Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 555: Learn from each other’s strengths and make up for each other’s weaknesses

Something happened one after another in the bar, and it was all caused by the shadow clones canceling themselves one by one and returning to Xiao Ming to report.

These days, Xiao Ming has been staying with Future and Nino at Uncle Qiu's house. Regarding Nino's situation, his uncle was at a loss.

After looking through ancient books, I only knew that the Demon Star might destroy the world. But the details have never been clear. No demon star has ever been truly born in human history. Where is the information to follow?

However, he had a guess. He suspected that Nino might absorb the moon's yin energy and grow rapidly every twelfth full moon night.

As a magic star, Nino is really powerful. He can learn various skills almost by seeing them.

And the person is quite easy to talk to. Xiao Ming quickly obtained a few drops of Demon Star's blood, which was absorbed by the Insect King.

However, it turns out that being a top student cannot be achieved by just absorbing a few drops of blood. Xiao Ming's understanding has not seen any improvement.

Uncle Qiu decided to set up a magic circle on the next full moon night to block the moon's yin energy, hoping to prevent the rapid aging of the magic star.

Of course, just in case, from now on, Uncle Qiu will set up a barrier at home. Strengthening continues every day.

If Nino suddenly starts to absorb the moon's yin energy, he can quickly go into the barrier to escape. This is called being prepared.

He didn't have much savings in the future, so Uncle Qiu thought he was going to lose money again this time. Unexpectedly, Xiao Ming just put two gold bars on the table.

I beg my uncle for great comfort, I finally have a copy of the coffin. When doing business with Ma Xiaoling before, the coffin already suffered a huge loss. Finally saw big money.

Of course, Xiao Ming is not at a loss either. The gold bars are worthless to him. Following Uncle Qiu these days, Xiao Ming has learned a lot of Taoist techniques from Nan Mao's sect.

Especially when it comes to boundaries, Xiao Ming feels that he can learn a lot from Uncle Qiu. These two gold bars are just a meeting gift.

Normally, he would send some spiritual energy to Uncle Qiu from time to time. I beg your uncle to be healthy so that you can learn more.

Xiao Ming and Future mother and son lived in Uncle Qiu's house for nearly a month. Everyone learns from each other’s strengths.

Xiao Ming learned a lot of Taoism from Uncle Qiu; Uncle Qiu got gold bars and spiritual energy from Xiao Ming;

Nino is the most powerful. In order to test him, Xiao Ming showed him almost all the supernatural energies.

He also lived up to expectations. I learned everything without landing. There is no need to plant any super seeds. Xiao Ming is so envious and jealous.

And the magic star is indeed a magic star. Even if other people learn other supernatural energy systems, they don't have that much dedicated energy in their bodies for them to use.

But Demon Star is different. Like Xiao Ming, he seems to have either source energy or an energy network that can be converted into each other.

Anyway, he can use any kind of energy system's moves. The energy conversion is several times smoother than Xiao Ming. This is also a huge blow to people's self-esteem.

Over the past month, Xiao Ming completely missed the plot of Nuwa's arrival. He still relied on the information sent back by the shadow clone to know a little bit about it.

It is said that a long time ago, Nuwa saw the ugliness of human nature and decided to destroy the world. He exiled his body to an asteroid.

The soul remains on earth and sleeps. The dragons and dragons are the guardians of Nuwa's soul.

The Yuanshen absorbed the dragon energy in Shenlong's body and slowly recovered. Before the world is destroyed, Nuwa Yuanshen will wake up.

And her body will return with the asteroid. When an asteroid hits the earth, it will be the end of the world.

Now that Nuwa's spirit has just awakened, the generals are taking her around Hong Kong.

Not for shopping, but to observe the people he is more optimistic about. Kuang Tianyou, Ma Xiaoling, Situ Fenren and so on.

I want her to see the beauty of the world so that she can give up her plan to destroy the world.

There happened to be no Qiu Shu involved, so Nuwa and Zhang Xiaoming did not meet. Her last stop was Tinker Bell's bar.

Ma Dingdang and Nuwa chatted for a while. Based on the feeling of the shadow clone after seeing the situation at that time. It's not like Mother Earth chatting with her own creation.

It's very much like the main wife came to find the mistress to show off. Nuwa may not have realized it yet, but Ma Dingdang was not pleasing to her eyes.

As a goddess, she was supposed to be good and evil. Nowadays, it is unpleasant to look at a human being with good character. In fact, it already explains the problem. She just didn't notice it.

During this period, the reincarnators did not dare to do anything in the bar. Instead, we played ping pong outside the bar. I didn’t even notice what kind of clone door I hit.

In fact, they worked together to destroy a water monster.

Seeing the day of the full moon coming. The double barrier between Qiu Shu and Xiao Ming did barely block the moon's yin energy. But Nino, who was trapped in the barrier, looked very hard.

On the one hand, I know that absorbing too much yin energy will accelerate aging; on the other hand, I vaguely feel that I can learn some very important information in this process.

So Nino sat in the middle of the barrier, his body shaking constantly, as if he couldn't help but jump up every moment.

Jin Weiwei was worried to death. He grabbed Xiao Ming and begged: "Miracle doctor, please save Nino. I know you must have a way. I am willing..."

Probably because they had been in contact with each other for a long time, Jin Weiwei noticed Xiao Ming's not particularly worried look. At this time, of course, Xiao Ming was regarded as the last straw.

╮(╯▽╰)╭Oh, how pitiful the hearts of parents in the world are. Now that he is here, it is also an opportunity for Nino. Xiao Ming raised his hand and took Nino into Kunlun.

Originally, Xiao Ming wanted to use the wormhole to send Nino to the United States on the other side of the earth. It is daytime there, and there is no moon's Yin Qi to absorb.

However, the area of ​​this world is restricted by the reincarnation space, and is limited to a small area near Hong Kong. The other side of this earth is other reincarnation worlds, and it is impossible to send it there.

Half of the space in Guangmingding is full of strong Yin Qi. Xiao Ming did not dare to put Nino in. He was worried that he would age and die in an instant.

In desperation, Xiao Ming could only use Kunlun. The plan was that Silver Xiaoming would take Nino into Kunlun. When he got to Green Xiaoming, he would throw him out.

There are other worlds over there, and there is no moon's Yin Qi to use. This should be okay.

However, what no one expected was that after Nino entered Kunlun, he stayed in it. The energy inside Kunlun is very full.

There are 3 spirit beads in it, and it has absorbed many high-level treasures.

Nino can safely absorb energy here and open his memory without the side effect of premature aging. It is a hundred benefits for Nino.

The only one who suffered a serious loss was Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming could take him in, but he had no ability to kick him out. Nino stayed in Kunlun for a day and a night.

You can imagine how much energy he absorbed from Kunlun. Xiao Ming felt that Kunlun had shrunk a bit. (illusion)

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