Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 556 The one who tied the bell must untie it

Nino now understands a little bit, and knows that it is not good to absorb other people's energy like this.

It's just that the energy in Kunlun is too abundant, and he really can't bear to go out. If he refuses to come out, Xiao Ming can't do anything to him.

In the end, it was because Kunlun couldn't bear Nino's power that was close to the 8th level S level, so he kicked him out.

Looking at him hiding behind Jin Weilai, with an embarrassed and innocent expression. Xiao Ming was speechless...

Xiao Ming only knew that Nino absorbed a lot of Kunlun's reserve energy, but how much it was, and how much of the three spirit beads it accounted for, it was completely impossible to judge for the time being.

Such a super master suddenly appeared between heaven and earth. The five-color messenger and the second generation zombies didn't feel it yet. But Jiang Chen and Nuwa clearly sensed it.

The task of Demon Star Nino is actually to open Pangu's tomb and create conditions for the destruction of Nuwa.

The current Demon Star is so powerful that Nuwa suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

The whole god fell powerlessly into... Jiang Chen's arms. ——With Jiang Chen's speed, of course he would not let Nu Wa fall to the ground.

Jiang Chen hurriedly paid attention to what happened. This time, it turned out that it was the fellow Taoist he had retained before who caused the trouble.

Jiang Chen really wanted Zhang Xiaoming to improve the strength of the human side, but he never thought that Xiao Ming could do this.

He immediately raised the Demon Star to a level second only to himself and Nu Wa.

Although he was not afraid, Nu Wa was only walking on the earth with her soul now. If the body of the god was not there, if she met the Demon Star, she might really be killed by the Demon Star.

The most terrifying thing was that the combat power of the Demon Star was still in the stage of rapid growth. He learned a lot of tricks from Xiao Ming.

Apart from anything else, if the Demon Star raised the small universe to the eighth sense of Alaya consciousness. Then it would not be easy to kill.

Although Jiang Chen had good intentions for humans and hoped that Nu Wa would not destroy the world. But he never wanted Nu Wa to die.

If he had to choose one of the two, he would give up humans and stand firmly on the side of Nu Wa.

Now Xiao Ming has created an enhanced version of the Demon Star, which may threaten Nuwa's life. Jiang Chen can't sit still.

Jiang Chen's original plan was to improve the combat effectiveness of the human side on the one hand;

On the other hand, he actively persuaded Nuwa. Let her realize that humans still have merits and there is no need to kill them all.

If Nuwa can cancel her plan to destroy the world, everyone will be happy.

If Nuwa still wants to destroy the world by force, then humans and Nuwa will fight. Maybe they can stop Nuwa's destruction.

Anyway, Jiang Chen will be the last one to protect Nuwa.

However, the appearance of the enhanced version of the Demon Star broke Jiang Chen's confidence in his invincibility. If it weren't for the variable Xiao Ming, he would choose to kill the Demon Star directly now.

The person who tied the bell must be the one who tied it. Since it was Xiao Ming who caused the trouble, Xiao Ming will come to collect the bottom. If he can't collect it, I'm sorry.

So Zhang Xiaoming was instantly moved in front of Nuwa and Jiang Chen. Let's talk openly.

Only then did Nuwa tell Jiang Chen and Xiao Ming the real situation. The destruction of the world is irreversible.

It can be understood that when Nuwa decided to destroy the world, she made the most serious oath. This is the oath of God.

Human oaths can be exchanged for powerful telekinesis, not to mention the oath of God.

On the day of the destruction of the world, Nuwa's body will be carried by an asteroid and collide with the earth.

That asteroid is actually irrelevant. There are many ways to deal with it.

But Nuwa's body hitting the earth is not something that anyone can reverse. Even Jiang Chen, who is Pangu, can't do it.

The only way is to destroy Nuwa's Yuanshen in advance. Without the guidance of Yuanshen, Nuwa's body will no longer rush to the earth.

The crisis of destruction will naturally be resolved. And this thing has to be done quickly.

Once it is too late, even if Nuwa's Yuanshen is destroyed, the asteroid is close enough to the earth. The destruction of the world is still inevitable.

However, destroying Nuwa's Yuanshen is something that Jiang Chen absolutely cannot allow.

At this time, Nuwa has not yet realized that there is still a good side in human nature, and her heart to destroy the world is still very determined.

Of course, Nuwa also admits that there are still many good people among humans. Especially after meeting the protagonist team.

It's just that the proportion of bad people among humans is too high. There is nothing to do about it, everyone has different standards.

From Nuwa's perspective, she thinks many ordinary people are not good things.

And humans are created by Nuwa. Even Xiao Ming does not deny that Nuwa is really qualified to destroy the world. So Xiao Ming changed his perspective.

"Mother Earth, do you think that destroying the world is really the best way? Why not change it to judgment?" Xiao Ming said seriously.

"Huh? What do you mean by this?" Nuwa is very strange, destroying the world is the result of her judgment.

"Mother Earth, I wonder if you have heard of the Last Judgment in Western Christian doctrine?"

Nuwa looked puzzled. This is not surprising. When she decided to destroy the world, it was still during the reign of Qin Shihuang. Jesus Christ was not born at that time.

Xiao Ming briefly said that there would be a great judgment at the end of the world. Good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell.

After hearing this, Nuwa was also confused. Why didn't she think of it at the beginning?

Well, how can I put it? Nuwa is a new god born after the creation of the world. She doesn't have much experience in all aspects. She tends to go to extremes.

In many worlds, young new gods have this problem. They can't tolerate any sand in their eyes.

After being hurt several times by human behavior, she hastily decided to destroy the world. She planned to create new humans after destroying the world.

Originally, her reckless behavior should have been stopped by Pangu, the great god of this world.

However, Pangu in this world is Jiangchen. For some reason, he lost the memory of Pangu's family and fell in love with Nuwa at first sight.

Even the name Jiangchen was given to him by Nuwa. It means Nuwa's good general and loyal minister.

The positioning was wrong at the beginning, so that it ended up in such an unmanageable situation.

God is God, and Mother Earth will not force excuses for her mistakes. Instead, she took the initiative to ask Xiao Ming for advice.

"It's simple. You can use Bai Xinmei's ability to control time and space. Now start judging humans. You can discuss the specific standards.

All those who pass the judgment and do not have to die can be sent to the earth after the apocalypse, where life has been restored. These people will recreate human civilization.

This kind of thing can even happen more often. The proportion of good people among humans will increase. And because of the fear of the end of the world, there will be fewer humans who choose to do evil, right?"

Xiao Ming himself did not quite believe this. But he felt that this was much better than the extinction of all humans.

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