Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 630 Killing people as soon as entering

With a longing for the game, Xiao Ming entered the secret realm of "City Linking" with great energy. The birth point is the resurrection point of Jingzhou City.

There are 7 or 8 arrogant players guarding the spawn point. Seeing Xiao Ming appear, he came over immediately.

The leader shouted loudly and asked: "Newcomer! Tell me your name, what kind of skills do you know? What is your internal strength?" His words were even arrogant.

Let me go, what the hell is this? ! Xiao Ming never expected to encounter such a situation when he first entered the secret realm. It ruined his good mood.

Although Yuan and Ning cannot use telekinesis, Xiao Ming's eyesight has become quite vicious after such a long time.

One look at these players shows that they don't have much internal strength. They are basically at the level of street gangsters. How dare you be so pretentious? This style of painting is wrong!

Moreover, as far as Xiao Ming knows, most of the people participating in the Shennong Project are middle-aged people, and there are very few young people.

Where did these young people come from? Rejuvenated? I haven't heard that the game warehouse has such a function.

The game warehouse can enhance physical fitness and treat some minor illnesses, but it cannot rejuvenate one's youth. What's going on now?

Seeing that Xiao Ming was just thinking deeply, he ignored them. These people immediately became angry:

"Good boy, grandpa is talking to you and you dare to ignore it. You are looking for death."

As they were talking, they each pulled out a knife and slashed directly.

Looking at the path that the knife took, it seemed that there were some routines, not just random gestures.

Xiao Ming was even more puzzled, is Ni Ma sick? In reality, only very poor areas have such gangsters. What’s wrong with this game?

With their little skill, Xiao Ming could deal with it just by relying on his own reactions.

Those who kill will always be killed. Xiao Ming would not be polite to such a little gangster. Internal strength is used in every move.

The two knives stabbed straight at him, and the speed was simply not fast enough. Xiao Ming reached out with both hands and pinched the wrists of these two people.

With a 'click', both wrist bones were crushed together.

Amidst the screams of the two people, Xiao Ming caught the two fallen knives, raised his hands and threw them out. They instantly inserted into the chests of the other two people and they fell down.

The remaining three people were stunned. Xiao Ming rushed forward and punched two of them in the chest. One had a broken heart and died immediately, while the other had a broken lung and fell to the ground coughing up blood.

Xiao Ming turned around and arrived behind the last gangster. With a click, his arms were broken. The sword in his hand also fell to the ground.

Then Xiao Ming pinched his neck like a chicken and dragged him away...

There was only a mess on the ground behind him, and six gangsters lay dead and wounded in a pool of blood, with endless wailing sounds.

In the end, this one didn't end well. After being tortured by Xiao Ming to extract a confession, his body was dumped in a dark alley.

Of course, the corpse was quickly refreshed by the system.

Due to the lack of information sources, Xiao Ming interrogated a lot of things about the game.

After analyzing the information, it was found that in the game [Martial Arts Planet], the progress of the secret plot needs to be promoted by players.

To put it simply, every plot trigger has a minimum force standard and a number of people required.

This plot can only be triggered when there are enough players who meet this force standard.

Please note that this standard of force is not very high.

The characteristics of the martial arts world are that as long as they are not the ultimate masters, ordinary masters can be plotted by ordinary people.

Therefore, the system allows players with low levels of force to participate in the plot.

Of course, different plots have different levels of player participation, and the standards are also different.

When a plot is triggered, usually in the core area, plot characters interact according to the original plot;

Players were divided into different camps by the system and placed on the periphery. Let them fight life and death first, and in the end there will be only a few players left, which will basically have no impact on the real plot.

If players can work together, they can break the game. But the benefits of the plot are inevitably thinly spread.

If the original benefits of several people or even one person are divided into hundreds of shares, how useful will it be?

With the player's urinary nature, it is impossible to really work together in the face of benefits.

In the end, we still have to follow the script given by the system and fight each other to the death.

Each plot will only be triggered once. The plot development this time is the real development of the main line of the secret realm.

After that, this plot will form a copy, so that subsequent players can also enter and follow the plot and gain some benefits.

But it has no impact on the main plot. Nor can you gain favorability from plot characters because of the copy.

Therefore, only in the process of triggering the plot for the first time can players have the opportunity to obtain the greatest benefits.

You can't get anything very good in the copy. But the copy process will be much simpler. Players are more likely to engage.

In addition, players cannot skip previous plots and directly enter the latest plot.

Only after clearing all previous main plot copies. Only players are eligible to enter the latest plot.

Of course, if the player's martial arts is high enough, it will definitely not be difficult to pass the copy.

Unfortunately, most players' martial arts are not high enough, so it is still difficult to pass the dungeon.

There is one good thing about the Martial Arts Planet game: the player's skills will not be cleared.

Players' martial arts are all practiced by themselves, and there is no such thing as experience level.

Therefore, even if the player's character dies, it only takes some time to revive.

The system cannot take away the martial arts and internal strength that the player has practiced. Of course, the items obtained before will definitely not be kept.

Xiao Ming's internal strength comes from the Changsheng Jue, and he has never learned much martial arts techniques.

For the time being, he can only use national martial arts and modern fighting skills to fight the enemy. Among them, moves such as Baguazhang and Xingyiquan are okay when paired with the internal strength of Changsheng Jue.

His current strength is already stronger than most players.

And his mental power is very strong, although this does not allow Xiao Ming to use mental skills such as alchemy and map scanning in the game.

But it can make Xiao Ming listen to all directions and see all directions. It is almost like a God's perspective.

If you use mental power and stare at others to intimidate them, ordinary players may be scared.

However, the NPC in the game is just a bunch of program codes, which will not be affected.

In addition, the biggest advantage of strong mental power is that Xiao Ming will learn martial arts moves very quickly.

Just by watching the little gangsters' swordsmanship, Xiao Ming learned a few sword techniques.

With these advantages, Xiao Ming is very confident in himself.

From the little gangster, Xiao Ming also got a very strange news. These guys are not from Shennong.

The Shennong plan is impossible to recruit such people. They are just the little gangsters from Pangu Star. WTF?

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