Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 89 Ancient Transfiguration

Xiao Ming operated the diver and quickly collected all the things on the ground into the housekeeper space. He immediately felt much more at ease.

Then he switched to the explorer to identify and archaeologically examine these things.

The diver character did not know the identification technique, so I really didn't know what he had seen before.

It turned out that although the things were picked up casually, Xiao Ming had checked them with telekinesis first. There were really a lot of good stuff in them.

Generally speaking, they were mainly valuable crafts, commodities and antiques. There were also some items with attributes and functions.

For a long time, due to the frequent use of archaeology, the explorer has accumulated a large amount of various information.

Information is only temporarily unusable information, not absolutely useless information. But what should I do if there is too much information?

I had to record it by the intelligent program. Xiao Ming's own head would definitely not be able to remember it.

The diver did not put equipment and other things into his personal backpack. Those things were generally stuffed into the housekeeper space by the diver (mostly together with the body).

At this time, they were piled up in the Turtle Back Mountain City, waiting for the patronage of the bandits. Let's see who can recognize the pearls with wisdom.

Xiao Ming has accumulated dozens of items that are suspected to be antiques, broken items, and things that seem to be fishy.

Xiao Ming thinks he can take this opportunity to sort them out. See how many treasures he can get out of them.

These things have already been repaired by archaeology. What the explorer has to do is to use superpowers to repair them one by one.

This is also a long and boring process. He can't be lazy, and Xiao Ming must use his superpowers himself.

Tomorrow is Sunday, the day when the explorer delivers the ascetic universal crossbow every week. Xiao Ming's superpowers should still take care of this task first.

According to the agreement, only 13 universal crossbows need to be submitted this week. Several have been made before, and Xiao Ming put them all in the living room after making up the number.

Then go back to the bedroom to repair antiques. I have seen real archaeologists repairing antiques before, and that is a very rigorous and hard work.

Xiao Ming is good, just use superpowers to get it done directly, but it's just a matter of how much it consumes. Speaking of which, his superpowers are really a waste of talent.

After all the items are repaired. The explorer used the identification technique on them one by one. Although many items were confirmed.

Most of them still don't know how to use. For example, a severely damaged ancient painting is still an ancient painting after being repaired. What else can it do except sell it for money?

The system probably arranged a corresponding story line, but Xiao Ming doesn't have the time to develop it. It can only be stored in the warehouse.

At present, there is no shortage of money, and there is no need to sell antiques. Keep it, just in case it will be useful in the future. Xiao Ming thought so.

So Xiao Ming's personal warehouse has a backlog of more than 100 various antique treasures. Some of them are items that the explorer's identification technique cannot identify.

(In fact, in this case, he should find someone to cooperate with. Too much backlog is equivalent to waste.

Huo's Chamber of Commerce, Long Aotian Studio, and Datang Guild are all objects that can be moderately cooperated. Unfortunately, Diaosi Xiao Ming can't think of this for the time being.)

There are also some adventure equipment and treasures that can only be used at level 2 and 3. They are also stored in the warehouse for the time being.

What stood out was a fragment, which was repaired by Xiao Ming and turned into an ancient magic scroll - Ancient Transfiguration.

Modern Transfiguration is a secret of druids and a gift from the goddess of nature. They can use this technique to transform into a certain creature. And have some characteristics of that creature.

Those who can transform into bears and pigs can be meat shields, those who transform into jackals, tigers and leopards can fight in close combat, and those who transform into hawks and falcons can fly. All members are also good at bows and arrows.

The diversity of Transfiguration has led to the diversity of the druid profession. It has become the main profession of the elves.

This Ancient Transfiguration scroll is very different. It is not a spell that transforms the caster into an animal.

Instead, it can transform into other intelligent races - orcs, elves and even undead.

The magic scroll can only be used on one character. Which character should be given it to use is a problem.

After thinking it over and over again, Xiao Ming felt that this transformation ability should be learned by the researcher. Because the researcher has the time and space jump skill.

He is most likely to jump to a dangerous place, and at this time, the transformation will definitely be useful.

Jump into the water and become a fish (sea creatures), jump into the sky and become a bird (winged man), which greatly increases safety.

(Of course, time and space jumps in the game are generally not so tricky. If they are tricky, there must be a special task.)

Thinking of this, Xiao Ming stuffed the scroll of the ancient transformation into the housekeeper space. Immediately switch to the researcher. He really wants to see the details of the transformation immediately.

The researcher jumped onto a canoe in the name of reconnaissance, trying to stay away from Li Huamei and James's boat.

Seeing that the distance is about right, Xiao Ming took out the magic scroll and used it on the researcher.

Ancient Transformation. It is an active magic. It is still in the primary stage when it is just learned. (Use the transformation more often, you can accumulate experience and upgrade.)

When the researcher learned this magic, he got a bound treasure-[Transformation Atlas].

The researcher can transform into any intelligent creature recorded in the Transformation Atlas. The Transformation Atlas now has 3 record slots.

That is, you can record three transformation objects. To open more record slots, the researcher must upgrade the level of the transformation technique.

The recording process is cruel and bloody. You must first kill the object you want to transform, and the integrity of the corpse must be above 70%.

Then the corpse is completely absorbed by the transformation atlas. Only then will the system allow the researcher to transform into the other party.

After the transformation, 100% of the other party's rank, level and physical attributes are retained. There is a 30% chance that the opponent's various skills will be forgotten. The opponent's memory will be forgotten by 50%.

Xiao Ming guessed that this transformation technique was developed to perfectly plant spies in other races. Otherwise, there is really no need to bother to retain memories and skills.

There are many much simpler ways to read memories and steal skills.

The most amazing thing is: after transforming into the target, the player can continue to improve the level and rank of the new body after the transformation.

You can learn new skills, wear new equipment, etc. This is the rhythm of preparing to lurk in the enemy for a long time.

The ancient transformation technique can almost be called a magical skill. Of course, there are also great limitations.

First of all, the experience points required to upgrade the transformed body require 2-5 times the normal experience points. The specific value depends on the compatibility between the player and the new body.

Secondly, the three recording slots in the primary transformation atlas can only record target objects with a maximum level of no more than level 2.

It is impossible to directly create a new body of a higher level. Of course, after the transformation, the player is allowed to upgrade the new body to more than level 2.

These two points will improve to varying degrees as the level of the transformation technique increases.

Looking at the introduction of the ancient transformation technique system, Xiao Ming's saliva is about to flow out.

Although this is not an urgently needed skill, it is really fun.

In the future, I will carefully select the targets for the three transformation quotas of the researcher.

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