Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 631 The conspiracy of hostile forces

At first, Xiao Ming thought this was a normal phenomenon. The game compartment of [Martial Arts Planet] might have been leaked to the black market, and it was normal for some people to play it.

After carefully interrogating the gangster, he found out that this was not an accident caused by the game leak, but a sinister conspiracy of a hostile force.

Xiao Ming suspected that it was the force that tampered with the Shennong spacecraft.

You should know that the more than 1,000 natural passengers on the Shennong spacecraft are the cornerstone of the Shennong plan.

Letting them play games is also to improve their physical fitness, and they can play a greater role in the process of immigration to alien planets.

To establish a base in space, survive and develop, good physical fitness will definitely be of great use.

In case of good luck, the target galaxy has a planet that supports life. When facing alien beasts, martial arts are very popular.

Not to mention, once the passengers who know martial arts are selected by the reincarnation space, they can also increase their chances of survival in the reincarnation space.

The role of more qualified reincarnations in promoting the Shennong plan is self-evident.

Therefore, these people are the absolute cornerstone of the Shennong plan.

So this hostile force planned to do something to these passengers.

Of course, they couldn't hurt the passengers physically, they could only find ways to hurt the passengers' spirits in the game.

Among the 14 secret realms, the Shen family must have kept a close eye on those large and popular secret realms. It is almost impossible to make any moves, only small secret realms have a chance.

Of course, even for small secret realms, the Shen family will not completely ignore them. So this hostile force first bribed a group of people in the Shen family.

This group of people happened to be responsible for "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", one of the three starting secret realms. The enemy also made some moves in this secret realm.

Privately built a batch of game warehouses, summoned a group of underworld forces, and let them enter the secret realm of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Controlled the low-end forces of the entire secret realm, and made the atmosphere of the secret realm smoky.

Any player will be blackmailed and attacked by them, and they will never let the players on the Shennong complete the task and open the second secret realm.

In this way, a small group of players were completely trapped in the secret realm of Liancheng Jue. They suffered under the oppression of the underworld forces day and night.

It is conceivable how great the psychological blow would be to these players. Many of them would think that the Shen family was intentionally bullying them.

What's worse is that if the player surrenders, this player will completely go astray.

In the future, he will become a troublemaker in the immigration plan, more than enough to cause trouble than to accomplish things, and more than enough.

From the perspective of human nature, some players will definitely surrender. Even as time goes by, it is unknown whether all of them will surrender.

In order not to be discovered by the Shen family too early, they not only bribed a group of members of the Shen family, but also arranged their own personnel to complete the tasks of the Liancheng Jue secret realm and open the second secret realm.

These people can intentionally or unintentionally reveal the information that everything is normal in the Liancheng Jue secret realm in other secret realms to reduce the suspicion of the Shen family.

After they control the Liancheng Jue secret realm, even if the Shen family occasionally sends people to check, they can pretend to be a harmonious atmosphere.

Of course, even so, this matter cannot be concealed forever, and it will be exposed sooner or later. By then, they still have several follow-up plans.

In fact, a few months ago, this matter was on the verge of being exposed. However, the Xin family suddenly had problems.

With Xin Ku seriously injured and Shennong 2 in danger, the Xin family had no spare energy to check a seemingly normal starting secret realm.

Even during this period, the Xin family had no spare time to manage any secret realm. All their energy was used to solve more serious problems.

As a result, the enemy's conspiracy in Liancheng Jue continued, and even the gangsters became more blatant.

However, as the saying goes, a blessing in disguise. The crisis of the Xin family's spaceship attracted Huang Xiaoming.

As a result, not only did they easily solve the crisis, but they also immediately discovered the problem in the Liancheng Jue secret realm.

At this time, the hostile force did not know that the crisis of the Xin family had been resolved.

Of course, because the characters of these gangsters died in the game, if they reported it, they should be alert.

Xiaoming also immediately notified the head of the Xin family. He didn't even need to leave the game himself, he just arranged a shadow clone to go to the bridge.

"Too much bullying!" After hearing Xiao Ming's report, Xin Ku, an S-level reincarnationist, burst out with momentum.

Many small items around him shattered. Fortunately, he was sensible, otherwise the shadow clone would be shattered by him.

It's true that a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even if Xin Ku was seriously injured, his momentum could directly destroy the third-level shadow clone. S-level masters are really not bragging.

After all, Xin Ku was seriously injured, and this burst of momentum brought about the aggravation of his injuries.

And Xiao Ming was helpless about his injuries. Maybe putting Xin Ku in Kunlun can heal his injuries.

But Xiao Ming's trust in Xin Ku is far from that level. In fact, he won't even reveal Guangmingding to him.

"Master, thank you so much. This news is too damn important." Xin Ku expressed his gratitude sincerely and swore.

At the same time, he took out something from his space equipment-a colorful light ball. It slowly floated towards Xiao Ming's shadow clone.

"What is this...?" The shadow clone made a question mark face. I guessed that this might be a thank-you gift, but what's the point of giving the thank-you gift to the shadow clone?

"This is an ability that cannot be determined by level, the forging method of Zanpakuto. Don't worry, there is no difference between giving it to the shadow clone and giving it to you."

I can't believe it, Huang Xiaoming didn't dare to take it lightly. He quickly quit the game.

The light ball merged into the shadow clone, and at the same time a strange piece of knowledge entered Xiaoming's mind.

Xiaoming found that he really mastered the basic method of making Zanpakuto.

Of course, he is still just a blacksmith who has just learned to forge iron, and has no experience at all.

If you want to really make a decent Zanpakuto, you still need to practice hard.

"Captain, this gift... is really too heavy. I really... am ashamed of it."

Huang Xiaoming's real body quickly came to the bridge and thanked Xin Ku in person.

"I deserve it, I deserve it. I still have something to ask of you." Xin Ku said sincerely.

Giving such a good thing is not Xin Ku's original intention. It doesn't mean that he can't find other suitable gifts.

However, no one in the Xin family is qualified to bear this thing. Even if he was in his prime, he couldn't do it.

There is a problem of matching here. Most of the Xin family are fighting factions, and few people are willing to do the work of blacksmiths.

Those who are willing to do it don't have enough qualifications. Xiao Ming was lucky to have found a loophole.

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