Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 66 Long Aotian Studio

In the secret realm, Xiao Ming entered his home, a 3-story building.

The architectural style and interior decoration style of the building are different from those of the New Han Kingdom.

This place is mainly simple, and it looks okay. It's just that there is no bed in the bedroom, which is very strange.

Where do you sleep? On the floor? It looks like it.

His previous life was a lonely dead house, and he didn't know how long he had been dead. There was a lot of dust in the house.

I didn't see my body before I died. Could it be that I ate it before? Uh, so disgusting.

Xiao Ming summoned the maid mind beast, and she went to clean the room happily.

In this secret realm dominated by mysterious power, mind power is generally unimpeded.

Or it can be said that the mind power simulated by Xiao Ming's superpower can be used at will.

In fact, he can also simulate other powers. For example, chakra. But he doesn't know how to use chakra yet.

Check the belongings before death, look at his previous photos, and compare his appearance in the mirror.

Xiao Ming smacked his lips. Hmm, not much has changed. It's still an ordinary look.

Can't you give him a good-looking character? The nine-tailed fox is really too much.

So far, all of Xiao Ming's characters have the kind of looks that you can't find in a crowd.

The passbook shows that there is still some money in the bank. There is a bank card but I can't remember the password.

I found the identity certificate. The name of my character before his death was Lin Taiyi.

I'll go to the bank to handle it when I have time in the future. I have to have some money to spend.

The water and electricity in the room have not been turned off, and the time of death should not be long.

The coin popped out and killed a mouse. It seems that this skill can be used in this secret realm.

The maid's mind beast is professional. The house is clean and tidy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Xiao Ming realized that his predecessor was a woodcarving figurine maker.

The house is full of handmade figurines, most of which are girls of various styles.

There are also many monsters, mechas, and superheroes. The craftsmanship is not bad.

One of the real-scale broadswords caught Xiao Ming's special attention.

Because it is a combination sword, composed of 6 swords combined into a broadsword. It can also be used separately.

On Pangu Star, this is the famous Claude Six-style Combination Sword. Xiao Ming knows it roughly but not very clearly.

I didn't expect it to be here, so I took it and studied it carefully.

While studying, he dismantled many metal utensils at home.

With the help of Nezha, he made a combination sword made of metal.

Although he can't use a knife, it's definitely cool to carry this out and pretend to be cool!

After exiting the secret realm, Xiao Ming went to the Yellow Emperor Galaxy to look at the starry sky for a while. Then he went back to the game cabin to sleep.

June 10th, the fifth day of the game launch.

Early in the morning, Xiao Jing'er looked at the somewhat empty house and was indignant.

Her electronic pet, the little orange cat, also meowed and joined in.

This morning, Zhang Wen drove away in the bedroom, and Xiao Jing had been looking forward to his departure.

But he took Zhang Xiaoming away with the bedroom. (Didn't you say you don't have to go to work before? I know you've been fooled.)

Fatty! Give birth to a son without a penis. Xiao Jing cursed bitterly.

The girl's curse has doubled its lethality to the otaku.

The fat man who was driving the bedroom sneezed several times at this time.

Even Xiao Ming, who was talking to him on the phone, was worried that the cold would be transmitted along the radio waves.

"Brother Wen, are you okay? Otherwise, let's forget it today. Let's go home. Don't get sick."

"Are you caring about me? Xiao Mingming, I'm so touched." Zhang Wen habitually put on a bitch mask.

"Go away, disgust others." Xiao Ming heard Zhang Wen's mean words and knew that he should be fine.

"Isn't this just to disgust others! Xiao Mingming, you are really far-sighted, blah blah..."

That's right, because Zhang Wen quickly completed the task of purchasing gold coins last night.

He was praised by several other major sponsors of Long Aotian Studio. As agreed, he was elected as the CEO of this month.

After Xiao Ming learned about this, he felt that the gold coins were sold at a low price. If he had known earlier, he would have cheated him a little more.

The studio has already rented a venue. It doesn't need to be in a very good location.

It's enough to rent a cheap large warehouse. (Zhang Wen used to do the figurine business at home.)

The studio has only bought a few room modules such as offices and bathrooms for the time being.

The huge space is reserved for the bedrooms of several founders and future employees.

As the first CEO, Zhang Wen's first order was:

Everyone gather at the company this morning and play games together for a few days.

There are a total of 7 people, and the shareholders are Zhang Wen and five others. They are responsible for paying. Of course, they also make the main money.

Purchasing equipment, renting office space, hiring employees, purchasing items and equipment in the game, etc.

As long as it costs money, they pay for it. Of course, they also have to make the final decision.

As for how they divide the work and cooperate, Xiao Ming doesn't care at all. It seems that they don't care much either.

This group of people is more like a group of enthusiasts, looking for an excuse to get together to play games.

There are currently only two employees. One is Xiao Ming himself, a friend of shareholder Zhang Wen.

The other is a 17-year-old boy, a nephew of a certain shareholder, who was drafted.

Everyone got to know each other. The five major shareholders went to discuss some things.

Xiao Ming and the boy were bored, so they entered the game cabin separately. It seems that they are all people who can enter the secret realm.

Xiao Ming moved too fast for a moment, and he entered the Hunter Secret Realm according to habit.

Originally, he had discussed with Brother Wen before, and today we teamed up to enter the Hunter Secret Realm together.

This is terrible, and I guess the fat man will nag me for several days. Xiao Ming swore to the sky that he was not trying to hide from Zhang Wen.

Entering the Hunter Secret Realm where the character has died, the system also provides two options:

First, you can start over completely. That means that the new character's telekinesis in the Hunter Secret Realm must be trained again.

(Of course, Xiao Ming's telekinesis and telekinesis beasts that have been trained in reality will not disappear.)

Second, players can also inherit the abilities of the previous characters, change to a new identity and a new location to explore the secret realm.

Players who are not satisfied with the telekinesis attributes of their characters can choose the first option, and Xiao Ming will of course choose the second option.

The place where they landed this time is a small village, and there is an endless primeval forest outside the village. The geographical environment feels a bit like Baiyang Village.

Xiao Ming is an orphan in the village. He has no name. The villagers call him "Mu Tou".

Mu Tou grew up eating at many people's homes. He is just 14 years old this year. Next, Xiao Ming will choose his future path.

When he was on Greed Island, Xiao Ming heard Gan Shu talk about hunters and hunter exams.

But Xiao Ming asked himself that his fighting ability was too weak. Don't do such a suicidal thing.

The primeval forest outside the village is his treasure.

It's so fun to stay in the village to hone his telekinesis and go into the forest to explore from time to time.

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