Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 399: Insect Man Evolution Needle

The first batch to enjoy the Insect Man Evolutionary Needle were the ten third-order flying dragons under Xiao Ming's command.

It seems that these ten flying dragons are Lu Xiaoming's only troops for the time being. But Xiao Ming can actually summon over a hundred uniform shadow clones at any time.

As the shadow clones of the Insect King, they can fight normally in space. Just not very skilled.

That's why Xiao Ming was willing to experiment with flying dragons. And he didn't transform them all at once, he only transformed one of them the first time.

After roaring and twitching for half an hour, the flying dragon finally successfully evolved into an insect human.

The change in appearance is not big, but the color tends to be more brown and black. It was only a little darker compared to before.

At the same time, arthropod-like arms, legs and feet grew on the body. The ferociousness of the head has also been slightly reduced, giving it a slightly human-like appearance.

It's a pity that Feilong's foundation is still Zerg, so the new Zerg people only have the ability to communicate mentally and cannot speak like humans.

Feilong's spiritual growth is the greatest. In the past, Feilong seemed to be just an animal with a low IQ, but now he has become much more delicate in thinking and emotions.

Although he is not yet at the level of a human; not even at the level of an ordinary insect human; now he probably feels like a pet. The intelligence should be no less than that of some intelligent canine creatures.

——As for cats. It is difficult to guess the thoughts of these cat owners, and it is difficult to judge their intelligence level. Some of them really seem to have become sperm.

Through spiritual communication with Feilong, Xiao Ming carefully taught him the power of mind and the small universe. However, since there is no genetic information injected into the monster, he has no talent in sorcery.

Just by using ordinary telekinesis and small universe, his combat power has soared to the third level, which is no weaker than the Devourer under Xiao Ming's crotch.

Because of his improved intelligence, he might really be able to kill Devourer if they got into a fight.

Xiao Ming reached out and stroked the big head of the insect-man flying dragon that came over to act coquettishly. Xiao Ming was very happy.

In fact, the appearance of the insect-man flying dragon is not good-looking, it is extremely ferocious and terrifying. But our insect king is nowhere to be seen. Don't dislike anyone.

Xiao Ming’s current aesthetics have actually changed a lot. The insect humans were quite beautiful in his eyes. Handsome guys and beauties who are no less than human beings. Parents can't think their children are ugly, right?

Besides, Zhang Xiaoming now pays more attention to the magnetic field (life energy) of a creature. He has paid little attention to the beauty and ugliness of the creature's appearance.

Imagine that Xiao Ming's whole body is surrounded by "hardness" of mental power at all times. Basically, I always keep a mental shield for myself.

If Xiao Ming doesn't let go of these shields, nothing can get close, not even air.

Therefore, even if a creature is covered in mud, blood, or even more filthy things, it cannot really touch Xiao Ming, and Xiao Ming will not immediately feel disgusted. At most it has some psychological impact.

As for the insect humans, for example, this is a coquettish insect flying dragon. It won't even have any negative impact on Xiao Ming psychologically.

Once you get used to it, you'll get used to it, and you may even find it pretty good-looking.

Especially after seeing his life energy. Such a simple magnetic field is more lovable than most humans. This is what is called, the more people see dogs, the more they will like dogs.

Then Xiao Ming gave the other two flying dragons injections of Zerg evolution. This time a certain amount of monster genes were added, but it turned out to be of no use.

Because Feilong has already grown up, he has never eaten food rich in spiritual power. It is difficult to form an operating system of demon power in the body. The degree of increase in combat power is not as good as that of the first flying dragon.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Ming didn't bother to think too much. If you need insect humans with demonic powers, you might as well lay the eggs yourself. The transformation of the Bugman Evolution Needle does not involve the use of demonic power to cause trouble.

After testing a few more flying dragons, I found that the effect was still good. It can be promoted on a large scale. At this time, the Devourer under Xiao Ming quit.

Seeing that these low-level Zerg races have undergone evolutionary transformation, why doesn't the Overlord consider himself?

So the Devourer roared under Xiao Ming's crotch, and a strong desire was transmitted through the spiritual communication...

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's your turn." Before, Xiao Ming was just unwilling to take risks with the Devourer, so he experimented with other flying dragons first.

Now the experiment is OK and there will be no problems. Of course, Xiao Ming also transformed the Devourer and the remaining flying dragons. The Devourer's body data has officially entered level 4.

At the same time, the mental power of these 10 flying dragons has also evolved from the intermediate level 2 to the primary level 3. This means that they can also go to the spiritual sea to find new skills to learn.

Xiao Ming is very interested to see what new skills these insect-man flying dragons will learn.

In fact, Xiao Ming also wants to put his mental power into the spiritual sea again. But there are more important things to discuss now.

Except for the two foreign aids Kraken and Yijianguanghanzhao Jiuzhou, everyone else gathered in Guangmingding for a meeting. The issue is whether to take the child into the reincarnation space this time.

There was nothing we could do last time, and Xiao Xiaoer was born in the Demon Locking Tower. Nature is in the world of reincarnation.

Now that I can choose, should I take my little one with me when I enter the reincarnation space this time?

If we only consider safety, it seems that Pangu will be more peaceful. In the reincarnation space, we don’t know what kind of world we will encounter.

Xiao Ming still remembers the things he put in the Bright Summit in the game, the ancient giant octopus, which he can take out and play with at will.

Such a powerful character may also be encountered in the reincarnation world. Then he can't keep Xiao Xiao'er safe.

If he leaves him on Pangu Star, it will be much safer. When he comes back, it will only be an hour for Xiao Xiao'er.

What if he is unlucky and dies in the reincarnation world. Xiao Xiao'er will be safer on Pangu Star.

Others have their own opinions. Wen Ge and Xiao Ming have similar ideas. They think it might be better to leave Xiao Xiao'er in the Pangu Star world.

In fact, it is best to take Xiao Xiao'er to a sheltered area, which is suitable for Xiao Xiao'er.

But Xiao Jing'er disagrees. She thinks that a family should be together, and even if they die, they should die together.

If Xiao Ming and Da Da are gone, Xiao Xiao'er will not be happy wherever he lives.

If this is really Xiao Ming's death, Xiao Xiao'er should hope to be with Da Da in his heart.

Everyone has their own considerations. The final decision was made by Xiao Xiao'er himself. Because Xiaolu secretly told Xiaoxiaoer about this.

He immediately jumped out and said that he was determined to be with Dada. No matter where they went.

Then his big eyes began to accumulate tears like a reservoir. He looked like he was going to cry for you if you don't agree...

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