the same.

But Xiao Ming has just come into contact with the Force and has just opened his mind. He knows nothing about the various skills of the Force.

Now he can barely use mental power to move small objects such as cups.

However, Xiao Ming deeply feels that the extraordinaryness of the Force has infinite potential.

And once it is integrated with his other power systems, it will definitely produce amazing chemical reactions.

Just when Xiao Ming was happily imagining the future in his heart,

The group was on the street and was suddenly attacked from all sides.

Murphys was shot several times and fell to the ground instantly. The others scattered like birds and beasts.

The death of the traitor stimulated computer agent Smith. He launched the most powerful investigation. Finally, he found Murphys and his group.

A sudden attack took down Murphys in one fell swoop. The others were immediately in danger.

There is no doubt that this is the need of the plot. Smith must capture Murphys. These two guys with the "S" generation are probably incompatible.

Faced with a large number of police blockades and the appearance of multiple computer agents. Everyone can only flee separately.

5 temporary reincarnations, 5 plot characters. Just team up one by one. Each reincarnation protects a plot character.

The difficulty of protecting different plot characters must be different. Protecting Neo is naturally the most difficult task.

Several reincarnations also rushed to take other tasks, each following a plot character, and naturally left Neo to Xiao Ming.

The pursuers Neo faces are definitely the strongest, but the other reincarnations are not framing Xiao Ming.

They know that the strength of the [Leader] is the strongest among the few. Instead, they are worried that the Leader will snatch the mission from them, so they left the mission with the highest reward empty.

We are so sensible, you won't snatch this little bit of leftovers from us, right?

As for the danger, this little danger is not worth mentioning to the Leader at all.

And secretly, these people have some tricks, hoping that the Leader will capsize in the gutter. This is unknown.

Even if there is, it is just human nature.

Xiao Ming caught up with Neo with a few leaps, and fled into a building with him.

Agents Brown and Jones chased closely. The strongest Smith was responsible for escorting Murphys and did not participate in the subsequent pursuit.

It is difficult to escape the sight of the police on the street, and several characters in the plot ran to crowded places at the same time.

The other few people are experienced and ran directly to those places with building clusters. It is easy to escape.

Neo was a novice in this regard and rushed into a skyscraper.

Although there are many rooms here, it is very suitable for playing hide-and-seek. However, there are too few exits, so it is easy to be blocked and then caught in the trap.

After entering the skyscraper, Xiao Ming waved and threw two telekinetic bombs, which blew down the door.

Countless frightened passers-by desperately ran out of the building through the blasted exits. Temporarily blocking the way of the group of police.

After pushing and shoving with the frightened crowd for a long time, the police had lost the trace of Neo and Xiao Ming.

Only Brown and Jones could not be stopped. They just found someone in the building to possess, changed into their own appearance, and quickly chased up.

Neo and Xiao Ming had to climb the stairs quickly. The two computer agents followed closely.

When they climbed to the 6th floor, they were stopped by Xiao Ming's special forces clones.

Xiao Ming was in the mother body. Although others could not see the telekinetic beast, it was impossible to hide it from the mother body's agents.

There was no chance to attack by surprise, but if you want to catch people, you have to get past them first. So the special forces and the agents started fighting.

Tai Chi can bring peace to the world; Bajiquan can determine the fate of the world.

The two computer agents were unlucky. The special forces Brown met knew Tai Chi; the special forces Jones met knew Bajiquan.

For a while, both agents were in a tough fight.

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