Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 97 Xiao Ming Xiao Liang

The military only held a one in ten thousand hope when it opened the connection rights of the replica.

If the person who caused the incident of attracting the light spirit was a small family, this opening was equivalent to an invitation.

The human and material resources required for the research of the mysterious species of light spirits are not something that a small family, or even a medium-sized family, can afford.

Rather than being forced to get involved in a more complicated and tragic competition after the matter is completely clear in the future. It is better to cooperate with the military in advance - a win-win situation.

Generally speaking, the military's reputation is quite good. It will definitely give enough compensation for benefits. This is an open conspiracy, and other forces can't say anything.

The small family can continue and grow, the military can get the greatest results, and at the same time, it can also achieve the effect of a thousand gold market bones.

Of course, if the other party is more powerful, he will not pay attention to the military at all.

So the military's measures are just hoping for the best. If you calculate the probability, it is much higher than one in ten thousand.

Other large forces also have similar measures. The only thing they lose is time. It will take some time for the replica to be delivered to them.

Transportation in the universe takes a lot of time. The shortest one takes a month, and the longest one takes at least a year and a half.

For those forces that need to cultivate replicas again, they have to wait even longer.

And this is just the preparation work, the actual research time is even longer. Whether the research results can be obtained is still unknown.

But every force that is big enough is unwilling to give up this opportunity. This is similar to an arms race. If you don’t have what others have, you will suffer on the battlefield.

Think about the characteristics of the light spirit: it is elusive and it cannot be hurt. It is a huge advantage to achieve any of these points.

If you can communicate and establish a connection with the light spirit, the value behind it is even more immeasurable.

This gives Xiao Ming the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. He can pretend to be a small family and cooperate with the military.

Use the newly emerged replica and new identity to obtain a lot of unknown data and information.

The most important thing is to take the opportunity to clear Xiao Ming’s suspicion of his original body. Reduce the degree of attention.

How can this be done? If it was the previous Xiao Ming, I am afraid there would be no way for a while.

But the upgraded Xiao Ming’s superpowers are stronger. He plans to use his superpowers to create a portable game login device - similar to the military's tactical glasses.

Although his superpowers have not yet reached the stage where he can create things directly in reality. But there is a way to get very close.

That is through telekinesis. It is difficult to create physical objects directly out of thin air. It is much easier to create short-term items through the telekinesis of the materialization system.

Before breakfast, Xiao Ming has successfully simulated the sixth uniformed telekinesis beast - the game promotion goddess. (A sexy and sci-fi space suit.)

Her ability is to have an "invisible" game login device. For the time being, there is only one type - a helmet.

With the help of the nine-tailed fox who is familiar with the structure and principle of various game login machines, this simulation is not difficult.

Now is the time to use means to conceal the truth. In the distant surveillance line of sight.

Xiao Ming sat on the sofa in the office, holding a Playboy magazine and pretending to read it. (He was afraid that people would not believe him if he looked at other things.)

Quietly summoned the invisible telekinesis beast - the game promotion goddess. The goddess covered Xiao Ming's head with an invisible game helmet.

When the surveillance personnel thought Xiao Ming was reading a magazine, Xiao Ming had quietly logged into his personal space under their noses.

He connected to the newly emerged consciousness transmission channel. When he opened his eyes again, Xiao Ming had transformed into a lieutenant officer - Zhang Xiaoliang.

According to the information downloaded in advance, all the initial settings of this Zhang Xiaoliang, except for his name, are the same as Xiao Ming②.

The focus of this initial setting is to change personal information as little as possible. Avoid the self-cognition disorder of the replicant.

Because there is already a Zhang Xiaoming with the same background in the fleet. In order to distinguish, this new replica was named Zhang Xiaoliang.

His life experience did not change until he graduated from junior high school. After high school, he was appreciated by a noble and specially recruited into the army.

After that, he was awarded for meritorious service, promoted to lieutenant, joined the Yanhuang Rise Plan, and was frozen and dormant... He was just activated today.

As for why he could make so many contributions and be promoted to the high rank of lieutenant in such a short time. Xiao Ming doesn't want to check it carefully.

Anyway, the resume is all made up. Giving a high rank of lieutenant is the (temporary) price offered by the military.

Of course, although the rank is high, the position is definitely a sinecure. It is under the name of the military's scientific research department.

And it is equipped with a second lieutenant adjutant: the blonde beauty - Cecilia Jane. That is, the liaison officer.

In Pangu Star, in the era of the Later Qin Dynasty, that is, before the World War, other ethnic groups belonging to Huaxia almost all gave themselves Han names. It is convenient to integrate into society.

After the World War, especially after the establishment of the United Nations. The social situation of various countries gradually stabilized.

With economic development, the world quickly entered an era of consumerism and hedonism. The gap between ethnic groups and discrimination between races have been greatly alleviated.

The citizens of the New Han Kingdom are much freer and more casual in naming. Not only people with Western ancestry will occasionally choose a Western name. Many Han people also take Western names for fun.

This situation not only occurs in the New Han Kingdom, but also in other countries with Han people as the main body. It's entertainment for all.

Zhang Xiaoliang's adjutant was blond and blue-eyed, and probably had some Western blood. Xiao Ming could only reluctantly/happily accept this open and aboveboard beauty trap.

Next was the time to prove himself. The military had already expressed its sincerity. Now it was Xiao Ming's turn to express it.

There was a reason why the military chose to open up the control of Zhang Xiaoliang's body at this time. Because some soldiers discovered that the light spirit appeared inside the fleet again.

So when the channel was opened at this time, the people who connected could immediately verify whether they could really attract the light spirit.

So Xiao Liang immediately received an order to drive a patrol boat to approach the light spirit for investigation. The hidden meaning was: whether it was a mule or a horse, take it out for a walk.

Although it would not prove anything if the light spirit could not be attracted for a while. But this was the only way for the military to test it.

It was probably also mentally prepared for a long-term "struggle". Anyway, the military only made this move with the hope of a single chance.

Xiao Ming was very willing to prove himself immediately. After all, the login time that the mind beast could maintain was also limited.

So he and his adjutant drove a patrol boat and flew out. Flying to a place where the light spirits are dense.

The light spirits can indeed sense the existence of Xiao Ming's "real body". When Xiao Liang's spaceship approached, some of the light spirits began to float in his direction.

Cecilia Jane saw the light spirits approaching, and then she reduced her relative speed and slowly kept the patrol boat on the track that was synchronized with the fleet.

Yes, it was Cecilia Jane who was driving the patrol boat. Although Xiao Ming knew a little about driving, he was nothing compared to this adjutant.

Cecilia looked at the interaction between the light spirits and Xiao Liang and was amazed. She didn't expect this to be true. When she first heard about it, she always thought it was a lie.

In fact, Xiao Ming didn't make a big scene. He just charged the three light spirits.

Secretly used Ning and Yuan to observe Cecilia's reaction. Confirm that the other party could not detect that he was using superpowers.

It is estimated that all she can see is the light spirits circling around her. Because all the monitors can't see the light spirits. It is impossible to record the image.

Cecilia can only use language to broadcast the situation on the scene to her superiors live. On the other end of the line, I don’t know how many people were listening to Cecilia’s report.

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