Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 67 Hunter

Xiao Ming went back to his thatched hut to clean it up first, without the need for the maid's mind beast to help.

Throwing some weeds and stones out of the door was considered to be the end of the cleaning.

The house was bare, without even a piece of furniture. There was only a nest made of weeds, leaves, and bird feathers. It was covered with a piece of worn-out animal skin.

There were also a few pieces of food wrapped in leaves in the nest, like steamed bread, and a broken pottery jar filled with water next to the nest.

There was also a wooden fork standing in the corner, and no one knew what it was used for.

Look at the linen clothes on his body. It was worse than what beggars wore. There was no money at all.

Without the coin-flipping skill, Xiao Ming's courage immediately dropped by more than half.

Let's work on the mind power. The left hand is the position to release the coin-flipping skill.

The right hand had been using mind power to imitate this game before, and it was also very good at it.

So Xiao Ming spent a little time to make the wooden right hand have similar abilities.

Of course, this time it was not a coin flick, but ordinary small objects. The most useful thing now is the stone.

Xiao Ming calls this telekinesis ability "flipping". It is different from the coin flicking skill.

This ability is unique to the character Mu Mu in the Hunter Secret Realm. The attack power is enhanced by telekinesis.

If the characters in other secret realms want to use it, they have to develop it themselves.

There are no fields in the village, and it is impossible to grow crops in such a place.

The villagers rely on gathering and hunting in the forest to make a living.

Once a month, the strong hunters in the village will go to the distant town to exchange some daily necessities with wild animals and handicrafts.

Xiao Ming turned Nezha into an iron rod and walked into the forest with the iron rod.

Several children in the village also came in together. The periphery of the forest is still relatively safe.

Children can come in to pick wild vegetables and fruits, or catch some insects and pick up some firewood.

After going deeper, the children can't go deeper. Several children also grabbed the corner of Mu Mu's clothes. They didn't let him go further into the forest.

Xiao Ming rubbed the hair of several children and told them that Brother Mu was already an adult.

You can go further into the forest. You are still young, so don't follow us.

The children in the village are relatively simple. They believed what Xiao Ming said, and then asked Brother Mu to bring back some good things for them.

Seeing Brother Mu's promise, the children walked back happily and continued to pick up fruits diligently.

Xiao Ming continued to walk. He had picked some wild fruits along the way and gave them to the children.

He also ate one himself. It was a little sour, a little sweet, and a little astringent. This kind of fruit is not eaten by anyone on Pangu Star.

In the outer forest, you can clearly see traces of being trampled by people. Here, the traces of human beings have been greatly reduced.

The old trees in the outer area have been cut down by the villagers, and only here will there be larger and more ancient trees.

The leaves on the top of the trees are tall and vigorous, with tangled roots, lush branches and leaves, and strange shapes, blocking the sunlight.

Only spots of light fall down and are caught by the branches and leaves below. Very few of them can be scattered on the ground.

Xiao Ming knew that this was still good. If he went deeper into the forest, the situation would be even worse.

There was almost no sunlight in the bottom of the forest. Only a little refracted and scattered light allowed people to see things clearly.

Xiao Ming did not intend to go that deep. This place was enough for now.

The dense forest was definitely not a safe environment. All kinds of predators, big and small, were lurking and waiting for prey.

Fortunately, there were not many large predators that could pose a threat to humans. They also divided their territory and repelled each other.

Xiao Ming held the iron rod in his left hand and a handful of stones in his right hand. He continued to use "circle" to observe the surroundings.

Circle is a technique for using telekinesis, which lays a field of telekinesis perception around the user.

Release-type telekinesis users are more proficient in this technique. Xiao Ming's current circle range is about 20 meters.

If you concentrate your telekinesis to explore in one direction, it will be more than 50 meters.

Any creature within this range cannot escape his induction. Most of them are snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Xiao Ming was worried about encountering poisonous snakes, so he used stones to kill all the snakes.

I heard that the snake head separated from the body can also bite people. Xiao Ming broke the snake head with Nezha and picked it up from a distance.

Tie 5 or 6 dead headless snakes to the iron rod. Continue to explore in the forest.

Relying on the circle to avoid a terrible beast, Xiao Ming did not see it directly.

Just feeling its breath, Xiao Ming avoided it from a distance.

On the way, he found two nests of ant-like insects fighting. Xiao Ming also visited them with interest for a while.

The telepathic perception found that there was some restlessness in the distance, but it was not dangerous. Xiao Ming sneaked over quietly.

When he got closer, he saw that there were more than a dozen wild birds beating some animals. At first glance, the wild birds were ground birds and could not fly.

Use condensation before attacking to observe their vital points. Then flick. The stones flicked towards the wild birds.

Caught off guard, 3 were killed. The rest scattered.

Xiao Ming approached and saw that it was a creature that looked a bit like a pig, which had been killed by the group of birds. A lot of meat was taken away.

Xiao Ming untied the hemp rope around his waist, tied the pig and the three birds together, and dragged them in his hands. Let's go back to the village quickly.

To go back to the village, just look for bright light.

Xiao Ming also left a lot of traces along the way. He won't get lost.

Although the group of birds dispersed, they didn't give up. It was just a tactical retreat.

After that, they followed Xiao Ming around, observing and testing.

However, they didn't know that Xiao Ming's circle could easily find them, and two of them were killed by stones.

Then they realized how powerful they were. This time they really dispersed. It just gave Xiao Ming more harvest.

Xiao Ming, who returned to the village, was welcomed by the villagers. Even the village chief was shocked.

The most powerful hunter in the village didn't have such a good harvest as him in a trip to the forest.

Alas, it is not fair to compare an ordinary person with a Nen user. Even if this Nen user is a half-baked one.

Xiao Ming left 2 snakes, a wild bird, and a pig's hind leg. The rest were handed over to the village chief.

Some beautiful wild bird feathers were also distributed to the children.

Every household in the village also sent gifts. Furniture, clothes, and daily necessities.

The prey left by Xiao Ming was also roasted by the villagers. The taste was quite fragrant.

At the same time, the village chief also instructed the strong laborers in the village to build a new wooden house for Xiao Ming. I will be able to move to a new home soon.

It turns out that giving away houses is a means of winning over people in all worlds.

In this unknown village where Xiao Ming lives, everyone knows everyone. The village chief is not a person in power who can abuse his power.

Instead, he is a guide who leads the whole village to survive. If he does not do well, he will be abandoned by the whole village.

The prey Xiao Ming offers also becomes the common property of the whole village. Everyone benefits.

That is why everyone adds so much furniture to Xiao Ming. The strong enjoy good treatment, which is the survival wisdom of the villagers close to biological instinct.

Xiao Ming is full and satisfied. Thinking of the process of this hunting, I feel that there is one thing that is very troublesome.

That is, there is no space equipment such as personal warehouse, backpack, and inventory. There are too few things that can be carried with you.

In this secret realm, of course, solving problems depends on telekinesis.

So, Xiao Ming's fifth telekinetic butler was born. The function is to have storage space.

In the hunter secret realm, the butler's storage space is about a 10*10*10 warehouse.

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