Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 65 The first mall transaction

Although the game is not over yet. Xiao Ming is really tired after a long battle.

He exited the game. It was already 7:15 pm.

He lay on his back on his bed and took a rest.

Maomaoer appeared and squatted on Xiao Ming's chest.

You have no weight, why don't you float? Why are you pretending to be artistic.

Xiao Ming could only complain in his heart and didn't have the strength to speak.

He fell asleep in a daze. Until he was woken up by Zhang Wen. Dinner (midnight snack?) was over.

Seeing that Xiao Ming was in good spirits. Xiao Jing'er and Brother Wen were relieved. The atmosphere at the dinner table became lively.

The three talked about interesting things in the game. Xiao Jing still kept her mouth shut about her character. She didn't tell anyone.

Zhang Wen's game character is called "Ximen Chuijian", and he is now a level 1, level 6 elf swordsman.

Thinking about the image of a tall and handsome elf who has grown into a fat boy.

Both the brother and sister felt a strong contrast.

This guy is definitely very conspicuous in the elves. Why bother?

If you know the name, you can contact him privately in the game. I hope the distance is not too far, otherwise you can't afford the message fee.

Yes, private messages in the game are not free. It's similar to postal services. The farther the distance, the more expensive it is.

Private messages across races and countries also cost extra.

There is no free chat system in the game. Bad review.

Zhang Wen is buying a small amount of game coins in the game to open the Magic Dragon Aotian Studio.

Those who mainly pay for it are required to provide a certain amount of game coins.

In the game of Magic Planet, the system does not sell game coins.

Rich people who want to buy game coins must buy them from players.

The player group has not produced so many tradable game coins, so you can't buy them if you want.

So in the early stage, the price of game coins is still relatively high.

Occasionally, someone is in urgent need of game coins, and buying a large amount to drive up the price does not count. Because it will fall back soon.

Now 1 gold coin is equivalent to about 23 Chinese yuan.

(Huaxia currency is a currency system issued by several Chinese powers. It is also the most popular currency on Pangu Star.)

After asking Zhang Wen, he found out that his initial quota was to buy 10,000 gold coins.

Xiao Ming thought it was OK and said he would mail it to him.

The excited little fat hugged his little Mingming. Both the brother and sister were disgusted.

Zhang Wen said he would buy it at a price of 25 yuan per gold coin. No need to mail it.

You can trade it in the mall of the game forum. Brother Wen didn't want to wait too long.

He immediately pushed Xiao Ming into their respective game warehouses and opened the mall to place orders for transactions.

The transaction was successful, and Zhang Wen also bought more than 1,000 gold coins that other players were selling.

After the transaction was completed, they came out to continue eating. Xiao Jing looked at the two uncles and shook her head.

Zhang Wen completed the task and had one less thing to worry about. He thought of the Hunter Secret Realm again.

He strongly requested to go again. With Xiao Ming nearby, he would feel more confident when practicing his mind ability.

Xiao Jing had other things to do this time, so she didn't have time to play with them.

Fortunately, she didn't come. Xiao Ming and Zhang Wen had just entered the secret realm.

A few more vicious guys passed by their grove.

They rushed over to rob them, but found that their pockets were empty. They killed them both to vent their anger.

Xiao Ming habitually wanted to use coins to resist.

But he found that he didn't have a penny in this secret realm. There was nothing to play, and then he died.

It was not easy to master a skill. But he couldn't use it.

Xiao Ming wanted to complain about himself. Even if he used Nezha, he could still make a few gestures.

Of course, the result of death would not change. The good mood of earning more than 200,000 yuan just now was gone.

After leaving the game cabin, Xiao Ming and Zhang Wen looked at each other. This is too unlucky.

Hiding in a place where there are not many people, you can also encounter such a perverted killer.

Having this idea can only be said that they are too naive, and they still don't know how cruel this secret realm is.

In a game, you can be resurrected after death. The two did not stay depressed for long. They prepared to enter the Hunter Secret Realm together again.

System prompt: The player's character in the secret realm died. You must wait until the next day to enter the same secret realm again.

Zhang Wen did not want to enter another secret realm, because he would not be able to find the Hunter Secret Realm if he entered. So he went to sleep.

Xiao Ming did not have this concern. He randomly entered 2 secret realms.

One was a fighting game, and he was quickly KOed. The other was a game of flying a plane to fight.

When Xiao Ming was in outer space, he was OK when he used his consciousness to control the detector.

When he drove this kind of plane in the atmosphere, his skills were very average.

He barely rushed to the first boss and was drowned by a hail of bullets.

Is it so difficult to randomly enter a fun secret realm? Try one last time, and go to sleep after that.

This time he appeared in a more modern secret realm, which should be a large secret realm from the looks of it.

Xiao Ming also felt that his body shape was very strange, much larger than a normal person.

The proportions with the surrounding houses and pedestrians were not quite right.

Looking down at himself, this skin and body shape should be a monster, right?

Looking around, no one noticed him, and no one was afraid. Is it because they can't see him? Or are they used to it?

Xiao Ming didn't dare to move around casually, because if he wasn't careful, he could easily kill one or two people, or destroy some buildings.

Xiao Ming squatted in a small, deserted courtyard, turned on the translator, and listened to the conversations of passers-by.

I didn't hear any useful information.

He didn't notice that on a roof behind him, there was a guy in strange clothes observing him.

Xiao Ming can also feel an urge in his body to destroy and eat people.

But this impulse quickly dissipated in the face of Xiao Ming's superpowers and lazy personality.

I don’t know how long it took, but Xiao Ming felt that the surrounding scenery was slowly getting bigger.

This is because his body shape is slowly shrinking. Finally condensed into human form.

There is a diamond-shaped bone fragment at the Yintang. Kind of like a birthmark.

This made me feel much more comfortable, but I suddenly realized that I had no clothes on me. There was nothing to wear around.

In desperation, Xiao Ming put the teacher Nian Beast's stocking uniform on himself. Played a cross-dressing game.

I have avoided exposure for the time being, but why do I feel that my shame level is rising instead of falling?

The main body of Xiaoming Nianmon is actually the uniform, and the human form inside is virtual. The abilities are actually in the clothes.

For example, Xiao Ming now has the ability bonus to teach others skills. Also possess certain research and learning abilities.

Of course, Xiao Ming's attention is not on his ability at the moment, and he can't see anyone like this now!

What to do? Also simple. Xiao Ming spent more than 40 minutes designing the uniforms of Nian Beast into two versions for men and women.

What he was wearing immediately turned into a male teacher's uniform.

Only then did I have time to organize my thoughts. Based on the information provided by the system.

My role should have been the owner of this yard.

But burped fart. After death, he transformed into that kind of monster. That is your own identity.

If he had followed his instincts, he would have wreaked havoc and cannibalism.

(Something like cannibalism must be mosaic, and it won’t really make players feel anything.)

Then he will develop along the path of monster. Become an increasingly powerful monster.

Or be killed by the corresponding mysterious force on the human side.

Now I have chosen another path. I am still a monster in my nature and have given up those evil desires.

The appearance was forced into this special anthropomorphic form. Continue to live a human life in human form.

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