Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 599 Something Equivalent to General’s Blood

The new transformed identity gives the researcher a lot of freedom. In the future, he can not only reach the moon in the sky, but also catch turtles in the five oceans.

And needless to say, most tasks are actually restricted by race. With the three identities of half-orc, orc, and fishman, the researcher can accept more tasks.

The future game will be more interesting. For example, when doing something bad, the researcher can pretend to be an orc or a sea tribe, and will not cause trouble to the Li family pirates.

Of course, the transformation also brings a problem: only the researcher himself has the identity and skin of the pirate admiral, and the three transformed identities do not have it.

The skill of ancient transformation is used as a spy. If you still have the identity of the admiral after the transformation, wouldn’t it be all exposed?

This restriction brings some trouble to the researcher. He cannot transform while leading the fleet at sea.

Once transformed, he will lose the identity of the admiral, so the second fleet will be in a state without a leader and cannot move.

With other generals and navigators, the second fleet will not fall into chaos. It just stopped in the sea and couldn't sail.

So Xiao Ming needs to be very careful and can only transform when the fleet is already docked or anchored. Before transforming, the daily work of the fleet must be arranged.

These are things to worry about in the future. Now Huang Xiaoming controls the researcher and turns into a bat man to fly to the sky to show off.

Think about it carefully. The researcher has the Iron Blood Nezha, and he can actually fly. It's just that the skill is poor, and the flying is not as smooth as those who are born with wings.

Xiao Ming can just use the bat man's form to get familiar with the way of flying with wings.

Yesterday, the researcher took the shadow clone and rushed to complete the task of making puppets for the Li family. More than 600 puppets were done in a few hours.

At that time, my jaw dropped to the ground, and I also gained a lot of experience. Normally, there should be some gold coin rewards without this task.

However, as the admiral of the squadron, the system defaults that he no longer needs this small amount of gold coin rewards, so all the focus is on experience.

The adventure level of the researcher has risen to level 2, level 10. Xiao Ming put all his free points on agility.

Five attributes: Strength 11, Constitution 11, Agility 13, Intelligence 22, Spirit 23.

After reaching level 2 and level 10, you can actually go to the professional guild on the adventure map, where you should be able to learn some blueprints and skills.

This matter is more important, and Xiao Ming doesn't want the intelligent program to do it. It's just that I'm a bit busy for the time being, so I have to wait until I have free time to deal with it.

Of course, I also got a little strategic experience, but it's a pity that it's not enough to upgrade to level 1 and level 6.

At the same time, under the sea, the diver operated by Yin Xiaoming has left the shipwreck and returned to the Graystone Town Temple.

When he went there, a large number of children from the sea tribe followed him, but when he came back, he was alone.

Everyone stayed at the Octopus boss's place to play, and even Bobby didn't come back with him. It's a bit pitiful.

Yin Xiaoming silently worked as a blacksmith with many shadow clones. 300 weapons are easy, but 300 fine weapons are difficult.

However, Xiao Ming found that after the shadow clones were governed by the spiritual kingdom, the efficiency of making fine weapons was improved. 300 fine weapons are expected to be completed ahead of schedule.

Xiao Ming is already used to the scene of hundreds of shadow clones working together. But Tom Jirui and his wife were shocked.

However, even if there are hundreds of shadow clones to help, this matter will take several days.

Because Xiao Ming wants to use a larger proportion of fine products to deliver the task, so that he can get a better hero template.

Originally, Xiao Ming planned to go to the Protoss God Realm. This thing is related to the alien Protoss Light Spirit. Xiao Ming is very interested.

However, when he was about to use this right, he suddenly had a whim. It seemed that something major was going to happen.

Xiao Ming had to put aside the matter of entering the God Realm for the time being. He was on guard with all his heart and soul, wondering what would happen.

He waited until the evening. Xiao Ming felt something and quit the game. He boiled a pot of spiritual tea at home.

Yes, Xiao Ming is no longer satisfied with only cultivating spiritual fruits. He asked Xiaolu to expand the business to various fruits and vegetables, as well as rice, noodles and tea.

In addition, Wen Ge likes to drink coffee, and Xiaolu also planted some in Guangmingding.

After waiting for about a cup of tea, Sister Hongchao came and left, waving her sleeves and taking a bag of tea.

But she didn't take Xiao Ming's things for nothing, and the points in the alliance increased by 3 points.

A small bag of spiritual tea is actually worth 3 points. Xiao Ming and his team completed a task of fighting werewolves, and each of them only got 1 point.

The thing that Xiao Ming exchanged for Jiang Chen's blood was left on the table, a black and ugly metal lump, with a distorted shape, as if it was twisted hard.

And this thing is also old, and the dust and silt outside have not been cleaned.

From the perspective of scientific archaeology, these dust and silt are also worth studying, as long as it is not deliberately made old.

Xiao Ming stared at this thing for a long time, during which his sister Xiao Jinger came out twice and Wen Ge came out once.

They all stayed with Xiao Ming for a while, and soon gave up out of boredom.

Even Sister Hongchao didn't give any advice on how to deal with this thing. Everything was up to Zhang Xiaoming to decide.

Xiaoming could feel that this thing was very unusual, but he didn't know whether he should use source energy to restore it.

His own intuition told Xiao Ming that this matter was of great importance and needed to be handled with caution.

For this reason, Xiao Ming deliberately went to the Yellow Emperor Galaxy to feed the light spirits and save some character.

During the process, Zhang Xiaoliang’s adjutant, Cecilia Jane, looked at Xiaoliang with admiration.

Xiao Ming guessed that the Zerg corpse he placed on the scientific research space station was probably discovered by the military.

His silent warning was confirmed. Xiao Ming didn't know how the top military officials would deal with it, but the adjutant admired Xiao Liang even more.

Xiao Ming took a closer look at the appearance of the adjutant, and found that he was very similar to Dr. Jane Foster in Marvel's Secret Realm. This is really a bit unexpected.

The names and looks are similar, could it be that...the adjutant is a fan of Dr. Jane? Or are they really related by blood?

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Oh no, it’s none of your business.

12 o'clock in the evening. Xiao Ming was mentally prepared and used three heads and six arms.

Six hands pressed the strange thing and began to use three kinds of source energy at the same time. Want to restore it to its original state. See what a treasure it is.

Extraordinary things have extraordinary things. Sure enough, unexpected changes occurred. When it touched Xiao Ming's triple source energy, this thing seemed to melt. It has changed into something like a pile of mud.

It invaded in the opposite direction along the origin of the source energy, passed through Xiao Ming's body, and entered the depths of Xiao Ming's soul...

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