Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 91 Amazing Talent

The name of this skeleton NPC is Lin Shen. This was also his name when he was alive.

As a Ming Dynasty person, a descendant of Yan and Huang. Lin Shen's knowledge is similar to Li Huamei, and he has also learned a lot about the world.

He also realized the importance of the ocean to the Ming Dynasty. Unfortunately, he is not a son of a family.

He does not have the manpower and financial resources like Li Huamei to build a maritime force on his own.

So he had to join a merchant fleet of Ming Dynasty merchants. He wanted to go to sea to find opportunities.

After living on the sea with the merchant fleet for several years, he learned a lot of knowledge that was not in books and accumulated rich experience.

However, Lin Shen has not found a clue on how to solve the maritime problems of the Ming Dynasty.

On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, his merchant fleet was unlucky and was attacked by pirates and destroyed.

He jumped into the sea holding a piece of wood by chance and escaped the massacre of pirates.

Since then, he has been drifting until now, and I don’t know how long it has been. (In fact, he didn't really escape, he was already dead at this time.)

After his death, Lin Shen finally became a skeleton of the Undead because his wish was not fulfilled and his will was not extinguished. It's just that he himself didn't know it all the time.

Since the researcher saved him, the purpose of the Li family pirates was consistent with his ideals.

This can be said to be a case of mountains and rivers, and there is always a way out. (The opportunity that he couldn't find in his life came to him after his death.)

Naturally, Lin Shen was willing to become a follower to assist the researcher. Xiao Ming took the opportunity to check his personal information.

As a new skeleton, Lin Shen has no combat profession yet. But he can still provide great help to the researcher.

Because he still remembers most of the knowledge he learned in his life. This knowledge is what Xiao Ming relies on him the most.

Xiao Ming transferred the Death God Silver Coin from the informant. The experiment found that his guess was indeed correct.

Lin Shen can be transferred to the Undead General. After all, he has been a member of the Undead for a long time. Soul strength is not a problem.

The researcher is a general. Even if Lin Shen changes his job to a general, he cannot join his army as a general.

Especially when Lin Shen does not have a combat profession. (This is also an extremely special case. Normal generals are combat professionals.)

If Lin Shen becomes a combat professional, he should be able to join the researcher's army as a follower/army. (Non-professionals are not even considered arms.)

Only heroes can lead other generals. Generals can only command arms.

(If generals can also lead generals, it will become a chain with unlimited troops. It is unreasonable. The system has strict restrictions from the beginning.)

The job transfer of the Death God Silver Coin was successful at one time. Lin Shen changed his job to a 1st level 1 Skeleton Mage General.

The quality is blue leader level. Another blue general in Xiao Ming's faction is Zhen Guo Zhu Ma in the Drunkard Navy.

Looking at Lin Shen's strategic template again, blue generals are different.

Lin Shen's strategic attributes are: attack 2, defense 2, strength 7, knowledge 5. The growth rate of blue bosses is as follows:

Every 5 levels: random attribute +1, free attribute +1, command +130, professional talent +1 (choose one of two).

Every 10 levels: random attribute +1, free attribute +2, action limit +65, number of troops +1.

Every level 1: free attribute +4, racial talent +1 (choose one of four), command +130, action limit +130, number of troops +1.

Although the attributes and growth are good, Lin Shen's talent is even better.

Racial talent: Magic Scholar Specialization (primary passive), Bone Body (passive),

Primary Magic Scholar Specialization: The hero has a 40% chance of understanding level 2 or below magic every Monday.

Professional talent: Requiem (primary passive), Academic (primary passive), Wisdom (primary passive), Learning ability (primary passive),

Primary Academic: When heroes/generals meet, they can learn magic from each other and be affected by Wisdom. Primary Academic allows learning 1-2 level magic from each other.

Primary learning ability: Increase the hero's experience value by 5%.

Lin Shen is definitely a good seedling in the magic world! Not only does he have a strong learning ability, but he can also comprehend new magic every week.

What a perverted talent! Given time, won't he be able to comprehend all magic (level 2).

That's not all, Lin Shen can also communicate with other heroes or generals, learn and teach magic to each other.

Comprehension is just his own business. With academic talent, he is a walking magic supermarket. Is he doing magic wholesale? !

Of course not! After Xiao Ming told Lin Shen his thoughts, Lin Shen smiled and explained-it's not that great.

First of all: the academic professional talent is limited. The number of learning/teaching places per day is limited.

Primary academics can only learn/teach 2 level 1 magic and 1 level 2 magic in one direction every day. The learning process also consumes a certain amount of action from both sides.

Now Lin Shen's own magic book only has a level 2 "Fire Magic Wall" magic, commonly known as the Fire Wall.

(Xiao Ming has seen this magic before. Do you remember it?

When the explorers and researchers left Baiyang Village for the first time, they were attacked by orcs.

One player used the magic scroll of Fire Wall. It played a big role. Xiao Ming envied this magic at that time.)

At this moment, with the help of Lin Shen's academic ability, the researcher also learned this magic. At the same time, Lin Shen also learned the ship-destroying technique.

So today's learning quota for elementary academics has been used up 2 times, and there is still 1 opportunity left to learn 1st-level magic.

It can be seen that the learning process itself is very time-consuming. If you want to learn advanced magic, Lin Shen needs to improve the level of academic talent. This is even more time-consuming.

Secondly, magic cannot suppress everything. It is just a kind of strength.

Even if there is enough time and academic talent is also high. It is nothing more than a faction with many magicians who know a lot of magic. Doesn't it matter?

Because this has already happened. That is the Mage Alliance.

The Mage Alliance is a force composed of magic geniuses from humans, elves and some other races.

There are countless magicians with better talents than Lin Shen. This faction has many high-level magicians and has mastered a lot of high-level magic.

But I haven't seen the Mage Alliance beat the whole world. They are just a faction, and they are at the middle level among the top forces.

Finally, and most importantly. The higher the level, the stronger they are.

The learning and use of high-level magic depends on talent. Those who are not talented enough cannot learn magic. Even if you learn it, it won't be very useful.

And the improvement of talent requires a long time of hard work (upgrade). Only when you reach a very high level and grade can you have a good enough magic talent.

But at that level. Even if you don't learn magic talent, learn other talents, and match them well, you will be a very powerful hero. Not weaker than the magician hero at all.

So Xiao Ming's idea is purely YY. Of course, in the early stage, Lin Shen can definitely help the researcher lay a solid foundation.

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