Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 88: Secret Expansion in the Southwest

The death smell in the south was a little bit stronger, so Xiao Ming led the army to the south.

It was very hard to march in the swamp, but thanks to the professional talent pathfinding rewarded by the prophet, it was much easier to march.

In addition, I found an interesting thing. Swamps are generally a mixture of mud, water, and various sediments. That's why it's difficult to walk.

There are often places where the proportion of water is a little higher, and the dead can actually walk easily on it with the power of the water god shoes.

This is because the system defines those places as water surfaces. In fact, there is not even room for a small boat.

In this case, Xiao Ming tried to walk on this kind of water surface as much as possible, saving a lot of mobility.

Although this map is so poor that there are no buildings, there are still wild animals.

And there are quite a few of them, many of them lurking in the depths of the swamp, waiting for an opportunity to attack passing prey.

Fortunately, most of the dead army are undead, which will not arouse the desire of most predators to attack.

Occasionally, some hot-tempered wild animals will attack them. They are also turned into dead souls under arrows.

The wild animals here don't even know basic common sense such as avoiding the army. It can be seen that this place has been wild for a long time.

These animals are not even considered as military creatures, and there is no experience reward for killing them. However, the corpses left behind can provide some bones and the smell of death.

Frequent ambushes forced Xiao Ming to release Yuan to detect the surrounding situation from time to time.

As soon as Yuan was released, Xiao Ming suddenly realized. He finally understood what kind of map this is.

[Abandoned Land]: The map level is equivalent to a negative number. It was originally a normal map. Abandoned for various reasons.

The city was destroyed, various buildings were dilapidated, and NPCs of various races left this place.

After the ravages of time, all the ruins were covered and buried by new vegetation and hidden underground.

Over time, it became this kind of abandoned place with few people. There are no wild monsters on the map.

The reason why it can be identified as an abandoned place is that Xiao Ming's Yuan found many ruins of buildings that were covered and buried. It was not visible with the naked eye before.

Xiao Ming likes this place very much! The reason is simple: Isn't this kind of place with few people the best place to build a city?

There will definitely be no enemies competing for the territory in the short term, and all the nearby tribes know that this is an abandoned place.

The reason why the system does not allow the construction of a city now is nothing more than that this place is too "poor". Logically speaking, there must be a way to restore the vitality of the abandoned place.

The method that the system will use is probably to follow the plot. For example, the upper class of that race decides to colonize here; or it is blessed by God, etc.

The method that Xiao Ming can use personally is to repair those wild buildings, especially mines. There will be vitality with output, right?

The nearest ruins is a dragon fly treasure house. It looks like a rotten dead tree. Most of it is buried in the mud. Only a few branches stick out from the surface.

It is also very difficult to restore wild buildings. The first thing to do is to "dig it out".

Remove the silt, garbage and other debris covering the building debris. Let the ruins appear.

The soldiers of ordinary races are unwilling to do such dirty and tiring work. Forcing them to do this kind of work will reduce their morale. Troops with too low morale will fight passively or even flee.

Fortunately, the deceased's subordinates are undead, and the undead have no morale, so it doesn't matter.

Hundreds of undead worked together, and it took only more than ten minutes to dig up the silt and everything.

The ruins of the entire Dragon Fly Treasure House were exposed. Xiao Ming took out wood, stone ore and other resources and used superpowers to repair it.

As Xiao Ming expected. A certain amount of resources were consumed. The Dragon Fly Treasure House was indeed restored.

The normal function of the Dragon Fly Treasure House is: there will be an indefinite amount of Dragon Fly troops guarding it. Eliminating the Dragon Fly defenders will get the corresponding flying dragon reward.

Dragon flies and flying dragons are both swamp orcs among the orcs. Dragon flies are level 3, and flying dragons are level 6.

The treasure house has been restored, and Xiao Ming visited it and found that the treasure house was empty. This is natural.

System prompt: If the map is upgraded to a level 0 map before next week. Then there will be dragon fly troops stationed on Monday. The function will also be restored.

If the map is not upgraded, the treasure house will begin to decay at a certain speed. This speed is not fast.

Next, Xiao Ming continued to repair buildings everywhere. Until the action power of the dead was used up.

The repaired minerals are: mercury, sulfur, crystal, and wood.

Originally, the minerals could not be immediately started to produce resources after being repaired because there was no city connected to them.

When the dead bound the strategic treasure truck to these mines, they automatically resumed production. Is this okay?

In order to bind the new mines, Xiao Ming had to unbind the previous ones. Those mines require local heroes to collect resources frequently.

From the resumption of production of the first mine, the system automatically added a prompt bar similar to the experience bar to the small map.

It shows the growth of the vitality of this abandoned land. When the vitality is full, the map will probably be upgraded.

In addition to the minerals, Xiao Ming also repaired a waterwheel: 1,000 gold coins can be obtained by visiting it every week; a watchtower;

a shelter: heroes entering the shelter will not be attacked;

an exchange: resources can be exchanged here. A small house was also repaired, but it is unknown whether it belongs to the prophet or the witch.

In addition, two field troop nests were repaired - the wolf house and the lizard nest.

The nest produces the 1st level wolf-headed soldiers of the Swamp Tribe and the 2nd level lizardmen. Among them, the lizardmen are long-range troops.

On the map of the abandoned land, these two types of soldiers' nests cannot produce soldiers yet. After this busy time, the vitality of the map is almost full.

Switching to the researcher, the boat he was riding was still sailing on the sea. Xiao Ming checked the system records and found out.

The four puppet canoes did play a big role. With their ability to detect from a distance, Li Huamei escaped several waves of passing pirates without any danger.

Even if it was a pirate that could be easily defeated, Li Huamei chose to avoid it. There was no need to expose her tracks for a small profit.

The expansion of the field of vision also allowed Li Huamei to pick up a lot of sea resources far away from the route along the way.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Xiao Ming switched to the explorer again. It was found that the explorer went to the professional hall under the control of Xiaoer.

In the professional hall of the swordsman, he learned three skills: [Heavy Slash], [One-handed Sword Specialization], and [Quick Stab].

At this moment, he is practicing skills at home. This intelligent program loves learning more than himself. Xiao Ming switched to the diver with shame.

Graystone Town is the place where the diver was born, so he has his own small house in the town.

Today is the first time he has returned to his house since he was born and left.

The houses of the sea people are very different from those on the surface. The houses of ordinary sea people are generally not fully enclosed.

Everyone just piles up corals, rocks, various discarded shells, etc. to make a house.

Some sea people even find a hole or dig a hole to live in. They don't even need a house.

The diver is checking the harvest at home. His personal backpack is also full of things, all of which he picked up when looking for the wreckage of a medium-sized ship.

It's too careless to check the treasure in a house that is leaking everywhere. Don't you know that wealth should not be exposed?

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