Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 92 Return to Nuwa

It was getting dark. Xiao Ming switched to the Explorer and practiced various skills for a while.

He also used the Explorer to do some telekinesis training. He exited the game cabin when the game time was over.

When he came to the lobby of the studio, it was rare that all the members had a meal together. They also talked about some game experiences.

Since everyone was not born together, they talked about all sorts of things.

They also talked about the secret realm in the game. All these people have the program to enter the secret realm.

So is the expansion pack wholesale? Brother Wen obviously regretted it - it was a loss to exchange a precious figure for an expansion pack.

No one cared about his regret. Who hasn't suffered a loss when buying things?

Especially these small bosses. Almost all of them have the experience of buying fakes when they wanted to fill the scene.

Xiao Ming's sister was sought after by the entire studio. She became the nominal endorsement goddess of the studio. The kind who takes money but does not work.

Xiao Jing was involved, and Xiao Ming quickly used telekinesis to look at these people one by one.

After seeing it, I felt relieved. These people have no bad intentions. It feels like pampering one's own niece.

The young man had a shy admiration, but it was not serious. Everyone has a love of beauty. It's not surprising.

Xiaojing's aura is very interesting. There is a kind of fairy air that is indifferent to the world.

At such a young age, you should not be disillusioned with the world. Xiao Ming worried secretly.

He used fairy air to describe it because this is his sister. If it were someone else, the adjective might be fairy air, or it might be ghost air, or demon air.

Xiao Ming thought so because he couldn't see his own aura. If he could see it, he would know that Xiaojing's aura is very similar to his.

Xiao Ming has possessed supernatural powers for more than 30 years, so it is inevitable that he feels a little out of touch with the secular world.

And with the development of telekinesis in reality, this feeling tends to become more and more serious. It's not that he looks down on society, but that he is a little out of touch with society.

Because even if he leaves human society, he can live well on a deserted island. As long as he doesn't leave the earth, it's fine.

The living materials and security provided by the society are no longer his necessities. So it is normal for him to feel a little detached.

Xiao Jing is just a person who is close to the black. Or: Anyway, her brother with superpowers will definitely take care of her, so it doesn't matter if she is out of society.

Of course, this so-called "fairy spirit" is only a little bit. The two siblings have no idea of ​​leaving human society.

Everyone talked about various secret realms, as well as various wonders and adventures in the secret realms.

Xiao Ming has also broadened his horizons and listened with relish. He also casually talked about some of his own experiences.

During the conversation, someone mentioned the hunter secret realm, but no one took the initiative to mention telekinesis. Xiao Ming just followed the crowd and didn't mention it.

According to telekinesis observation, it was found that, excluding Zhang Wen, two of the other four bosses also had the prototype of telekinesis. The life energy was second only to Xiao Jing.

There were only eight people in the room (the security guard was not here), so the ratio was a bit high.

In fact, this basic, not very obvious life energy and even telekinesis are already possessed by humans.

People often say that someone has temperament, aura, domineering, murderous, upright, etc., which may be understood as the manifestation of their own telekinesis.

Or in principle, it is the effect brought about by the characteristics of human life energy. It doesn't matter if it is not called telekinesis, it can also be called aura, force, etc.

Then think of the courier brother. OMG! Xiao Ming feels that there are many hidden talents in human society, and there are definitely not a few people with supernatural powers.

After the dinner, everyone returned to the game cabin to enter the secret realm. Xiao Ming went to the Yellow Emperor Galaxy first.

Instructor Li Na came to load the expansion pack for Xiao Ming②'s game cabin. So that Xiao Ming② can also log in to the secret realm.

According to the instructor, the secret realm permissions of all team members will be open in the future, and Zhang Xiaoming just did it in advance.

As for whether Li Na came to do a favor specifically, she actually had other intentions. Xiao Ming didn't plan to think too much.

You will always know when you should know. It is normal for people to come to brush up their favorability now. At least they come openly.

Another person who came openly was Captain Zhou Bin. He specially allocated the driving rights of a small single-person patrol boat to Zhang Xiaoming.

The reason was nothing more than: seeing that Zhang Xiaoming had the potential to be a space pilot, he was given special care. He could drive it for fun whenever he wanted.

But before leaving the transport ship, he had to report to the captain. Without a flight permit, it was easy to be destroyed by other warships outside.

This was an obvious gesture of goodwill. Xiao Ming was not polite. After reporting, he drove the patrol boat out for 45 minutes before returning to the transport ship.

The game expansion pack provided by the military is very different from the civilian one on Pangu Star.

The civilian one, before having the secret realm explorer authority, is completely a matter of luck, and the system randomly selects the secret realm.

Even with the explorer authority, it only adds the authority to choose to enter the known secret realm. The rest is still random.

The military expansion pack is different. It provides classification options.

Classification by scale: small game secret realm, medium secret realm, large secret realm.

Classification by subject matter: military secret realm, others. After all, it is the military, so this division is simple and clear.

According to military regulations, the team members must enter a military secret realm at least once in every three secret realm trips.

Although this is the rule of Xiao Ming②'s game cabin. But Xiao Ming must also meet it. (Covering for Xiao Ming②.)

So this time Xiao Ming chose to enter the military secret realm.

Before entering, he was in a very good mood. After entering, he was horrified to find: It looks so familiar, is this Nuwa? ! .

His guess was not wrong at all. At this moment, he was on the solid planet of the Yan Emperor Galaxy - Nuwa.

Here, each team member has a lot of "army creatures" replicas modified based on their own genes.

After logging into the military secret realm of the military, the consciousness was randomly connected to Nuwa. Xiao Ming thought about it and felt that this was also reasonable.

This time was not like the last time. Last time he was directly thrown into the battlefield in fierce fighting. He died not long after he came on the field.

This time, he seemed to be in a device like a lifeboat. After he regained consciousness, the system prompted the task - [Staying Alive].

Damn! Xiao Ming couldn't help but burst out a swear word. Even this task prompt was full of malice.

Pushing the hatch open and walking out, he found himself in the ruins of a big city.

Looking at the ruins all over the ground, most of them are made of ancient wooden frames and bricks.

From a distance, you can see undead creatures such as zombie skeletons wandering in the ruins. (At this time, he felt the sense of déjà vu when he logged in to Xiao Ming③ last time.)

The familiar painting style, coupled with the fact that he did not see the Nezha 6 auxiliary mechanical arm on his arm, Xiao Ming felt that the probability of this being Nuwa was very high.

He was also experienced. He quickly crouched and hid behind a broken wall. Looking back, he saw the device that had just been installed.

It looked like a lifeboat, disguised as an ordinary stone. After Xiao Ming came out of it, it automatically closed the hatch.

Last time, it gave a weapon, but this time it didn't give anything. Are you playing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?

While complaining, Xiao Ming checked himself. This is probably a human body. I didn't see any strange limb structures.

It was also wearing coarse cloth clothes commonly seen in games. There was nothing else.

Xiao Ming grabbed two handfuls of stones in his hand, and his heart was slightly relieved.

Even though I don't have Nezha, I still have the ability to shoot. I won't die in a few minutes this time.

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