Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 75: Victory in battle

Xiao Ming looked at the large group of bandits, like a swarm of ants, rushing towards the checkpoint in dense masses.

Three times more troops looks quite scary. Xiao Ming was not panicked.

Unless the enemy has too many long-range troops, it will be difficult to pose a sufficient threat to your own troops on the level.

Even if the melee bandits rush to the level, they still have to demolish the city wall first. The walls of the level are quite solid.

For bandit troops without siege machinery, they can only rely on strength in numbers to tear down walls.

If the informant was just an ordinary level 1 hero, the odds of winning or losing this battle would be 50-50.

It's a pity that the deceased is not an ordinary hero. 10 trebuchets are accepted by the system as defense facilities for the level.

Their attack range has been expanded, and their attack frequency and damage have been increased. Sadly zombie carrion can no longer be thrown.

(The normal trebuchet can adjust the range. The one made by Xiao Ming using super powers is actually a bit rough.)

Of course, what really disgusted the bandit to the point of vomiting blood was the slowing effect of the bone breastplate.

The level 2 long-range unit poacher among bandits is not a very powerful unit. A level 2 archer that is not as good as a human.

When attacking the checkpoint from above, it is far away and blocked by a city wall. There is also Stoneskin for added defense. The attack power can only be used less than 1/6.

As for the Arbalest Skeleton Soldiers and the Rotator Zombies, due to their condescending position, their range is extended and their damage is also increased.

An attack on a poacher is almost full damage. The complainant simply hit the poacher troops severely.

Just transfer most of your firepower to deal with the crowded and shambling bandit melee troops in front of the level.

Xiao Ming also had an idea and wanted to let his melee troops throw stone bullets under the city wall. The result was not allowed by the system.

Halfway through the battle, the opponent's leader already knew that he was destined to lose.

After fighting for a while with a sense of luck, the enemy general learned magic and was blinded by level 2 magic.

Unfortunately, the strongest ranged enemy is the Skeleton Soldier, which is not affected by blindness. (There were no eyes originally.)

The rotting zombies are scattered among Katagiri Katagiri's zombie army.

At most 1-2 people will be blinded by magic at a time, resulting in losing the ability to attack for several minutes.

Here I would like to explain the setting of this auxiliary magic.

In the previous game, no matter how many units there were, auxiliary magic could always be applied to all members of the unit.

A few, dozens, or even tens of thousands. One cast of the hero's spell is all it takes. There's a bit of a bug.

Players of the previous game used this to play many tricks and achieve many impossible battles.

In Magic Planet, the creators made some adjustments. With a slightly larger number of troops, casting spells may not be able to take care of them all at once.

The system will conduct a comprehensive evaluation based on the strategic power of the casting hero, the level of magic, and the level of the unit being cast.

After systematic calculation, it is determined how many soldiers in this army will be affected by this auxiliary magic.

The zombie troops are level 2-3 troops, and the opponent's general is just a level 1 legal general.

So when he casts a spell, the system calculates that only 8-10 zombies will be hit. 1-2 of them are remotely good.

The enemy general's mana is limited, and he stops after casting 5 or 6 times.

The auxiliary magic failed to achieve the desired effect. The bandit leader finally confirmed: This battle is definitely lost.

At this time, it was too late to ask the melee troops to withdraw.

The enemy hero turned around and fled with the general and the remaining dozens of bandits.

It didn't feel like becoming an official hero before, but now Xiao Ming was unhappy when he saw enemy heroes and generals escaping on horseback.

The direction of their escape was not back to the mountain stronghold, but towards the two-way portal. It seems that he has given up completely.

After they ran away for a long distance, the system defaulted to the end of the battle. Start story mode.

The commander fled, and the remaining nearly a hundred bandits laid down their weapons, knelt down and surrendered.

It took a lot of time to catch them one by one and keep them in custody.

Compiled the battle report: 24 level 1 crossbow skeleton soldiers were lost in the battle.

After the battle, you can get: zombies*6, level 1 skeleton soldiers*159, level 2 skeleton swordsmen*10, level 3 skeleton cavalry*1

Skeleton soldiers finally have a third-level unit, which is cavalry. This is reasonable.

During the battle, Xiao Ming once saw a few 3-4 level cavalry among the bandits.

It's easier to see clearly after the battle, but the probability of the Undead Amulet's advanced special effects is still a bit low. After all, it is not a complete combination of equipment.

In the past, there were mostly small-scale battles, and the proportion of advanced rounds was rounded off when the system calculated it.

With the end of the level battle, the deceased has not yet left the level.

The cottages deep in the valley also raised lowering flags. The generals who stayed behind in the village surrendered with the dozens of old and weak soldiers remaining in the village.

The system prompts that the player has informed the deceased to occupy the city where human bandits specialize - Turtle Mountain City (Zhai).

Turtle Back Mountain City: A city specialized in human bandits.

The city has a tavern, interior hall, base camp, market, and level 1 magic tower. Contains level 1 magic: firebending magic.

Firebending Magic: Consumes 5 mana, and the selected unit's damage from fire magic is reduced by 30%. This magic is not very useful.

There are already military buildings in the city:

Level 1 Bandit Barracks: Can produce: Level 1 bandit infantry, Level 1 bandit riflemen, Level 10 bandit spearmen.

Level 2 Bandit Barracks: can produce: Level 2, Level 0 Poachers, Level 2, Level 10 Bandit Spy.

Turtleback Mountain City is a little worse than Li's Fishing City, but that's pretty good.

The most interesting thing is that there is a Temple of the Dead in this city.

The bandits who just surrendered are now guarding the city. General "Net One Cage": Adventure profession is Level 1, Level 2 Archer.

Strategic profession is Level 0, Level 7 Ordinary Archer General, leading 34 Level 0 old and weak bandits. They can't even run away, no wonder they surrendered.

New general's strategic attributes: 3, 2, 1, 1. A useless guy.

The only professional talent is elementary archery, which can increase long-range damage by 10%.

The bandit hero who was imprisoned on the checkpoint by the accused deceased saw the army defeated, the main general fled, and the mountain stronghold surrendered.

He also cut off all hope and expressed his willingness to lead the hundreds of captives on the checkpoint to surrender to the accused deceased.

Xiao Ming was in need of a hero, so he readily agreed. He accepted this ordinary hero named "Dongshanhu".

His adventure profession is the 1st level 11 steel fork hunter. His strategic profession is the 1st level 11 mountain bandit. Strategic attributes are 3, 4, 2, 1.

The army he led: 1st level mountain bandit infantry * 43, 1st level mountain bandit spearman * 34, 2nd level poacher * 15, 2nd level mountain bandit spy * 17, 3rd level mountain bandit sword and shield * 3.

His racial talent is financial management (primary passive): In financial management, every 5 levels get an additional bonus of 5%.

Professional talent: Intermediate financial management: Increase income by 250 gold coins per day. Primary luck: +1 luck for the troops under your command. Primary logistics: Increase the hero's land mobility by 10%.

This guy's combat power is very average, but his financial management is really good. You can increase gold coins every day.

As long as he is there, no matter how badly you lose, there will always be a chance to turn the tables.

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