Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 73: Battle at the Bandit Checkpoint

Xiao Ming made an invitation, hoping that Zhu Xinxiu could be his consultant and model part-time.

Tell him some non-confidential things about the special forces, and perform all kinds of fighting and shooting movements. For his reference.

Xiao Ming will pay a considerable amount of money. Zhu Xinxiu felt very embarrassed.

It feels that this kind of thing that can be done by casual chatting. It is not good to charge money, right?

Xiao Ming said that this is the same as paying a lawyer for consultation, and they still charge by time.

Xiao Ming only paid a one-time fee. The consultation is not scheduled, basically just chat when they meet.

(In this way, Xiao Ming has to live in the company for a while, I hope Xiao Jing will not be angry.)

During the consultation process, Xiao Ming will use the ability of mind-circle and concentration to observe carefully. In order to understand thoroughly.

Xinxiu also felt it, but he was sensitive, even if he was stared at by others, he would feel it. So he didn't care.

After chatting for a long time, he also watched Zhu Xinxiu do a set of free movements in battle.

Used mind power to build a rough model of the mind beast-of course, it was a female special forces uniform with black stockings.

Xiao Ming then said goodbye and left. He left the wine and pork head meat he had just bought for Zhu Xinxiu.

This time, Xiao Ming logged in as the dead informer. At this moment, the dead informer was stationed in front of a checkpoint.

With the rapid growth of Maomaoer, he is now responsible for the regulation of all game characters when Xiao Ming is not in the game warehouse.

Including when Xiao Ming② leaves the game warehouse, the intelligent program Xiaoerer is transferred to operate Xiao Ming② in time.

During the time when Xiao Ming did not log in to the game, the intelligent program Xiaosaner operated the dead informer to leave the main road and march into a valley.

After collecting a few resources, he was blocked by the checkpoint built on the mountain in front of him.

Checking the system records, it was found that Xiaosaner triggered the plot event of being discovered by the spy when he marched.

But Xiaosaner did not know how to deal with it. When he arrived at the checkpoint, he stopped his march according to the rules. He missed the best time to attack.

When Xiao Ming came online, the opponent's reinforcements had already entered the checkpoint and stationed.

Now looking at the troops at the pass, Xiao Ming thinks that there is still a chance to fight on the flat ground. Attacking the checkpoint is like sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

Putting down the telescope, Xiao Ming began to analyze the situation in front of him.

This should be a plot mission without a doubt. The plot events recorded by the system are proof of this. The appearance of reinforcements is also proof.

This place is not on the main road, so players can come or not. Xiao Saner walked in with resources.

This means that this is a side quest, which may be similar to the plot of the Funnel Village map - Pirates in distress.

As far as the field of vision can see, the guards of the checkpoint are a group of bandits. There should be a stronghold deep in the valley.

So the scattered resources in the valley have long been picked up by the heroes of the bandit forces.

There will be no gains in resources and property if you kill your way in. The only attraction is that there is a prison.

In this case, the possibility of a good hero in the prison is very high.

Xiao Ming guessed that the original direction of the plot might be: players quickly seize the checkpoint.

Relying on the advantage of guarding the checkpoint to deal with the bandit forces in the valley. Seize the opportunity to attack the prison. Get a good hero for nothing.

Or go and occupy the city in the map. Gather strength and come back for a decisive battle. In addition to saving the hero, you can also destroy the village.

The first option is already very risky. If you are not careful, it is easy to be wiped out. Now it is even more inappropriate.

Maybe the second option is what the game creators want players to choose.

Our Xiao Ming has another way. The golden finger will work wonders again.

Since the dead entered the southeast map, I have fought all the way here. Xiao Ming actually did several experiments.

Make a bone trebuchet on land and want to attack wild monsters remotely. Unfortunately, the system does not allow it. That is too cheating.

So Xiao Ming wasted a lot of mental energy and resources. That is a deep resentment.

The bone trebuchet is not recognized as a war machine by the system. It can only be regarded as a trick.

A trick that can only be played in the plot for the time being. Isn’t it the plot in front of you! Finally, I can vent my anger.

Weighed the strength of the level. To be more secure.

Xiao Ming made 10 bone trebuchets in one breath. Arranged in three rows of 4, 3, 3.

The first row of 4 catapults aimed at the checkpoint. The last two rows aimed at the area between the checkpoint and the army of the deceased.

Follower Lin Muzhongyi had been itching to do it for a long time. This time he could finally have a good time.

He arranged for the pirates under Zaoye Yihe to be gunners. One catapult required 2 or 3 pirates to operate.

There was no other way. The undead soldiers were too stupid. The generals had to concentrate on preparing for war. They could only use pirates.

With the order from the deceased, the four catapults in the first row began to bombard in turns. Keep it uninterrupted.

Although it was not a big battle scene with thousands of cannons firing at the same time. But the stone bullets fell on the checkpoint one after another, which was also very powerful.

If the bandits were hit, the other party would be seriously injured if not killed. If the bandits were not hit, the checkpoint would be hit. Continuously consume its durability.

Xiao Ming also had some bad luck, mixing the rotten flesh of the rotten thrower zombies with stone bullets and throwing them on the checkpoint.

The enemy chieftain on the level was a little panicked. This was too much of a bully.

Using long-range counterattacks, it was impossible to reach. Using various methods to block the stone bullets, there were no corresponding equipment.

If there was a huge shield, many people could push it to resist, and it could cover one or two. Unfortunately, there was no shield.

Even if there was, it could only cover a small area. The stone bullets hit other places and there was no retreat.

The only one who can move quickly and resist the stone bullets is the enemy leader hero. Every time he resists, he will be injured a little.

Organizing multiple bandits to use weapons to block together is useless. It also causes the combat effectiveness to be damaged faster.

After that, no one dared to block. Everyone was running to avoid the stone bullets, and they bumped into each other while running, and the casualties continued to increase.

The rotten meat with the disease effect made the bandits at the gate sick.

Almost half of the soldiers were always in the state of disease.

This bandit was lucky to survive the onset of the disease, and another bandit was infected over there.

At this moment, the enemy hero regretted it. It was just like the death informer under the operation of the intelligent program did not rush to the level in time.

If he had led his troops out of the level in time and fought against the death informer troops at the beginning, it would have been better.

At that time, the troops were the most complete. Unfortunately, there was no regret medicine to buy.

Now he faces two choices: attack or escape. Attacking is a sure loss.

Running away is a more rational choice, but the price is that many wounded people will be left behind.

Most of the bandits in this group are fathers, sons and brothers. If they leave their relatives behind and run away, the leader himself is afraid of being stabbed in the back.

In fact, he can choose to surrender, but unfortunately this option has never appeared in his mind.

So a desperate charge began. The bandit hero ordered everyone to go out of the pass for a decisive battle.

The remaining enemy bandits rushed out of the pass in a swarm, without forming a battle array, and directly launched a desperate charge against the death-telling troops.

That guy was so tragic. Xiao Ming couldn't bear to watch it.

This is a charge towards death.

Each bandit must first rush through the stone bombing area by luck, and then be slowed down by the bone breastplate;

Then survive the shooting of more than a hundred strong crossbow skeleton soldiers and eight rotten zombies;

Then they were blocked by the meat shield-3rd level 20 iron gate zombies, and fought against arrows, plague and fleshy zombies in close combat;

Finally, all died on the battlefield in frustration. Until the end of the battle, there was no loss of life among the victims.

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