Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 770: Three New Attendant Candidates

(A few hundred words in the last chapter were cut off and locked in a small black room. I found out in the afternoon and made changes...but those hundreds of words are gone forever. Please subscribe!)

Early in the morning, the rain had stopped in the middle of the night, and the sun was just beginning to shine, and the morning was bright and beautiful.

Commander Cao and Ms. Wang didn't rush to get up after waking up, they just lay on the bed and chatted with each other.

But Ms. Wang had a lot of things to do, so she got ready to go to work after lying down for a while. The main reason is that raising a senior boy like Commander Cao is very costly. He has to fight with the church, so there are too many places to spend money.

"Hey, don't go, I have something to ask you."

Commander Cao smiled and said, "I've been away for a few days, do you really miss me?"

Wang Li pursed her lips in disdain.

Boss Cao is shameless: "You still want my body, don't you?"

Wang Li said perfunctorily as if coaxing a child: "Well, I'm greedy. But I really have to go. I made an appointment with someone this morning to talk about things."

Boss Cao grabbed the seat of 404, did not let go, leaned over and whispered in his ear: "It's okay if I let you go, then we have to come up with something new tonight."

Barabara said in Wang Li's ear.

Wang Li was stunned after hearing this, what kind of parking in different directions... new tutorial for forty-eight hands... role-playing and the like, I didn't understand it at all, but it seemed interesting.

Wang Li nodded: "Then you can teach me when you come back tonight."

Boss Cao got the approval of the female ticket, let go with satisfaction, and watched Wang Li get out of bed and get dressed, covering up the beauty of her white jade.

"I heard that when you went to the Sea Clan this time, even His Majesty the King of the Sea proposed marriage to you, and asked you to marry two princesses at the same time?" Wang Li sat on the dressing table and wiped the incense, and then she was about to go out, when she suddenly turned her head ask.

I'm going, the news spread too fast.

Who has such a big mouth, how did it reach Wang Li's ears... Boss Cao's heart is mmp, and his face is very calm: "There is such a thing, but I refused. You know, we have always guarded ourselves like jade."

Miss Wang was noncommittal: "What if I agree with you to marry another woman?"

Want to test an old driver,

There are no doors... Boss Cao reacted quickly and remained unmoved: "Anyway, you are the only one in my heart."

Wang Li walked out with a smile, and her voice drifted back: "I mean seriously, you should think about it yourself."


Let me find mistress? Believe me, I'm short-sighted... Commander Cao lazily got up, and the fake system emerged in his consciousness again: "Wang Li and Baoyue can communicate with each other through a magic ornament of the Haizu, which is what Baoyue told her What Wang Li told you was really serious, she was convinced by you, and she wanted to find someone to help her share the burden."

"Get out, what's the matter with you?" Boss Cao said.

"The host needs to understand that this spaceship is also serious.

The spaceship can help you analyze Wang Li's mentality. Since the host was promoted to a god, your ability to control your body has increased several times or even dozens of times, and your physical strength is better than that of animals. Don't you have any clues in your heart?

Although Wang Li has taken the biological medicine provided by the host, her cell activity and physical fitness are much stronger than that of ordinary women, but how does her driving skills compare with that of an old driver like you? "

The fake system beeped blindly: "You must know that Wang Li is also well-informed now. She has been to the deep sea and other planes. She has come into contact with people including Dogarosh and Fang Nan. Which one is not a group of wives and concubines? .The greater the power, the greater the ability, the more women.

So as Miss Wang's cognition continues to change, and the host has become a livestock, Miss Wang has already thought about some things. According to Ben Spaceship's judgment, she may be serious about asking you to find Xiaosan. "

"What the hell are you an animal? Your whole family is an animal."

Boss Cao changed the topic: "Last night, you suggested that I exchange for a new attendant. Is there a suitable attendant to choose from? What kind of race is it, and what is its combat ability?"

"It's a family of inflatable (harmonious) dolls, and its combat ability matches the host just right." The fake system said seriously.

Cao Yan suddenly felt very tired, so he got a second fool's golden finger... It's not easy to hang up.

Boss Cao shut up and went into the bathroom for a brief wash, changed into a long-sleeved sports T-shirt, jeans and flat shoes, and went to the ruins of the Kingdom of God.

The fake system said again: "Actually, it's not an inflatable (harmony) doll..."

"The current situation faced by the host seems to be stable, but in fact there are many hidden dangers. Behind the church is the support of the entire light god system. The host's current power and personal strength are not enough to compete with them and exchange for a more powerful The new attendant is a reasonable choice at present, and many things and layouts will also unfold accordingly."

"So the inflatable (harmony) doll can beat the gods of the light gods, right?" Cao Yan said with a blank eye.

"The spaceship provides the host with three new attendants."

The fake system said to itself: "One is the Lord of Demons, which can be exchanged directly from the spaceship for initial bloodline recovery and cultivation, which will cost 100,000 points!"

"Lord of demons?! What do you mean by preliminary blood recovery?" Cao Yan said.

"The Lord of Demons is the oldest first generation of demons, the father of all demons.

His genes are sealed in the core gene warehouse of the spaceship. The host has existing points, which can be used for preliminary gene awakening, that is, to unlock the blood gene lock of the demon lord and release part of his power. Once successfully cultivated, his combat effectiveness will be about the same A clone projection of the Demon Lord in his heyday.

The host can cultivate the projection of the demon lord, let him evolve continuously, and eventually become the real body of the demon lord. "

Cao Yan: "You just said three choices, what about the other two?"

At this time, he has been teleported through space and entered the ruins of the Kingdom of God. The younger brothers (Auch, Mantra, Goddess of the Jungle, Abalone) all came to pay their respects.

"You are busy with your work."

Boss Cao told the younger brothers to leave, and continued talking to the fake system:

"The second choice is the dragon of time and space, which is the dragon corpse you saw in the special space of the Temple of Era.

The space-time symbol that Eggy pulled out of its body was actually transformed by one of its scales. The spaceship extracted its genetic fragments from it, and cultivating and hatching it also required 100,000 points. The host knew about it. "

A rising tide lifts all boats, after Boss Cao was promoted to God, the new attendants recommended by the fake system this time are all ridiculously strong existences!

"I have a question. With the fake system, can you repeatedly breed and incubate these boss-level existences with the help of genes? If you can, if you can get a few more, wouldn't you be invincible?" Cao Yan pondered.

"Please don't ask the host about the lower limit of IQ."

False system: "Any existence above the king of the gods, unless they die, it is impossible to breed and hatch successfully. Because the existence above the king of the gods is in charge of the unique attribute of the law of power, which cannot be obtained through cultivation, otherwise the spaceship is the father of everything Now, what is the use of the master?"

"That is to say, these existences are unique."


Fake system: "So the two options recommended to the host just now are dead strong men."

"There's a third one."

"The third one is related to the ship of death that the host saw last night, because the host saw the ship of death again, and the spaceship deduced a new possibility.

The host's next attendant can choose the God of Darkness. said the fake system.

"Although I'm not sure about the exact level of the Darkest God, it's at least at the level of a god-king. I'm new to the level of a god, how can I use this kind of existence as my attendant?"

Cao Yan thought for a while and said, "Is the God of Darkness alive?"

False system: "It's not sure yet, but what is certain is that even if he is alive, he is very weak. Under certain conditions, the host can deal with him."

"How to say?" Cao Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"As long as the host continues to promote the growth of the dark kingdom of God, after reaching a certain level, it will be able to attract the darkest god to enter the kingdom of God, and then the host's opportunity will come."

The fake system blah blah blah in the consciousness, and said a plan.

In the end, a new task was launched, title: [Acquire the Gene of the Darkest God]

The task description is to let Cao Yan calculate the God of Darkness, obtain genes, and enrich the gene pool sequence of the spacecraft. The reward is the Darkest God himself.

Cao Yan thought to himself: Regardless of whether the Darkest God is dead or alive, letting him be a servant is like playing with fire, and the car will overturn if you are not careful. I don't accept this kind of task.

Boss Cao has always been cautious, feeling that he has little confidence, so he directly refused.

The fake system fell silent and did not make a sound.

When the time came to December, the ancient continent was completely dismantled and collapsed. The laws of the world contained in it, the energy of various elements, and the coefficients were transferred to the source of darkness. The huge gap above the ruins of the Kingdom of God has completely disappeared.

The source of darkness is still receiving the energy in the small ocean world, driving the continuous changes in the ruins of the Kingdom of God.

This morning, a long-lost reminder sounded in Cao Yan's mind: "Ding..."

"Remind the host that you have completed the initial task of repairing the dilapidated Kingdom of God, and the source of darkness at the core of the Kingdom of God began to pull the dark elements in the void by itself to repair the ruins of the Kingdom of God.

Reward: 1: host points 20000;

2: A skill book for improving the level of the kingdom of God... Please check and collect it from the host. "

Cao Yan's heart moved slightly. According to the plan of the fake system, the ruins of the Kingdom of God were successfully recovered, and the next operation could be carried out, trying to get the God of Darkness to take the bait and come to the bowl on his own initiative.

At this time, the Kingdom of God was recovering, and Commander Cao could not help but turn his thoughts to the God of Darkness, but he was still not prepared to wade into this muddy water.

"Boss, President Tinon has come to our Sky City." Secretary Dai came to the Kingdom of Darkness to find Boss Cao.


Cao Yan soon returned to Sky City. After entering the study, he saw Tinon standing by the window looking at the scenery.

He walked over and asked directly: "Master President, what do you want me to do?"

Tinon said: "Do you know the Xia family in the Eastern Region?"

"I know, the last time I was promoted to the gods, they sent people to deliver things."

At the banquet held in the Sky City a few days ago, Kang Qingyue reported the names of the gifts given by the guests at the door. At that time, he mentioned the Xia family of the ancient tribe in the Eastern Region. They gave Boss Cao two rice fat nephrite jade The beauty was secretly slandered by Kang Qingyue as mentally retarded.

"What happened to the Xia family, and what does it have to do with us?"

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