Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 398: Zerg Conquest

Among all the affairs in the "real world", the most difficult thing is to choose a location for Lu Xiaoming to build a nest.

It's not that this matter is difficult, it's not difficult at all. But it's completely a painstaking effort. It takes a long time of careful search to achieve it.

First, the new nest cannot be too close to the territory of other masters. The birthplace of the insect king is the jurisdiction of a 6th-level lower (B-) insect master.

It has been less than a week since he left that jurisdiction. The insect king only flew a small area on the back of the flying dragon. The universe is really too vast.

Don't think that Xiaoming's scanning map has always been invincible in the game, in the secret realm, and in reality.

That's because if Xiaoming's mental scanning is fully exerted, it is enough to cover the surface of the planet. It is enough to use in these environments.

However, in the universe, the area that Xiaoming can scan is actually thousands or tens of thousands times larger than the volume of Pangu Star.

But this space is still just a little bit in the huge space. That is, a spherical range that can include the [Guyue System].

The average distance between Pangu and the moon is 380,000 kilometers. Thirty Earths can be placed side by side, or the other seven planets in the solar system can be placed side by side.

This distance is quite vast in human terms, but it is just a little bit in space. This shows the difficulty of the Zerg King's search.

Second, the new nest needs to have sufficient material support. In other words, it should be in a place with more asteroids. It would be even better if there were large planets.

Theoretically, it is possible to build a Zerg nest in space. As long as it is inside the sheltered zone, the fog can provide energy for the queen.

But the speed is quite limited, and it may take hundreds or thousands of years to build a nest. How can Xiao Ming wait for this?

Let alone Xiao Ming, a Zerg who changed his career halfway, even if he is a real Zerg, he will not do such an inefficient thing unless it is absolutely necessary.

At least find an asteroid group to mine some resources. It would be even better if there are biological resources nearby.

Third, the Overlord needs to subdue enough subordinates. There are a large number of ownerless Zergs among the Zerg. They usually build small communities around the ownerless queen.

Some of these communities live in settled places, while others drift in space. They are completely led by the queen. This kind of community is actually the most basic composition structure of the Zerg.

The mental power of the queen is generally only around level 3-5, and her leadership ability is not as good as that of the master.

So unless she is about to become the master, most queens also hope to have a master to lead them. This is the instinct of the Zerg.

So far, except for the ten flying dragons given by the original master, the Zerg King has not conquered other Zerg. There is still a long way to go to build a nest.

As a good middle-aged man in the new era, Xiao Ming said that the two civilizations should be caught together.

In terms of material civilization, Lu Xiaoming actively prepared to build a nest; in terms of spiritual civilization, he also entered the ocean of mental power from time to time to "travel".

Even if nothing is found, this search is actually a good exercise.

After [Spirit Shield], Xiao Ming found another crucial mental skill - [Zerg Conquer].

As the name suggests, this skill is used to conquer Zerg creatures. This is the most basic skill of a master. Without this skill, the master cannot establish his own power.

If it is a Zerg native master, the first skill he learns will basically be this one. It's just that Xiao Ming's soul is an outsider, and his fate is probably not compatible.

If it weren't for the Zerg King being too picky, he might have lost the opportunity to learn [Zerg Conquer] because he had already learned 6 mental skills.

The two Xiao Mings wiped a cold sweat together. It's hard to say whether this is a coincidence or a trap in the spirit sea itself.

I almost lost the ability to build a Zerg nest inadvertently. If this is not a coincidence, hum! The Zerg sages are really good.

Generally speaking, the skill [Zerg Conquer] is used to conquer the ownerless Zerg. In fact, you can also use it to subdue the Zerg that has an owner, but doing so is tantamount to declaring war on the original master of the Zerg. After winning, as long as you have the ability, you can even use this skill to subdue the master you defeated.

But it is not easy to subdue the master. With so much mental power, it is better to subdue more Zerg troops.

When Xiao Ming used Zerg Subjugation on these 10 dragons. He deeply realized how powerful a skill he almost missed.

In the past, Xiao Ming established a mental connection with these dragons, and these dragons obeyed him. But that was just the instinct of the Zerg, and the lower will obey the orders of the upper.

This does not mean that these dragons are Xiao Ming's iron subordinates. If two masters appear at the same time, these dragons will obey the command of the stronger one.

Only after using Zerg Subjugation on them, these dragons really become Xiao Ming's private troops.

Not only are they easier to command, they can even go to war with other masters for Xiao Ming.

At the same time, Xiao Ming also felt that there was a limit to the number of Zerg he could conquer. It was just that the number was quite large.

This was very similar to the command power in the Magic Planet game. I must study it in the future.

[Zerg Evolution Needle]: This is the skill of Tianxianxing Zhang Shu in Xiao Ming's [General Star Record].

Zhang Shu is only a 6th level insect general, not yet a 7th level guard. But his ranking in the General Star Record is higher than Zhang Zhong.

It is because of the mind ability he has cultivated - [Insect Evolution Needle].

Relying on oviparous to reproduce the race is too hard. When in the Xianjian world, Xiao Ming sent this topic to the insects to think about.

A insect general came up with the wonderful solution of [Insect Evolution Needle]. He was rewarded by Xiao Ming and was named Zhang Shu (imitating Xu Shu).

All insects have a straw that can pop out at the tip of their tails. Since they can absorb, they can also output.

This skill is to use the structure of insects to inject genetic information from the tail into other living organisms, mix their original genes and transform them into insects. It is called evolution.

This transformation process has certain risks. Bodies below level 2 generally cannot withstand the transformation of insects.

The transformed insects may not obey because they retain their original memories.

And in terms of strength, they are not as easy to learn telekinesis, magic, microcosm and other abilities as the egg-laying insects.

But even with these shortcomings, Xiao Ming still appreciates this ability very much and has included it in the General Star Record.

To be honest, spitting out more than 20,000 eggs in the Locking Demon Tower almost made Xiao Ming collapse. With this skill, he will be liberated in the future.

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