Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 769 Boss Cao is back

In the green jungle world in November, there is still a patter of rain.

Castle in the Sky.

After night fell, Dai Huanyu returned to his residence, took a shower and changed his clothes, took a big red apple in his hand, and ate happily.

She was wearing a mid-length nightgown trimmed with silver lace, and her delicate long legs were exposed from under the nightgown. She sat on a chair with her bare, white feet and watched the continuous night rain outside the window.

Under the cover of the rain, the city in the sky is flickering with lights, shining like stars.

In such a huge city, there is prosperity everywhere, Dai Huanyu unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth with a sense of accomplishment.

There was a faint sound of water in the bathroom connected to the bedroom, echoing the raindrops outside the window.

After a while, Big Bear also came out of the bathroom wearing a silver-pink nightgown, pulling on her slippers, her wet hair hanging on her shoulders, and the water marks spread down, but was stopped by the incomparable bosom of Wei An again, showing a A smudged wet mark.

bang bang bang!


With the big apple in his hand, Dai Huanyu gestured to Taohua's chest, then compared it to his own, raised his face and asked, "Have you ever compared yourself, is it as big as a watermelon?"

Taohua spat: "Not as boring as you."

The two of them are now in charge of various affairs of the Sky City, and their residence is adjacent to the City Lord's Mansion, which are two independent small buildings.

The two are busy with their respective affairs during the day, and most of the time they meet in the evening to discuss the day's affairs so that they can cooperate with each other.

"Is the Shadow Project going well?" Dai Huanyu asked Big Bear.

"It's okay." Girl Big Bear nodded, her body was trembling, and the waves were choppy again.

At the beginning of the city of Sky City, Cao Yan asked Dai Huanyu to focus on intelligence collection. As time passed, there were more and more powerful races in the city, and there were more and more arrogant soldiers and warriors. An intelligence department was specially set up in the city to mobilize various ethnic groups. Experts joined in and quickly formed a scale.

Dai Huanyu asked about Taohua's shadow plan, which was an operation of the intelligence department, and placed spies inside the church to investigate the news.

In addition to the masters of all races in the city, the core backbone of Sky City's intelligence department is the Void Hyena.

The hyena's talent is to hide in the void, and to be invisible. It is the best choice for intelligence, lurking intrusion, receiving and passing messages, and it is foolproof.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Void Hyena that Sky City's intelligence department has expanded rapidly, and the success rate of delivering and stealing information is so high that it is outrageous.

At present, the intelligence affairs are in charge of by Taohua.

But she is not as talented in management as Dai Huanyu, so she often comes to Dai Huanyu to exchange ideas.

"How are you doing?"

After Taohua wiped her hair, she sat down next to Dai Huanyu, and picked up a bright red fruit from the fruit plate to eat.

"I've been busy selling various cheat books recently?" Dai Huanyu said.


Peach Blossom is unknown.

"The boss asked me to publish a high-tech magic publication, which records all kinds of knowledge about pet masters, and even the skills of pet masters and how to make trapping balls. This kind of publication is not like a kind of Pet Master Cheats? Published by us,

The technical support comes from the boss, and the specific follow-up is the members of the technical team led by the boss such as Ji Wen and Jiangzi when they were in the Pet Master Association. "

Dai Huanyu said:

"The boss said that publishing this kind of magic publication is a kind of cultural invasion, the core content of which is written by the boss himself, not only spread in our world, but also infiltrate into other planes.

When the last issue of the magic publication was released, Dogarosh subscribed more than 400,000 copies from us, and took it back to their world for sale. "

"The boss spreads some of the pet master's training skills in this way, which can subtly change the entire pet master profession. It can also help Sky City select talents. Recently, I have been inspired by reading magic publications. There are more than 2,700 professional pet masters gathered in our sky city.

They come from all over the world. This kind of influence is invisible and intangible, but with the current status of the boss, this kind of influence will continue to expand over time and bring us many benefits. "

Dai Huanyu casually picked up a heavy book by the window and handed it to Taohua:

"Look, it's this kind of publication, which contains the content of magic video teaching, which is very detailed.

We jointly publish it with the Association of Pet Masters, and the Association of Pet Masters also makes a lot of money. The profit of every two publications of this kind is equivalent to an ordinary trapping ball. "

Tao Hua flipped through it in her hand, wondering: "A lot of the content here is published by a person named Lao Gao, who is it?"

Dai Huanyu: "The boss provided a pseudonym, which he said was the same as the name of the Creator God."

The peach blossoms are not clear.

Just as the two women were talking and communicating, ripples grew in the void, and a petite figure in black appeared, bowed and said, "Two deputy city lords, here is an action document that needs your authorization to sign."

Dai Huanyu took the object handed over by the woman in black, looked it over, and wrote his name on it.

Tao Hua also took a look at it, signed it and handed it back: "Once there is news about the church, report it immediately."

After the woman in black agreed, she was about to retreat from the room when she was suddenly taken aback, bent down and said respectfully, "My lord."

But it was Boss Cao who leisurely walked out of the void, and the boss Fan Zhu gave a hum.

The woman in black looked at her big boss excitedly, then bowed again and disappeared from the room.

Seeing Boss Cao, the two little secretaries got up from their seats happily: "Boss is back."

Boss Cao nodded, glanced at it inadvertently, and his heart skipped a beat. The ravine is deep... It's a pity that you can't look too much, otherwise you will get 404.

"What happened in the past few days after I left?" Boss Cao sat down fiercely.

Dai Huanyu said: "There is one thing worthy of attention. Since yesterday afternoon, there have been angels appearing in the central hall of the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God. By yesterday evening, the cumulative number of angels that appeared was no less than 200. According to the analysis of the subordinates, the angels The army is about to come to our green forest world in a large scale, and the church is afraid that there will be a big move."

Boss Cao said calmly: "It's the church's consistent style not to hold back the fart, just pay close attention.

In addition, share relevant information with several major associations, so that they can cheer up and don't be taken advantage of by the church. "

The little secretaries respectfully responded, and Boss Cao got up: "I'll go to the ruins of the Kingdom of God to have a look, you guys go to sleep."

"Let's go with the boss too." Dai Huanyu put on a robe with a smile on his face, walked over with his long legs, and the one who had a tacit understanding with the Peach Blossom Thief held Boss Cao's arm... the touch was soft .


Over the past few days, the ruins of the Kingdom of God have been devouring and absorbing the vitality of the ancient continent.

After many days of precipitation, the entire ruins of the Kingdom of God have undergone considerable changes.

The huge crack in the sky has been bridged into a thin line, which is about to be completely closed.

The core of the kingdom of God, the bead known as the source of darkness, is suspended in the center of the ruins, and not far from it is the ancient continent.

At this time, inside the ancient continent, everything is collapsing, the earth is turned into fly ash, the sky, the void is cracking and collapsing, and it is restored to the most fundamental source of matter, including mountains, which are also rising one after another, passing on to the ruins of the kingdom of God internal.

The ancient continent is getting smaller and smaller, but the ruins of the Kingdom of God are growing steadily.

When Cao Yan came over, Auch, Mana, the Jungle Goddess, and Abalone were all in the Kingdom of God.

The process of reviving a kingdom of God is equivalent to the birth and evolution of a world. Being able to participate in it and witness various changes is of great benefit to practice.

Cao Yan walked around the Divine Kingdom to check, and was very satisfied with the progress, so he took out the small ocean world stolen from the inheritance of the Sea God.

This small world had already been transferred into a trapping ball, and he took it out at this time, and placed it next to the source of darkness.


The trapping ball was shattered, and the small ocean world in it was extracted and peeled off, and there were also traces of breath, which began to merge into the source of darkness.

The earth in the ruins of the Kingdom of God is sunken, and an ocean is showing its embryonic form in the sunken place, the sea water is pouring backwards, and the waves are surging.

At this moment, Cao Yan suddenly felt a sense, stretched out his hand and pulled it, the void in front of him opened and closed, and a ring-shaped crack appeared.

In the depths of the opened void, a small boat floats and sinks in the deep and dark atmosphere.

The boat of death!

Cao Yan frowned. After becoming a god, he gained the ability of titanium alloy eyes to penetrate layers of darkness, and immediately saw a hazy figure standing on the bow of the ship, as if looking at the ruins of the kingdom of God, staring at the darkness. source.

"Could it be that the darkest god on the ship is really alive and has not died yet..."

Boss Cao was a little startled. If the God of Darkness was really alive, he would definitely be a top-notch ruthless person. He could beat the whole world with one punch, and he couldn't be provoked.

"Boss, the death boat has appeared several times after it recovered from the ruins of the Kingdom of God. It seems to be observing the recovery process of the Kingdom of God from a distance, but there is no other abnormality." Ao He said.

"Subordinates have tried to get close to the death boat, but it seems to be sailing above the rules of time and space, and it can't capture the trajectory at all."

Mantra also said: "The subordinates tried several times, but they couldn't get close to the death boat."

"Leave it alone, you can develop the Kingdom of God with peace of mind."

Cao Yan thought about it, and felt that the death boat, the darkest god, and the ruins of the Kingdom of God should be in the same camp. If he revives the Kingdom of God by himself, it is unlikely that the big bosses of the dark faction are here to cause trouble.

After Boss Cao left the Kingdom of God, he returned to the City Lord's Mansion in the Sky City alone, and sneaked into his bedroom.

Wang Li's delicate face was exposed from under the quilt, breathing evenly, and sleeping soundly.

Boss Cao took it off, and then went to bed. Ms. Wang seemed to feel a certain familiar smell, turned over in her sleep, and arched into Boss Cao's arms, humming and chirping twice, inaudible. What is it.

"Cao Yan, you have enough points now, I suggest you exchange for a new attendant."

Just as Cao Yan closed his eyes and wanted to sleep, a cheap swishing voice spoke in his consciousness.

"Go away, I'm going to sleep, I'll talk about it tomorrow morning." Cao Yan said in a bad mood.

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