Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 242: A near miss

Taijiquan overcomes hardness with softness and controls movement with stillness. It fits Xiao Ming's personality very well.

Therefore, the special forces clone who uses Taijiquan becomes more and more skilled. He exerts 70% of his original strength from 50%.

Agent Brown, who fought against him, lost his temper after being beaten.

It's not that he was beaten badly, on the contrary, he was not hit at all.

But no matter what, he just couldn't break into the clone's defense range, and Brown became more and more upset.

Fortunately, he is just a computer program, otherwise he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Bajiquan is simple and unpretentious, and the force is swift. It is very explosive.

The blow is very fierce, even with the initial 50% of the strength, it is enough to kill people.

At the beginning, the clone used this technique to beat Agent Jones very miserably.

Unfortunately, this boxing style is not in line with Xiao Ming's temperament, and the clone always shows mercy at critical moments.

It was not intentional, but seeing that the opponent was already beaten badly, he gave up the pursuit.

As a result, the opponent had a chance to breathe, so Agent Jones could barely hold on.

If the fight continued like this, the two agents would be dead.

"Bang, bang, bang" the police finally came, and seeing this, they immediately opened fire on the two special forces clones.

The chakra and telekinesis attached to the clones really couldn't withstand the strong firepower.

In a hurry, the Tai Chi clone entangled Agent Brown, and together they faced the concentrated fire of the police, and both died;

The level 8 boxing clone no longer held back, and attacked Agent Jones frantically, and finally after a punch smashed the opponent's heart, he was also shot and killed.

It was just that the corner of the eye saw that the two dead computer agents quickly turned into two other faces.

And the two policemen also turned into Brown and Jones after a stroke-like twitch. Damn! Die with eyes open.

After the two clones disappeared, Lu Xiaoming also saw everything with the help of Yuan. (`へ) Humph, what the hell!

In fact, Morpheus and others had told Xiao Ming several times about the indestructible characteristic of the computer agent.

But now that he saw it with his own eyes, he was still very upset. You are blatantly cheating.

It's hard for Xiao Ming to shamelessly say that about others, he himself is the real cheater.

At this time, Neo had already returned to reality. The two special forces held the computer agent back, giving Xiao Ming and others enough time.

The two quickly found a room with a phone, and Tank and the others quickly connected the line. Neo retreated.

Xiao Ming waited for a long time, wanting to see what the result would be when the special forces clones fought against the computer agent.

Although Xiao Ming was a little unhappy, the effect was actually quite good. The two special forces clones and the computer agent were evenly matched, and even slightly better.

Can you ask for more? The result of their battle was much better than if Xiao Ming fought by himself.

Xiao Ming easily saved Neo and returned to the Nebuchadnezzar. At this time, Aba and Su Weiqi had also withdrawn.

The two temporary reincarnations who covered their retreat both lost their lives on the way.

And these two reincarnations also withdrew from this world. It seems that they gave up the next mission.

Maybe it was intentional. They must have a self-resurrection stone with a score of 10.

It was used in exchange for the success of this mission, and the loss was compensated, so it was not a pity.

The score of this mission was enough for them to buy another resurrection stone. In addition, the skills and prophet upgrades that had been downloaded were earned in vain.

This random invitation mission was very cost-effective for the two of them. If they stayed, it would actually be more cost-effective.

But there were no resurrection stones, and the two temporary reincarnations did not dare to take risks.

In front of the computer of the Nebuchadnezzar, Xiao Ming and several other people watched the show together to see if others could come back.

You don’t know until you see it, and you will be shocked when you see it. Kraken, you are so powerful, do your family know?

Kraken actually drove a mecha warrior in the mother's womb and escaped with Trinity.

From time to time, it fired small missiles backwards, blowing up the computer agent who was chasing it.

Moreover, the mecha was powerful and quickly took Trinity to the dark. Not long after, the two returned to reality.

After returning, Kraken kept complaining about the loss. He was forced to use up the last use right of the summoning mecha scroll.

Xiao Ming didn't know how to comfort him. The old doesn't go, the new doesn't come. Is it okay to say that? Will he be beaten?

The last one is Yijian Guanghan Zhao Jiuzhou, and the plot character he chose to protect is Maus.

Maus should have been the first plot character to die, but this time he successfully survived.

This brother Zhao Jiuzhou, relying on the downloaded motorcycle driving skills and a modified motorcycle, managed to escape with Maus.

This buddy is really good. He completed the task without showing off.

So far, all 5 plot characters have been rescued by the reincarnation. The main mission of the second stage of the Reincarnationists was a great success.

They all gained a lot of contribution points. It is better to exchange them for skills immediately on the spaceship than to save them for the last reward.

The skills downloaded here are much cheaper than those in the Reincarnation Space.

Maus took the remaining three Reincarnationists to exchange skills. The others were discussing how to deal with Morpheus's situation.

Xiao Ming got the right to download another major skill. Of course, people who can easily deal with two computer agents are highly valued and rewarded.

This time, Xiao Ming chose to download the basic mechanical manufacturing technology.

There are actually many skills that can be downloaded, and there are not a few that are suitable for Xiao Ming. It's just that Xiao Ming rarely likes this technology.

Originally, hidden weapons, weapons, archaeology, language, hypnosis, and other abilities are also very useful.

However, Xiao Ming's favorite is still this mechanical manufacturing. He still has the dream of Transformers. And it's even more passionate.

There is everything in the reincarnation space. Just now I saw the appearance of a mecha, maybe there will really be Transformers.

Don't say it, Xiao Ming really guessed it right. Although the Transformers in the reincarnation space are those produced in the United States in the Earth culture.

Rather than the huge transformable metal robots in the Pangu Star culture that Xiao Ming imagined.

Because of the same language and the same race, everyone uses the name Transformers, which should be understandable.

After the three reincarnations downloaded the skills, they received the next task prompt:

Mainline Task 3, assist Neo and others to rescue Morpheus; help the savior awaken.

The three reincarnations gathered together and whispered.

This task seems easy, but it actually contains mysteries.

Rescuing Morpheus is easy, it can be done by force. As long as he is not dead, there is a way.

But helping the savior awaken, what kind of task is this?

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