Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 660: Na'vi religious ceremony

As a representative of the Omadikaya tribe, Sutai came to meet the three worm dragon fish just to show the tribe's presence.

There was no intention to expel these ethnic minorities. The guests came, and as a local snake, you have to greet them.

On the one hand, it was a greeting, and on the other hand, it was a silent reminder: this place has an owner, don't do stupid things.

In the legend of the Na'vi people, taming the lion eagle winged beast is a top priority. The knight of the lion eagle winged beast will be respected by all Na'vi people.

But this kind of thing only exists in legends, only heard of but not seen. Today, I actually saw a living one.

Sutai and his friends immediately invited them to the tribe. Lu Xiaoming, Zhao Jiuzhou, and Kraken readily agreed.

Following the Na'vi through the dense forest, they came to the sacred tree where the Omadikaya tribe lived.

The tribal chief Etukang, his wife Muya, and his daughter Nitli, who received the news, led all the members of the tribe to greet them.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the insect king who had subdued the lion-eagle-winged beast. Although they were all wooden eyes of awe and worship, Xiao Ming still felt like he was on display.

This time, a small number of Na'vi people really knelt down devoutly.

Xiao Ming did not like being worshipped by others. His own insect humans and the Zerg under his command would not perform this kind of kneeling ceremony.

The Zerg were sincere, and respect and submission were expressed in the spiritual realm and actual actions. This kind of external etiquette was dispensable.

Seeing the Na'vi people kneeling, Xiao Ming waved his hand and lifted them all up with the Force.

Showing such a hand made the Na'vi people more awed by him.

Xiao Ming and others were very interested in the customs and habits of the Na'vi people, and the Na'vi people were also interested in the three of them, so the three insect dragon fishes lived in the tribe.

Several people soon discovered that although the chief of the tribe was Etukang.

Her wife Muya was the spiritual leader of the entire tribe, and she was responsible for presiding over all religious ceremonies of the tribe.

The actual power was still above her husband. Their daughter, Neetli, should take over her mother's position in the tribe in the future. Her husband may be the next chief of the tribe.

But this little girl is too curious. She was the first one to dare to touch the lion-eagle-winged beast.

Under Xiao Ming's mental suppression, the lion-eagle-winged beast did not bite off her head, but just pushed her away with its wings.

Xiao Ming did not intend to use the dignity of the lion-eagle-winged beast to please the Na'vi. Neetli was not discouraged, and took meat to please the lion-eagle-winged beast, looking like a little pug.

In the mythological system of the Na'vi, there is a great god on the planet Pandora - Eva.

In charge of all life on the planet, a bit like Gaia, the god of the earth in Western legends; or Nuwa, the mother of the earth in Chinese legends.

There is also a ritual in the tribe that can communicate with Eva. At first, Xiao Ming and others only thought it was a primitive religious belief.

Out of courtesy, Xiao Ming still participated in the ceremony. Zhao Jiuzhou and Kraken each have their own beliefs and declined the ceremony.

They were not the heroes who had subdued the lion-eagle-winged beast, so the Na'vi didn't care if they didn't participate.

The Insect King and the Na'vi sat in a circle on the ground, holding hands, swaying and chanting. (The language was naturally not a problem with the reincarnation space.)

Xiao Ming could feel that during the ceremony, the spiritual power of all the Na'vi people was connected together, and Xiao Ming's spiritual power naturally joined in.

This ceremony reminded Xiao Ming of the [Real Court]. That was the ability developed by Wang Zhenzhen in the world of "My Date with a Vampire 2".

There are certain similarities with this ceremony. In such a powerful spiritual connection, no Na'vi can lie or deceive others.

This can provide a fair and just trial for the Na'vi people. It will not allow treacherous and cunning criminals to occupy high positions. This society is much more reasonable than human society.

While Xiao Ming was daydreaming, Eva's spirit actually descended on this ceremony. OMG! It turns out that this great god really exists!

All the Na'vi were very excited to get Eva's response.

Although they often organize such ceremonies, most of the time they only express their piety to Eva unilaterally.

Eva would occasionally respond slightly, giving replies like "um", "ah", "got it..."

This was the first time that Eva paid such serious attention to her. All the Na'vi thought it was Xiao Ming's credit.

In fact, it was true. Xiao Ming had a 6th-level mental power. The strongest Na'vi on this planet only had a 3rd-level mental power.

Such a high-end existence, of course, alarmed Eva. Both sides left the Na'vi aside and started a one-on-one communication.

Eva's mental power was as vast as the sea in terms of quantity. It was far ahead of Xiao Ming.

However, her thinking seemed to be a little simple and immature, which surprised Xiao Ming. I thought she would be a god with wisdom like the sea.

But thinking about her people, everything on Pandora was still in its primitive stage. Her soul was indeed not complicated.

Xiao Ming hesitated a little. Should he tell her what humans are like? Would it hurt her? Maybe she would learn bad things.

However, he thought that the earthlings had already started to march towards Pandora, where there was a unique mineral called Unobtnium.

The greedy RDA company would never give up. If the company couldn't handle it, the regular army would probably come next.

If the Earth's population is too large to accommodate and has to migrate to Pandora to compete for living space, then Xiao Ming can't intervene.

It's like seeing a wolf catching a sheep. Saving the sheep will let the wolf starve to death. It's wrong to favor either one.

If it's Big Bad Wolf catching Pleasant Goat, there's even less to worry about, because the sheep won't die and the wolf won't starve to death.

But it's not that kind of situation now. RDA is just a robbery that is blinded by money.

Thinking of China in the parallel space, which has also been bullied in the same way, Xiao Ming might have to take sides, at least to let the Na'vi have the power to protect themselves.

The question is how to make Eva understand these things?

Xiao Ming thought about it, hey, I got it, isn't "The Strange Man of the Far Island" the most suitable textbook!

So he packed this set of books in his mind and gave it to Eva, with his goodwill attached.

This set of books is really a big book, with tens of millions of words. Eva probably has to read it for a while and think about it for a while.

But she first felt Xiao Ming's kindness, which could not be faked.

So she opened a special channel. Allowing Xiao Ming to contact her at any time.

As the host of the ceremony, Muya and all the participants also felt that Eva valued Xiao Ming.

At this moment, they almost regarded Xiao Ming as Eva's spokesperson. No wonder he could subdue the lion-eagle-winged beast, his background is too strong.

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