Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 96: Unknown Attention

Xiao Ming did not enter the secret realm immediately. Instead, he left the game cabin and went to the real world to feel the changes brought about by the improvement of his physical fitness.

As expected, the rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation. Xiao Ming's improvement is probably similar to the superhero (or villain) who just mutated in the comics.

Although he had superpowers before, it had nothing to do with physical fitness. Xiao Ming's body was still very weak.

His motor nerves were not well developed, and his senses and other aspects were also quite dull. It is estimated that this was because the wrong points were added when he was born, and all the points were added to superpowers.

This "upgrade" completely changed his body and mind.

Of course, Xiao Ming had to feel it in reality first. Feel the muscles he had never had before, the strength and speed he had never had before.

(For specific pictures, you can refer to the scene when Captain America just became a super soldier. Of course, Xiao Ming's changes are not that exaggerated.)

At this moment, Xiao Ming felt so good about himself that for a moment, he had the illusion that he could beat the whole world.

"Collect." Xiao Ming had seen the world after all, and he quickly restrained his emotions. His physical fitness was not even as good as that of a level 1 soldier.

If the monsters in the Magic Planet game are fictional, the skeleton soldiers and zombies encountered on Nuwa Star are not fake.

To put it another way, his current strength is only average among the strong people on Pangu Star, and there are many stronger than him.

So Xiao Ming only boasted for a while and then calmed down. Quietly feel the difference between body and mind.

Due to the enhanced perception, even if he does not deliberately use the circle, he can feel all kinds of subtle changes in the surrounding environment.

This feeling is not the normal five senses. It is a nearly supernatural feeling-the sixth sense. Everyone has it, but to different degrees.

In the past, Xiao Ming's five senses were relatively dull, but his sixth sense has always been strong. After all, he is a man with superpowers.

This "upgrade" not only improved his body and spirit, but also greatly strengthened his sixth sense.

Now Xiao Ming can even feel various types of surveillance in the surrounding environment: external monitors in the game warehouse, anti-theft monitors installed in the studio lobby and other places, ubiquitous surveillance devices in the warehouse area, etc.

These are all normal and known things. Xiao Ming also felt that not far from the studio, there was a group of people in another warehouse who should be monitoring Long Aotian Studio.

Xiao Ming couldn't be sure who they were monitoring for the time being. It is possible that they came to monitor him after the Guangling incident.

But the intensity should not be very strong. Because Xiao Ming used the circle to sense it, the mental state of that group of people was relatively relaxed. It didn't seem to be very serious.

What really worried Xiao Ming was that there was a unique feeling of being watched, and Xiao Ming couldn't find its source or even the direction.

This "sight" was never noticed when I used telekinesis before. Where would it come from?

I told Maomaoer about it specifically, and Maomaoer specifically called on the power of the nine-tailed fox, but in the end he couldn't find any clues. This... I feel relieved.

If it is a national force, such as a satellite, the nine-tailed fox will definitely be able to find it. If even the nine-tailed fox, an alien artificial intelligence, can't find it.

Then the other party must be a species with a technological level far beyond the nine-tailed fox, or a species with a mysterious level so high that the nine-tailed fox cannot detect it.

(The Nine-Tailed Fox also knows magic. He created and ran the game Magic Planet. The New Han Kingdom can detect magic fluctuations, not to mention the Nine-Tailed Fox.)

No matter which one it is, Xiao Ming has no need to worry. The opponent is too powerful.

Relatively speaking, it is almost "god-level" power. There is no point in worrying about this level of power.

Xiao Ming even speculated whether it was the "person" who gave him superpowers? He even suspected that he had some kind of god-demon bloodline.

Prince Revenge, Saiyans, Demon World Invasion, Son of Zeus...Xiao Ming let his thoughts drift for a long time before he took them back.

By the way, spread superpowers around, which was what I did when I slept before. Now that I sleep less, I will do it when I am in a daze.

At breakfast time, all members of the studio gathered together. Eating the breakfast that Xiao Ming bought from outside, they talked about the game.

Today is Sunday, Xiao Jing and her friends have an appointment to go shopping and play together in an unknown place (Xiao Ming has never heard of it).

There was no intention in his tone to ask his brother to be a bag carrier, so Xiao Ming secretly felt lucky to have escaped a disaster.

The other uncles in the studio rushed to sign up. (In fact, they were just joining in the fun. People always have to have some dreams, just in case they come true.)

After being shocked by Xiao Jing's white eyes, he turned to ask Xiao Jing to bring her friends into the studio...

After a lively breakfast, the otakus continued to enter the game cabin.

Xiao Ming had to send Xiao Jing out, and waited until she got in a taxi before returning to the studio - he took a copy of Playboy and sat on the sofa to read it.

WTF? Is he crazy? Or is his brain filled with water? Although it was Playboy. But this is not a reason not to play games!

Xiao Ming is of course not crazy, and the water molecule content in his brain is normal. The actual reason is this:

Before breakfast, Xiao Ming returned to the game cabin and entered the personal space, wanting to choose a secret realm to play around.

Suddenly, he found that there was another door in the personal space, and an additional consciousness transmission channel. This is very strange.

Xiao Ming hurriedly asked Maomaoer, and Maomaoer also hurriedly asked the Nine-tailed Fox.

The Nine-tailed Fox investigated and sent back unexpected news, which was being cleaned up.

The other end of this consciousness channel is connected to: Xiao Ming's other clone that has just been activated in the Yellow Emperor Galaxy.

As mentioned in the previous article, Xiao Ming has more than one complete clone, Xiao Ming②, and there are many, all in hibernation.

This is to prevent Xiao Ming② from dying in an accident. In order to continue the experiment, there will be such a backup clone.

Each team member has such a clone. There are not many, how can one person always have an accident? ! And when the number is too small and below the warning line, it is still in time to cultivate the clone again.

After the incident of Xiao Ming② attracting the light spirit was exposed, Xiao Ming's existing clones were divided up by several major forces.

This newly emerged consciousness transmission channel is connected to a clone belonging to the military. The current location is in the fleet where Xiao Ming② is.

This is normal, only the replicas in the fleet can be activated so early. The replicas distributed to other forces will take some time to transport.

Other forces will not conduct related experiments in the military fleet. The experimental results must be in their own hands.

Of course, the military may not only have such a replica. It just opened this replica.

The military did not use its own intelligent program, or let its own people control this replica. Instead, it opened the channel for consciousness transmission and allowed people in the circle to remotely control it.

It is obvious that they want the person who made this incident to appear on his own initiative.

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