Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 658 Contact with both parties

Another feature of the Na'vi that is very similar to the elves is that they also live with the huge tree of life and call it the Holy Tree.

The size of the Holy Tree is no less than the towering trees that Xiao Ming saw in the world of the Lord of the Rings.

Unobtnium, a unique ore, happens to be distributed at the roots of the Holy Tree.

This is probably not a coincidence, but because of the peculiarity of the ore, it breeds this tree that is larger than the castle.

Because of this, RDA's mining industry on Pandora has been stubbornly resisted by the Na'vi.

With the mining methods on Earth, if you want to dig ore, you must overthrow the Holy Tree. The Na'vi will never accept this.

This contradiction is almost irreconcilable. RDA has gradually lost patience.

Parker Sefridge, the head of the company on Pandora, has argued with the leaders of the Science Department many times. He even issued an ultimatum.

At the same time, he frequently communicated with the commander of the mercenaries, Colonel Miles Quarch, and actively planned to use force to eliminate the Na'vi and seize the ore.

Colonel Miles Quach, as a retired soldier, has a serious tendency towards violence.

He has long had the idea of ​​using force to flatten the entire planet. As for the mercenaries below, of course they take money from people and help them get rid of disasters.

The boss said to use force, so let's use force. Even humans can be the target of killing, let alone these aliens.

The soldiers are more simple and do not really treat the Na'vi as wild animals. They just follow the rules of the soldiers and eliminate all enemies.

Not as hypocritical as Parker Severridge. Using the excuse that these aliens are not recognized by the earth, they think that the other party has no human rights and can be slaughtered at will like animals.

Unlike the earth, the great age of navigation on Pangu Star was opened by the Later Qin Empire.

What the Chinese did was far from the crazy level of Western colonists in the parallel world.

Instead, they made full use of the powerful integration ability of the Chinese civilization and integrated all kinds of people wherever they went into the blood of Yanhuang.

Of course, this process cannot be all beautiful. Since it is colonization and aggression, there will definitely be violence, fraud and other behaviors.

But in general, it is still 10,000 times better than Westerners.

Moreover, at that time, the attraction of the Celestial Empire was the best in the world, and many ethnic groups and countries were willing to integrate into it, even fighting for their heads.

Taking the essence and discarding the dross, their joining has greatly enriched the connotation of Chinese civilization.

Of course, Xiao Ming has been baptized by "Far Island Strange Man", and he does not find the thinking mode of RDA strange, but he absolutely cannot tolerate it.

If it is a life-and-death racial war between the three races of humans, gods and insects, Xiao Ming still finds it difficult to judge right and wrong.

But like RDA, just for the sake of profit and making money, it can carry out genocide against a highly intelligent race.

Xiao Ming does not recognize that this is something that humans can do. In Xiao Ming's mind, the guy who did this has been expelled from the human race.

For Parker, Xiao Ming took two measures.

The first measure is to use the illusion ability of the Sharingan to make Parker think that RDA is involved in a political scandal and temporarily change its strategy.

In the short term, we cannot kill the Na'vi. To avoid being attacked by hostile forces. This is a reasonable excuse.

If Xiao Ming lied to him and said that RDA had a change of heart, he would not believe it 100%. Illusions must be reasonable.

The second method is to insert a [Sword of Judgment] into him. See if it can be transformed.

Parker has done too many bad things to climb to such a position in RDA at such a young age.

It can only be said that as a senior manager, the only bad thing he has not done is to kill people with his own hands.

However, due to his planning, the number of people who have lost their fortunes and families is definitely more than three digits. Xiao Ming's Sword of Judgment will give him enough punishment.

Xiao Ming, who has the Sharingan and has learned illusions, has a more powerful sword of judgment. The torture suffered by the judged will be more unforgettable.

In addition, on the mercenary side, several people who were already murderous, led by Colonel Miles Quarch, were also bewitched by Xiao Ming with illusions and stabbed with the Sword of Judgment.

Xiao Ming also gave them a chance to see if they could repent.

As for most people in the human base, they were not affected. They were just doing what they were ordered to do.

Due to the change in the upper-level policy. RDA Company temporarily stopped driving out to mine. Naturally, there would be no more conflicts.

Except for the scientist team who could take some guards out of the base when they went out for investigation, everyone else was trapped inside the base to avoid trouble.

Yin Xiaoming was responsible for controlling the entire base and following up on various scientific research projects. The laboratory in Guangmingding was extremely busy.

Huang Xiaoming was responsible for following the scientific research team and protecting their safety. The avatar operated by the male protagonist Jack Sully was also in this team.

However, because Huang Xiaoming was there to hold the line. There was no danger at all. Any creature on the surface of Pandora would retreat in front of Huang Xiaoming.

The "Insect Dragon Fish" team composed of Lu Xiaoming, Zhao Jiuzhou and Kraken is now also regarded as a distinguished guest by the Na'vi tribe.

The three of them are exploring the dense forest of Pandora, and there are more than a dozen Seven Star Shadow clones guarding them outside.

In addition, Xiao Ming also sent eight Seven Star Shadow clones, each with a few ordinary uniformed beast clones, and they are exploring further.

In this reincarnation world, Xiao Ming did not completely let go of the map scanning. First enjoy the fun of exploring the unknown.

After wandering around for several days, a group of people naturally met the native Na'vi of Pandora. It was the Omadikaya tribe to which the heroine belonged.

Because the identity of the Insect Dragon Fish Squad is also the native of Pandora. It is considered a minority. So the Na'vi did not regard them as enemies.

However, they are now strolling in someone else's territory, so it is necessary for them to ask.

Su Tai, the best warrior in the tribe, came to a Seven Star Shadow clone with several warriors riding on a six-legged heavy armored horse.

Su Tai could feel the power of the Seven Star Shadow clone. It is much stronger than himself and others. Thinking to himself, these ethnic minorities can survive, and there is indeed a reason for him.

The clone also looked at the group of Na'vi carefully. Their physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary humans. It is about between level 2 and level 3.

It's a pity that I don't have any supernatural energy, otherwise I would be even more powerful and wouldn't be bullied by a company of human mercenaries.

Well, this seems to be a breakthrough for me.

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