Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 771: Boss Cao

It was almost noon, and the sun was shining brightly from the window.

In Cao Yan's study room, there is a floor-to-ceiling bay window that occupies the entire wall. The glass refined by magic alchemy is transparent to the ordinary glass window.

Looking out from the window, the eyes are full of clarity, and the world is beautiful.

Most of the city in the sky can be seen. On the square outside the city lord's mansion, the fountain rises and falls. Looking up, the sky is blue and the white clouds are soft.

Tinon stood by the window: "Your boy is quite extravagant. The glass made with magic alchemy, just this piece of glass, is enough to train an elite pet master. And your study room can be exchanged for a small city."

The old man's tone was sour, and he touched the floor-to-ceiling window in front of him greedily: "The magic energy storage glass is too corrupt."

"Come on, I'll get someone to give you a piece too." Commander Cao doggedly said.

Cao Yan is sincerely close and respectful of these old people from the Pet Master Association, and has no interests involved.

The buildings in Sky City are all automatically 'grown' during the evolution of the city core. Cao Yan wants a piece of magic glass, and the city core can be refined in an instant, and the cost is not as expensive as outside.

Tinon shook his head and said: "Forget it, I know you don't have a lot of money, your sky city has a lot of places waiting for money, so I don't want things."

"Look at what you said, the exploration team in our city recently discovered several crystal mines in the depths of the jungle. The refining of these building materials is all done by ourselves, and it doesn't cost much." Cao Yan laughed.

The old man's eyes brightened slightly, "Really?"

"Of course." Cao Yan replied.

"Then I'll take it."

"You can rest assured."

Tinon rubbed his hands, sat down on the sofa next to him, and then got down to business, returning to the topic of the Xia family in the Eastern Region mentioned earlier.

"Some time ago, your sky city shared the news with several of our associations, saying that more than 200 more angels came to the church in one day, and our family realized that something big might happen, and we have been dealing with it for the past few days. .”

Tinon: "With so many angels, if there is a fight, it will definitely not be resolved by the cooperation of our associations. Therefore, what we are considering is to unite more forces and deal with it together."

"In the past few days, a few of us old guys have come forward in person, running around, and the overall situation is going smoothly. With you as the head of the gods, a total of more than forty ancient clans and forces are willing to join, forming the embryonic form of an alliance of forces.

However, our plan is not going well in the Eastern Territory.

The Xia family is the oldest family in the Eastern Region. If they don't make a statement, other forces are watching. "

Commander Cao has already understood: "Your old man wants me to come forward, contact the Xia family, let them join our alliance, and thus drive the entire Eastern Region?"

"That's what it means."

In turn, Tinon gave Commander Cao the dog: "Your boy bears the name of the totem god, and the sun is shining brightly. If you come forward, the Xia family will definitely not refuse."

Cao Yan smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go there as soon as possible."

Tinon Dale: "Then it's settled, the sooner the better."

At this time, Dai Huanyu came in from the door, brought some refreshments over, put the things on the table,

Without saying much, he nodded to Tinon, wiped his body and walked out, obviously not wanting to disturb their conversation.

Tinon squinted his eyes, looked at Dai Huanyu's back, turned his head and said to Cao Yan: "You, the deputy city lord, are like a little wild cat. Based on my experience, a woman with her temperament and appearance must be charming in bed. Most pleasing to men.

You kid, tell me the truth, have you fucked her? "

This old pervert showed his true colors as soon as the business was over... Cao Yan pursed his lips, as if... he had really slept.

Tinon observed the words, and immediately knew the answer, and his interest was soaring: "You are a good guy. Not only is Wang Li such a peerless beauty in the world, but you also have two deputy city lords, and the other is called Taohua, right? That big one..."

"Bah!" The old and unscrupulous.


Before leaving, Tinon warned: "Cao Yan, you have to hurry up. The church has been recruiting believers by relying on its reputation of driving back the dark energy. It is obviously accumulating strength. We must guard against it. We must Win more forces as soon as possible, unite with each other, and establish a tacit understanding of rapid response, so that you can deal with it with confidence."

Cao Yan: "I will leave for Xia's house in the Eastern Region in the afternoon, the president can rest assured."

In the afternoon, Cao Yan took Aohe and set off for the Eastern Region.

Accomplishing the gods and starting the void walk is many times faster than ordinary professionals.

Cao Yan and Aohe shuttled through the space all the way, occasionally stopping in some big cities, and using space teleportation for long-distance shuttle, they entered the Eastern Region in more than three hours.

Professional fighters abound here. Historically, several warriors from the holy domain (above level 13, equivalent to the totem level) were born from the eastern domain.

The current president of the Warrior Association is also from the Eastern Region.

"The Xia family is one of the oldest warrior families in the Eastern Region. All members of the family, regardless of direct descendants or branches, as long as they are strong enough, have the opportunity to compete for the position of the head of the family. This is a very advanced way of thinking about merit, so The Xia family can inherit a long history, and the heads of the previous generations are all king-level powerhouses, and they have a very large influence in the Eastern Region."

Boss Cao came out to handle errands in person. Although he only brought Aohe by his side, the entire Sky City was already in operation. In one afternoon, he turned Xia's family upside down.

After Boss Cao entered the Eastern Territory, the detailed information of the family had just been sent to him by the personnel of the intelligence department scattered by the Sky City.

Boss Cao was standing in an alley in Hengduan Mountain City, a border city in the Eastern Region, checking the information.

The person who came to deliver the news was a thin young man in his twenties, with bright eyes and a clever, cunning and wise look.

This young man was from the Yimu tribe, one of the twelve ancient remnants of the Sky City. From time to time, he glanced at his legendary city lord full of admiration, and his eyes were full of admiration. Then he looked at Aohe behind Cao Yan, and immediately I shuddered.

After Auch became the Great Demon King, even if he restrained his aura and stood there, he looked like a black hole, and even the void was collapsing towards his position.

Ordinary professionals look at him, and their minds will be affected, and their aura is extremely tyrannical.

Cao Yan waved his hand, the young man bowed and left on his own.

Boss Cao and Aohe continued their journey. After half an hour, they crossed several big cities in the Eastern Region and came to the heart of the Eastern Region, the ancient city of Shangxu.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Cao Yan and Ao He came to a tall and magnificent mansion.

Outside the main entrance of the mansion stood a whole team of high-ranking soldiers on duty. Seeing Cao Yan and Ao He approaching from a distance, someone stepped forward and asked, "This is the Xia family's mansion. Are you looking for someone or just looking for someone?" visit?"

Aohe said in a deep voice: "You go and report that Cao Yan, the lord of Sky City, is here to visit."

The soldiers guarding the gate were taken aback. Boss Cao's current reputation was like a big drum, deafening to the ears.

The number one master in the world, invincible, powerful in the world, etc., these labels are all related to Boss Cao, a proper top-notch boss.

The gatekeepers of the Xia family are well-informed, but at this time, they are all fans who see idols, ready to kneel and lick at any time, and their waists are unconsciously short by three points.

A warrior ran away and entered the house to communicate.

Its galloping speed is actually the fastest in its life.

The remaining soldiers took the initiative to meet Mr. Cao and walked into the yard: "City Master Cao, you come in first. Let you wait at the door. The Patriarch knows, and I'm afraid he will blame him."

At this time, a group of people came out from the depths of the courtyard. The leader was a tall middle-aged man in light armor, but with a thin face and a strong skinny appearance.

Cao Yan had read the information of the main members of the Xia family before, and recognized that this was Xia Ji, the head of the Xia family. His body was filled with powerful forces like mountains and tsunami, and his momentum was overwhelming and mighty.

The skinny old man in a green robe next to him is Xia Fuyi, the second in command of the Xia family, and Xia Ji's uncle.

"City Lord Cao is here. My Xia family was unable to welcome you from afar. Please forgive me." Xia Ji, who took the lead to greet him, said from afar.

He spoke politely, but his eyes were piercing. He looked Cao Yan and Auch up and down, and he was secretly shocked by the result.

In his gaze and perception, Cao Yan is like an ordinary person, and he can't see the depth of safety.

Auch was just the opposite. With his strength, he didn't dare to stare at Auch for a long time. The power of the Great Demon King will invade those who watch him by itself, and entangle him endlessly, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. People who watch him will even have nightmares at night.

Xia Ji only looked at Aohe for a moment, and then felt a burst of blackness in front of his eyes, and panicked in his heart.

Boss Cao and Aohe are stronger than he expected.

"City Lord Cao, please come into my house and talk." Xia Ji lowered his head and did not dare to look at Cao Yan and the two again, stretching out his hand to lead the way.

The Xia family warmly entertained Commander Cao in the main hall, and the main members of the family gathered together.

Boss Cao got straight to the point: "I came here to invite the Xia family to join the power alliance formed by our several major associations at the request of Chairman Ti Nong, in order to cope with future changes in the situation.

Chairman Timon told me that the Xia family has some concerns? "

Xia Ji thought for a while: "We have no enmity with the church, and we even had some contact with the family business. Suddenly we have to stand up against the church. The family members do have a lot of concerns, and we want to think about it again."

The attitude of the Xia family was the same as what Tinon said, neither refusing nor agreeing, they just shirked blindly, obviously not prepared to participate in the struggle between the church and several major associations.

Cao Yan asked a few more questions, and Xia Fuyi, who was next to Xia Ji, was in charge of putting on a black face, and then said: "City Lord Cao came here in person as a god, if he uses his power to suppress us and force us to agree, we will not accept it." If you dare not agree, you will ask the people of the world to come out and judge."

This attitude is very clear. The Xia family refuses to unite with several major associations, and Boss Cao's face is not worth it.

"The church has been visited by angels one after another in the past period of time. Once they make a move, they cannot be resisted by one family. The only way to deal with it is to unite with each other. We don't want the Xia family to stand up and fight against the church now. It's about making some preparations for a rainy day." Boss Cao said.

Xia Ji remained silent, Xia Fuyi said softly:

"I don't need to worry about this. My Xia family has been passed down through the ages. What kind of situation has I never encountered? No matter how powerful the church is, if it comes to our Eastern Region, you have to ask my Xia family if I agree. We accept the kindness of Cao's city lord." .”

It was already evening when Cao Yan left Xia's house.

"Boss, why don't you hand over the Xia family to your subordinates, I'm sure they will change their minds." Ao He said darkly.

"No, we have always been decent people, but we can't use the underworld's tricks. They even gave us gifts. We can't just turn our backs and deny people just because they don't cooperate with us. Let's talk about twisted melons. Sweet, there is no need to force people to agree."

Boss Cao added another sentence at the end: "I have other considerations about the Eastern Region. Let's go back first, and we have business tonight."

Well, this guy has made an appointment to go racing with Ms. Wang at night, so it's really serious.

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