Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 768 Inheritance harvest [2 in 1 chapter]

The sea surface was choppy, with dark clouds pressing down on the sea surface, lightning bolts tore through the clouds, split into the deep sea, and pierced through the sea.

On the bottom of the sea, a group of sea clan guards looked tense and formed a defensive formation, forming a wall of water elements to resist the destructive power of the two giant battles.


The giant octopus-like tentacles spread out, and a web of lightning crossed and stretched, approaching the big stick, but was immediately crushed by an electric column released by the big stick.

The two phases collided and the powerful fluctuations made many sea people tremble.

The old man was also a little worried: "This sea beast can fight Dirnadoya without losing the wind. It is so powerful."

[Name] King Tentacle Squid (the creature is in the process of 13th stage evolution)

[Species] Mollusca, Cephalopoda, Octopus, Tentacle, Octopidae Warcraft


[Weakness] 1: The junction of the monster's neck and tentacles is the hub of the magic power operation, and targeted strikes can cause heavy damage;

2: Under the head and neck, the central part surrounded by nine tentacles is soft tissue, which is fragile and can be severely damaged when attacked;

Cao Yan checked the message sent by the pet master's assistant, and thought to himself: This tentacle squid is slightly higher than the big stick in terms of pure strength, but its talent and elemental control are not as good as the big stick.

Then there is no need to let them continue to fight... just a waste of time. "

Cao Yan stretched his hand, but seeing the turmoil in the surrounding sea, it seemed that the power of the entire ocean was captured by him, and the coefficients were stored in his palm.

When he turned his hands and pressed down, it was like the sea was hanging upside down, and the power of rules and order flowed in the palm of his hand.


The tentacle monster raised one of its tentacles, trying to resist Cao Yan's attack, but its tentacles were immediately crushed by divine power and exploded instantly.

Cao Yan's force immediately hit the tentacle monster's head. Its head was covered with cracks, its tentacles waved unconsciously, its body turned several times in a row, and blood gushed out from the top of its head.

The body of the tentacle monster shrank and fell into great fear.

It wanted to flee back to the abyss to escape, but was blocked by a trapping ball that fell out of thin air.

Two chains of elements protruded from the ball, one restrained the tentacle monster's neck, and the other penetrated the soft tissue at the bottom of the tentacle monster's head from below, and penetrated into its body. .

The tentacle monster was stabbed by a chain in public, and its body trembled violently. It was quickly captured by the trapping ball and dragged into it.

Neptune and his friends were stunned. They thought there would be an earth-shattering battle, but they didn't expect it to end.

He forced the master to make a move, and the victory was sealed in a blink of an eye.

Neptune: "This guardian monster is the first test of the land of inheritance. It needs to be defeated by Dirnadoya independently before it can be considered as a pass. The son-in-law intervenes halfway, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary changes."

Cao Yan: "The pet master and the demon pet are connected in spirit. I and the power of the big stick are one. My shot will not cause other accidents. Your Majesty can rest assured."

Hearing that Cao Yan's analysis was reasonable, Sea God nodded and said, "So that's how it is, a good son-in-law."

For a good son-in-law, the more you call, the smoother you are.

"What kind of trap ball did my son-in-law use just now, it can catch such a powerful monster." Sea King was in high spirits.

The trapping ball just now was newly made by Cao Yan after studying the blueprint of the small world trapping ball and the three heritage balls. After the semiotics ability reached the full level, it is not surprising that it has such an effect.

The king squid was dragged into the trapping ball, and in the center of its oblate head, a water-blue mark in the shape of a trident emerged.

Cao Yan raised his hand to take the picture, and the imprint floated out from between the eyebrows of the king squid, and it flowed brightly, emitting light blue spots.

"The Seagod's Key!"

"This is the key to the Seagod's inheritance, and only it can open the Seagod's door."

Neptune, the Neptune, was thinking about this, a golden scale appeared between his brows, and a phantom of a thick fish tail appeared on his leg.

A drop of blood leaked from between his brows, and merged into the Seagod's Key.

"Yue'er, you also integrated the blood of inheritance into it." Haiwang said.

Baoyue did it according to the law, the Seagod Key received two drops of blood in a row, and the light became brighter.

Haiwang looked at Cao Yan again: "My son-in-law, please let Dirna Duoya also drip blood and integrate into the Sea God's Key."

Then the big stick poked Shan Luan's big head over, and the blood was forced to drip from the center of his eyebrows.


The Sea God's Key absorbed three drops of blood in a row, turned into a ray of light, threw it into the depths of the trench below, and disappeared in an instant.

"here we go."

Sea King is full of expectations: "This trench is said to be a secret place opened up by the Sea God himself. It is unfathomable. The inheritance of the Sea God is hidden in it. It needs the blood of my Sea Clan to unite with the Dirnadoa Sea Dragon to open it."

At this time, bursts of light surged from the depths of the trench, shining brightly.

If you look at it from the surface of the sea, you will find that in the depths of the ocean at this moment, there is a huge wave of light spreading out, and the scene is majestic and magnificent.

On the surface of the trench, a blue wall of water elements slowly formed, like a gate, closing the trench.

And on the wall of water elements, there is another gate made of water, which is towering and towering.

"The Sea God's Gate has appeared."

Haiwang almost laughed out loud, his face was full of joy, and there were still tears of joy in his eyes.

All the surrounding sea clansmen also had agitated expressions.

Cao Yan blinked his eyes, seeing that the old man was so excited that he shed tears, he couldn't help but wonder: what is it about this place where the Sea God inherits, that made the old dirty king so excited?

"Cao Yan, only the inheritors of my deep-sea royal bloodline and Dirnadoya can gain approval and enter this sea god's inheritance place. Please wait here."

"No problem, Your Majesty please." Commander Cao was quite indifferent.

He himself is the boss of the gods, and he has something behind his back, so he is not too greedy for this inheritance of the sea god.

Of course, Commander Cao would not be so honest, there must be tricks.

The big stick went in, and it was not much different from Cao Yan's dark force gang entering.

The Poseidon's Gate that closed the trench, after Big Stick, Baoyue, and Neptune approached, ripples of elements arose, and the water curtain on the surface of the gate was parted, allowing the three to enter.

At the same moment when the big stick entered, Cao Yan's pet master assistant pushed out the picture inside the land of inheritance.

It is like a world built by water elements, with only crystal clear blue and white colors in sight, and it is impossible to distinguish up, down, left, and right, just like a chaotic space.

One after another, large or small water element bubbles floated in the space.

Each bubble contains different things.

Those things are the inheritance of the Sea God.

Some of the bubbles contain powerful legendary weapons and armors, and others contain cultivation methods passed down from ancient times. The most amazing thing is that there are independent small ocean worlds stored in some bubbles.

Among them, the blue waves are vast, the islands are lined up, and the marine life jumps out of the water from time to time, swimming happily, and the scene is extremely mysterious.

You must know that not all relics or hidden places are open, there are dangers, like Neptune, Baoyue, and Big Stick, the inheritance land that the three are now entering, opened the door through their blood, which is a 'legal' entry. So no danger is triggered.

The land of inheritance is calm and peaceful, hundreds of bubbles are suspended in mid-air, and they move along strange trajectories, extending deep into the space.

Sea King and Big Cudgel, after Baoyue entered, were carried by an invisible force and also suspended in this space.

"Our ancestors once obtained weapons, armor, or a method of cultivation directly to the level of gods. When we die, what we obtain here will be taken back by the great sea god and returned to the place of inheritance, waiting New inheritors come to accept the inheritance.

Because of the extinction of sea beasts like Dirnadoya, no one from our family has entered this inheritance land for tens of thousands of years, resulting in a serious decline in national strength. "

Neptune said with emotion:

"Except for Dirnadoya, at most two sea clans with pure royal bloodlines can come here each time, Baoyue, you are the best among the sons and daughters of the father, have a good relationship with Cao Yan, which is equivalent to a lifetime There is a god standing behind you, so I thought twice for my father, and I still chose you as the person who entered here."

Bao Yue rolled her eyes, feeling that her pride was a little hurt, and she was able to come in because of that guy Cao Yan, and her father was realistic enough.

When the thought turned to Cao Yan, Her Royal Highness felt a little relieved, relying on Cao Yan is not unacceptable...

"Each of us has a chance to inherit here, that is, these floating bubbles. Yueer, you have to be careful, observe these bubbles, and after making a decision, integrate with your spiritual power, and the things in the bubbles will be yours .”

Baoyue nodded, and the big stick had already rushed into the depths of the space.

"We are also separated and each chooses."

Baoyue responded, and after separating from her father, she acted alone to find her favorite inheritance.

The big stick rushed into the depths of the space, and after avoiding Baoyue's father and daughter, he opened his mouth and spit out a trapping ball.

Commander Cao has always been good at this kind of coquettish operation. An army of ants crawled out of the trapping ball, spread out in a big way, concealed the breath, and almost disappeared in the perception, and started to explore all parts of the space.

The concealment ability of ants is obviously stronger than before. This is a new ability evolved by the ant colony after Cao Yan fed them with divine power powder. Individuals are scattered and their aura is more secretive, making it easier for the ant colony to do stealthy things.

The bubbles in the Land of Inheritance are all transparent, and it is clear at a glance what is sealed inside.

The ant colony was broken into pieces, and after about an hour, they checked the hundreds of bubbles floating in the place of inheritance.

According to the results of the ant colony's investigation, the big stick came to the most suitable bubble for him, closed his fierce and cute eyes, and looked at the things in the bubble.

In that air bubble, there was a dead Dirnadoya floating impressively. It was as thick as a mountain, and it was as thick as a mountain.

However, it is sealed in a bubble, so it is not so huge and terrifying from the outside.

The big stick shook the tentacles at the corner of his mouth to touch the bubbles, wanting to get the inheritance in them.

However, Dirnadoya in the bubble seemed to come alive suddenly, shaking his head and tail, vibrating the void, and dragged the big stick into the bubble in reverse, and launched an attack on the big stick.

The big stick was shocked and angry, and started to fight back amidst the roar.

The two confronted each other in the bubble, and the fight was inextricable.

"It turns out that before getting the things in the bubble, there will be a test. You have to meet a certain requirement before you can get the desired inheritance." Cao Yan thought to himself through the observation of the pet master's assistant.

time flies.

The big stick and Dirnadoya have been fighting in the bubble for nearly an hour, but there is no sign of stopping, and it has intensified.

Many scales on the stick's body fell off and shattered, and the scorched marks from the thunder strikes were densely covered. It was obviously at a disadvantage, and it seemed that it was about to lose.

But when the two sides fought for a full hour, Dirnadoya in the bubble suddenly glowed all over, his body collapsed, and turned into countless thunder and water element symbols, pouring into the big stick.

The bubbles shattered, and the injuries on the big stick quickly recovered. His head and neck were raised, and he looked very happy.

It benefited itself, and then thought that it should bring some things back to its companions, and hurriedly opened its mouth wide, trying to swallow other bubbles, but unfortunately, there was a force in the space, and it was pushed out of the inheritance in an instant. Arrived at Cao Yan's side.

Even the ant colony was expelled from the inheritance space in an instant.

Baoyue and Haiwang also completed the selection of inheritance successively and were pushed out.

Cao Yan watched Baoyue and Haiwang's harvesting process from the perspective of the ant colony.

What Neptune got was a square dark blue seal, like a military talisman!

What Baoyue got was a light ball of spiritual power, which Cao Yan guessed should be some kind of cultivation inheritance.

In addition, Commander Cao let the ants in and operated in secret, so naturally he would not return empty-handed. He also stole an inheritance bubble inside.

As for how he got it, don't ask, it's just cheating, so there's no need to go into details.

The bubble he obtained contained a small ocean world sealed inside.

Boss Cao took a fancy to this thing because he considered that it could be integrated into the dark kingdom of God and promote the expansion of the kingdom of God, so he started to steal the wool and stole it.

When Neptune obtained the inheritance, he was also seriously injured like the big stick, and the blood on his chest was bright red.

But his expression was full of joy and excitement. After coming out of the place of inheritance, he repeatedly checked the seal in his hand, integrated it with spiritual power, and tried to activate it.


The seal began to glow, illuminating the deep sea.

The gate of the Land of Inheritance slowly disappeared, revealing the bottomless trench again.

And with the circulation of Yinxi's light and slight vibration, Cao Yan noticed something rising in the depths of the trench, approaching where he and the others were.

Not long after, figures came up one after another from the trench. It was a strange humanoid creature with a green complexion, erect pupils, like a cold-blooded creature, with film-like webs on its hands and feet, a slender and powerful figure, and a fishbone in its hand. The thin spears he made, and the armor on his body, looked like an elite army.

When Cao Yan was observing, this kind of creatures kept flowing out of the trench, and more and more gathered, and soon exceeded ten thousand.

After they appeared, they remained silent and stood in line like ghosts, but the eyes of all such creatures were sizing up the seal in Neptune's hand.

"The seal that His Majesty found can summon this race deep in the trench for your use?" Cao Yan asked.

"My son-in-law guessed right, it is true."

The old man said in high spirits: "These are not ordinary races. They are the guardians of the sea god's inheritance. They have guarded the land of inheritance for generations. They are the legendary sea-eye clan. They have bred in this trench for generations and are the strongest sea warriors in legend. one.

The main reason for me to start the inheritance of the Sea God is to find these loyal warriors of the Sea God and restore the ancient grandeur of my deep sea kingdom. This army has less than a million members, but it has the strength to cross the nine seas. Only this Sea God's soldier seal can summon them to the world. "

Cao Yan smiled, my father-in-law has a lot of ambitions, so just don't overwhelm yourself with extravagance.

Two hours later, the number of Sea God Army appeared in the trench was close to 100,000, and their military might was outstanding.

The father-in-law waved his hand, walked back to the palace contentedly, stepping on the pace of looking around.

Half a day later, everyone returned to Sea God City by the same route.

The father-in-law's wish was fulfilled this time, and he was busy with the next operation, and he didn't ask Cao Yan to invite Cao Yan again until the next day to discuss matters.

After a while, the entourage who went to invite people hurried back and said: "Your Majesty, my uncle has already left, and left a letter saying that there are many things in his Sky City. I will go back first, and I will come to visit Your Majesty when I have time."

Haiwang muttered: "I walked fast...but I was not in a hurry... This son-in-law is mine after all, and I can't escape if I run away."

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