Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 659: Braid

Seeing Sutai and several other warriors dismount and separate their braids from the heavy-armored horse's braids.

Xiao Ming then realized that this is how the braid is used.

In the past few days, the Insect King has hunted and absorbed many creatures on Pandora.

Almost all the vertebrate creatures on Pandora have such a braid-like organ, which is full of nerve cells. But I have never known what it is used for.

Now it seems that this braid is a neural interface. It is specially used to connect with other creatures.

Through this neural connection, the Na'vi were able to tame this heavy-armored horse as their mount. It is estimated that they will also tame some other creatures.

And this neural interface must have other functions. Other creatures have neural interfaces, which should not be specially tamed by the Na'vi.

The biggest possibility is that the same creatures use neural interfaces to transmit information to each other. This method is much more advanced than the creatures on Earth.

However, compared with the spiritual sea of ​​the Zerg, it should be a few steps behind. This neural interface is worth having.

But how to have it? Even the Insect King cannot grow new organs casually.

Xiao Ming's mind raced, if it can't grow out, we can transplant it! The secret technique [Earth Grudge] just obtained in the Naruto world is just right for use.

There are so many materials that can be transplanted in the dense forest, and the Insect King was not polite and immediately caught twenty creatures from the surroundings.

Their braids were transplanted to the back of the Insect King's head, making it the same as the Na'vi's braids.

It's just that the Insect King can bear more, twenty braids hanging behind his head, eh? Why does it look a bit like a Predator?

Of course, the actual functions are very different. Through the black blood vessels made by the Earth Grudge, the Insect King's braids can be freely extended and shortened.

And the front end is relatively sharp, even if it is a creature without a neural interface, the tip of the braid can be used to pierce the other party's body and connect with the nerves in the other party's body.

This transformation is necessary, after all, creatures with external neural interfaces only exist on the planet Pandora.

Xiao Ming made this thing for himself, of course, not just for use in the world of Avatar.

There were some animals from Pandora in Guangmingding.

There were all kinds of them, even the powerful hammer-headed thunder beast, the death beast, and even the flying banshee winged beast. None of them could escape Xiao Ming's clutches.

Only the largest kind of lion-eagle winged beast, Toruk, Xiao Ming has not caught yet.

The main reason is that they fly a little high, and Xiao Ming is too lazy to fly up to catch them.

After having the neural interface, Xiao Ming quietly opened a window leading to Guangmingding, and inserted more than 20 braids into it, connecting with the neural interfaces of those creatures.

It is indeed possible to communicate. However, as animals, their thoughts are still relatively simple.

Perhaps because of this kind of neural organ, the animals on Pandora generally have higher mental power.

However, under the deterrence of Xiao Ming's 6th-level mental power, they still surrendered collectively without any hesitation. This is fun.

Green Xiao Ming couldn't help but look up at the lion-eagle winged beast flying from high in the sky.

Since all other animals have been subdued, this big brother should not be an exception. The Insect King shook his wings and flew straight up.

Is the Lion Eagle Winged Beast still looking down at all living things for prey? All large creatures on Pandora are its prey, even the Na'vi.

On this planet, they have no natural enemies. If there is, it is another Lion Eagle Winged Beast.

Their position in the food chain has never been challenged until today.

The flying giant's eyes blurred, and he saw a monster "rushing" in front of him at an incredible speed.

Before he could react. The neural interface was invaded, and the next second he had surrendered to the majesty of the Insect King.

This braid with a neural interface is really amazing!

As the overlord of the sky on Pandora, the Lion Eagle Winged Beast has a certain kinship with the Banshee Winged Beast, but its size is more than twice that of the Banshee Winged Beast.

With a wingspan of up to 25 meters, it is the largest winged beast, with a full 5th-level physical attribute. It is at the top of the food chain on Pandora.

Before, Xiao Ming got the 3rd and 4th level arms biological controllers, and also used telekinesis to simulate similar abilities.

But for the Lion Eagle Winged Beast, the controller is useless. The level is not enough.

But the Zerg skill [Zerg Conquer] should be able to... right?

In fact, when Xiao Ming used the neural interface to invade the nerves of other creatures, he had already naturally used the Zerg Conquer skill.

The perfect combination of 6th level mental power + Zerg Conquer skill + neural interface gave Xiao Ming an extremely powerful ability to tame animals at will.

Seeing that this ability is so useful, Yin Xiaoming and Huang Xiaoming also transplanted a braid to themselves.

They are all in human form, and it is too ugly to have too many braids. One is enough.

Sometimes Xiao Ming even doubts whether this conquer combination can also conquer humans? You can try it if you have a chance.

Green Xiaoming landed on a huge lion-eagle-winged beast. At this time, Sutai and several other Na'vi people, led by the Seven Yao Shadow clones, had just arrived in front of the insect-dragon-fish combination.

The Na'vi people were shocked when they saw the scene of the insect king landing on the lion-eagle-winged beast. It was really a kingly aura.

Although the Na’vi didn’t kneel down on the spot, their attitude towards the Insect King was several times more respectful.

The lion-eagle-winged beast that Xiao Ming subdued was one of the more powerful of this species. It was quite powerful.

However, Xiao Ming used these animals on Pandora for experiments and taming for fun.

The atmospheric environment of Pandora was very different from that of Pangu. In order to raise them, Xiao Ming had to prepare special single rooms, which was actually quite troublesome.

Fortunately, there were such single rooms in the laboratory of the human base, because humans were also studying local creatures.

As the actual person in charge of the human base, Xiao Ming naturally brought a few rooms to Guangmingding without hesitation. They were handed over to Dr. Grace and others for use.

These scientists are all treasures. Their research on neural externalization has actually been quite in-depth.

In addition, they can also possess the Avatar and experience the feeling of neural externalization in person. Xiao Ming hopes that they can research some results as soon as possible.

By the way, can we also transplant a small braid on their human bodies? This will definitely make their research more convenient.

After consulting with many scientists, except for 3 or 5 people who were unwilling, most of the scientific researchers were willing to accept the transplant.

They really have a spirit of dedication. To be on the safe side, Xiao Ming temporarily only transplanted neural interfaces to 1/3 of them. This greatly stimulated their enthusiasm for work.

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