Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 598 New Arms and Identity

Of course, it is difficult to simply deny the character of Richard.

After all, he will try his best to help the Li family pirates become stronger. Although he has other purposes behind him.

We can't completely erase the help others give us just because they have some ulterior motives. That would be too heartless.

Besides parents, when there are a few people who help you, they don't have any purpose. Those who can do it are the best friends.

In ordinary interpersonal communication, it is normal for others to have ulterior motives.

At least before the Li family confronted E country head-on, Richard could be said to have done nothing to hurt the Li family pirates.

Even if he betrayed Li Huamei, it was just for each master. This was his original position.

Merit is merit, fault is fault. If there are faults, there should be punishment, and if there are merits, there should be rewards. Speaking of it, this would be a bit sad story.

However, because Xiao Ming "resurrected" Richard. This story that has been programmed will not happen again.

At least it will not happen in the Li family. Of course, the programmed program will not be wasted, and Richard will find other people to invest.

Richard, who was resurrected as a lich, is stronger than Richard in all aspects. He can also get along with both sides in diplomacy.

Doing business with multiple countries at the same time is much better than only receiving the support of E country with ulterior motives.

Back to the issue of rewards. Xiao Ming does not lack large ships at all, so there is no need to build ships.

I don’t know when the reward of this blueprint can be used. Fortunately, it is not limited to the researcher himself, and it can be sold to make money.

The blueprint of the medium-sized shipyard can be used immediately. According to the rules of the game, on the strategic map, after the small shipyard is built, it can be upgraded 10 times.

The higher the level, the more types of small ships this shipyard can build, and the better the properties of the ships.

At least a small shipyard above level 5 can be expanded to a medium-sized shipyard. There is no doubt that the best shipyard is to expand to level 10.

However, starting from level 5, the upgrade of the shipyard will consume a lot of resources, and it is very difficult for some major forces to upgrade to the full level.

Although the big forces have enough resources, there are many places to spend money. They still need to invest carefully.

They will not upgrade too many shipyards. Generally speaking, they will build the best shipyard first, and then build others when they have spare capacity.

Although Xiao Ming has a lot of resources and gold coins, he is reluctant to spend money like this.

So among his many cities, only Funnel Village, which was under the command of the earliest accuser, upgraded the small shipyard to level 8.

The small shipyards in other places are only around level 3 or 4. He was reluctant to spend the money for upgrading to level 5.

Now Xiao Ming only plans to upgrade the small shipyard in Funnel Village to level 10, and then expand it to a medium-sized shipyard.

As for the others, upgrade them to level 5 first and prepare, and then consider whether to upgrade to a medium-sized shipyard when needed.

In addition to the blueprint rewards, the Li family also gave rewards in terms of military strength.

The researcher received 50 level 3 bald eagles. This is a special level 3 troop in Diaoyucheng.

The level 3 troop in a normal human city is a griffin. The bald eagle is a special tier 3 soldier of the pirate-specialized city - Diaoyucheng.

Its specific attributes are similar to those of the griffin, but it can get comprehensive bonuses in terms of attack, defense, speed, and vitality at sea.

The most outstanding thing is that the bald eagle has a production-type skill - fishing. When going out to sea, it can add food to the ship every day.

This is a very useful skill for a fleet at sea. So the Li family themselves are reluctant to use it and have been saving it.

It is not easy to get 50 of them now, and all of them are given to the researcher. It is also a big investment.

In private, Xiao Ming helped the eldest sister and the second brother to improve their strength, and Li Huamei also had a thank-you gift. And it was very suitable.

She got a batch of various tier 2 corpses to match the researcher's ancient transformation technique.

Among them are more regular corpses of elves, orcs, and undead, as well as less common corpses such as sea fishmen and underground cave dwellers.

They even got some corpses of beast soldiers with higher intelligence. There are wild boars, eagles, and flying dragons.

The ranks are not only 2nd level, there are also corpses of 3rd and 4th levels.

Although Li Huamei knows that the ancient transformation technique of the researcher is only in the initial stage, it can only fuse corpses below 2nd level for the time being.

But it will be upgraded in the future. These corpses are specially collected. There is no use for them to keep, so they are all given to the researcher.

Xiao Ming accepted the corpses and was very grateful. It is quite difficult for him to collect such high-quality corpses.

Those who can be fused by the transformation atlas must be free NPCs, and soldiers and creatures are not allowed.

And Li Huamei will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. It took a lot of effort to get these corpses.

As for which two to absorb, Xiao Ming has already made up his mind. One swims in the sea and the other flies in the sky.

This is obvious, and the eldest sister has also considered it. The corresponding types are also prepared 2 or 3 to choose from.

The transformation atlas does not accept the corpses of wild beasts. It’s a pity for that pile.

The most suitable person to go to the sea is a fishman from the sea tribe, and the most suitable person to fly is a batman from the orc tribe.

Although Xiao Ming also envied the beauty of the elves. But for now, practicality is the main thing.

The researcher used the transformation atlas to absorb the two selected corpses one after another. He obtained two new identities.

White common hero, Murloc Alfonso, strategic profession level 0, level 7 sea warrior; adventure profession level 2, level 9 warrior.

Green elite hero, Batman Wanyan Huiyi: strategic profession level 1, level 17 archer; adventure profession level 1, level 15 archer.

Murloc heroes are hard to get. So the corpse of a common hero at level 0, level 7 is already good.

Batman is relatively more common. Li Huamei got a green elite hero corpse. The level is also very good.

Compared with the gray useless hero Sayid, both are good.

Sayid's strategic profession is level 0, level 2 barbarian; adventure profession level 1, level 13 thief.

With such qualities, Xiao Ming was too lazy to help this identity level up. Later, he basically forgot about it.

However, the two identities of Murloc and Batman have certain training value. Not to mention that they are two races that can go up to the sky and down to the sea.

When the three primary record positions of the transformation atlas are filled. The system gives a prompt.

The strategic professions and adventure professions of the three identities must be trained to level 2 or above. The transformation atlas can be upgraded. Only then can more record spaces be obtained.

Damn, Xiao Ming just felt overwhelmed. This is too tricky, right?

The researcher's own strategic profession is not even at level 2. He wants to train all three transformed identities to double level 2. It's simply a fantasy.

Let's not talk about how much time it will take. So much experience, wouldn't it be a waste if it is not given to the researcher himself!

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