Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 772 True Dragon

The Xia family in the Eastern Region.

After Cao Yan left, several important members of the family, including Xia Ji and Xia Fuyi, moved to a small dark room for secret discussions.

"Isn't our rejection of Cao Yan today too obvious? It doesn't conform to the strategy we formulated before. We will not participate, but we will not offend the church and several major associations." Xia Ji was a little serious.

Xia Fuyi said disapprovingly: "Whether it's the church or several major associations, including Cao Yan, their power can't control my Eastern Region. Here, my Xia family is the leader. They come to the Eastern Region, and they also need to look at my Xia family." face."

Xia Ji waved his hand and said, "Is there any movement in the church?"

"People from the church came the day before yesterday..." said an old man in the clan.

"Okay, let me repeat our principles, don't participate in their disputes, neither make enemies of the church, nor oppose several major associations, let them fight theirs, no matter who has the upper hand on both sides, it will not involve our summer Home."

Xia Ji looked at Xia Fuyi and said emphatically, "Uncle, please refrain from having private contact with the church during this time."

The members of the Xia family discussed chatteringly for most of the night, and then the meeting ended, but no one noticed that a pair of almost invisible small tentacles protruded from the ground in a corner of the room.

It was the antennae of an ant.

It shook its antenna-like tentacles, 'rebroadcasting' the Xia family's internal conversation.

In the end, the ant shook its buttocks, dug its head, went deep into the ground, and disappeared silently.


When Cao Yan returned to Sky City from the Eastern Region, it was already dark, around eight o'clock in the evening.

The lights in the city are flickering, and there are no fewer pedestrians on the street than in the daytime, and the noise is lively.

Tinon came anxiously to hear the news, and when Cao Yan came back, he happened to arrive at Sky City again by teleportation.

"I originally wanted someone to deliver a letter to you."

Cao Yan said: "The Xia family does not agree to join the alliance we formed."

Tinon said unexpectedly: "You were rejected even if you went in person?"

See Cao Yan nodded,

Tinon said again: "Have you had a conflict with the Xia family?"

Cao Yan couldn't help laughing, and told what happened.

Tinon: "The Xia family's attitude is so resolute, it seems a little unreasonable, how dare they offend you?"

"I'm not a murderous maniac, isn't it that scary?" Cao Yan curled his lips.

Tinon shook his head: "I'm afraid you haven't heard the evaluation of you from the outside world, you are a 24-year-old Totem, and you have fought all the way, even killing the three judges of the church, and the judge died in your hands , and your battle with the Pope, killing angels, etc. When these things are concentrated on one person, think about it, what kind of influence will it form?

The outside world says that you are an unborn genius, and your potential will not stop at the present.

The Xia family dares to reject you face to face, it is crazy. "

Commander Cao of Tinon's string of rainbow farts was very comfortable, and said:

"I used some means to monitor a family meeting held in the Xia family after I left. They seem to have been involved in family business with the church. Let's let them suddenly turn against the church, which is equivalent to cutting off a piece of their wealth. Lu, the Xia family is definitely not willing.

Their idea is to not participate in the two, and to take care of themselves alone. "

"Stupid opinion." Tinon said with disdain: "Not participating in the two often means that there are enemies everywhere."

Cao Yan: "I was afraid that if I pushed too hard, it would have the opposite effect, so I left without saying much."

"Don't worry about the matter of the Eastern Region. It doesn't matter if the Xia family disagrees. After all, the power of the Eastern Region is not a whole."

"You mean we skip the Xia family and contact other forces in the Eastern Region?" Tinon pondered.

Cao Yan's suggestion was also considered by Ti Nong and others before, but they had placed their hopes on the Xia family before and did not proceed with it.

"Let's pick a few representative forces first, and contact them to have a look."

Cao Yan said: "I'm still in charge of following up on this matter, and I'll let you know the old man as soon as there is any good news."

Tinon nodded, and before he was about to leave, he hesitated for a moment, and took out a booklet with mottled ancient rhymes from his arms, with a precious expression on his face: "After I left you at noon, I went back and thought about it, and decided to Pass on to you the skill that I value the most in my life."

Surprised, Cao Yan took the booklet from Tiinong's hand, flipped through the contents, and was stunned: "This little yellow the skill you value most in your life?"

The brochure that Tinon handed over was full of inappropriate content.

It's about how to become a qualified old driver, the kind whose speed is so fast that you can fly off.

"What are you talking about, is this a little yellow book? This is something I got from an ancient ruins when I was young. The content is precious, and it is a treasure for men. I saw that you have many children and women, so I decided to pass it on because I was afraid that you would not be able to bear it. It’s for you, you kid, don’t rush to return it to me.” Tinon stretched out his hand to snatch it with a look of indignation.

Commander Cao hurriedly avoided: "Don't, this kind of good stuff should be shared, I'll take a look."

After speaking, he opened the little yellow book with great interest, looked at it a few times, and asked winkingly: "President, it says that the highest level can be retracted freely, have you reached it?"

Tinon said proudly: "When I was young, I basically reached the king rank written in the book, and now I am also a silver."

Cao Yan snorted: "But I have surpassed the rank of king in the book now, and the content in this book is not of much use to me."

Tinon was stunned for a moment, and snatched back the little yellow book: "Young people must learn to be humble."

Commander Cao said happily, "My talent in this area is better than semiotics."

Tinon turned around and left, his back was bleak, and he probably had an aura of being fucked instead of pretending to be coercive.

The old man was very embarrassed, and there were countless grass mud horses running wildly in his heart.

When Tinon left via teleportation, Cao Yan groaned proudly in the study for a moment, summoned Dai Huanyu, and ordered: "Several major associations want to unite various forces to form an alliance, and I have taken over the affairs of the Eastern Region. It's up to you to follow up."

"Understood." Dai Huanyu agreed softly, turned around and backed out.

At this time, above the city of sky, there was a sudden thunder and lightning, and it rained heavily in a blink of an eye.

Blasts of lightning flashed and flickered across the sky in the form of tree roots, tearing apart the sky.

Residents in the city looked up at the sky one after another, but they saw a huge silver-white monster appearing on the dark sky, looming in the thick clouds, and the lightning around the body tore apart the dark clouds, presenting part of its body in front of everyone's eyes .

The scales on the giant beast seemed to be the gathering place of all the lightning in the world, and there were countless electric arcs moving every moment.

"This dragon beast is manipulating the rules of thunder and lightning, and it is not far from transformation and evolution." A high-ranking pet master said enviously.

The beast on the clouds is a big stick.

After it got a 10,000-meter-long Dirnadoya inheritance from the place of inheritance, it began to gradually absorb the power in the inheritance. The power in the body has been restless these days, often out of control, and has already destroyed four or five of the traps used to load it. beast ball.

Cao Yan simply put this thing in the sky and raised it in a free range.

The sudden thunderstorm above Sky City was caused by the rhythm of power in the big stick.

It is approaching the realm of totem.

Cao Yan poked his head from the study, glanced up, then looked away, and took out a skill book. This is the skill book he obtained to improve the level of the Kingdom of God after completing the recovery mission of the Kingdom of God.

Boss Cao opened the skill book, and the content in the book immediately turned into streamers of light, pouring into his eyebrows.

After becoming a god, his mental capacity became extremely strong, and he could read skill books much faster than before. A thick skill book quickly disappeared from Boss Cao's hands.

He sat down on the chair and thought to himself: "What the hell is it costing so much to get a money-losing product to raise the level of the kingdom of God... The integration of the ancient continent and the small ocean world just barely activates the source of darkness. It is the lowest level of the elementary kingdom of God, and it will take a lot of operations to push it to continue to expand."

"It is recorded in the book that you can control the source of darkness, open up void channels, actively devour, absorb the energy of the dark source, and speed up the expansion..."

Commander Cao checked the existing points again, a total of more than 146,000 points.

The fake system said: "Has the host thought about it, whether to accept the task of collecting the genes of the God of Darkness, or choose one of the other two attendants."

"I already have some new ideas, but I definitely don't want to accept the task." Cao Yan said.

In the next few days, Boss Cao's forces were in full operation, and Dai Huanyu stepped into the Eastern Region forcefully and began to contact various forces.

The situation is similar to Boss Cao's expectation. The Xia family wants to stay away from the major forces, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger, and be alone. However, most of the other forces are very happy and accept the olive branch offered by Boss Cao.

Except for Dai Huanyu's series of operations in the Eastern Region.

After Cao Yan learned the skill book for raising the level of the Kingdom of God, he used his spiritual power to refine the source of darkness at the core of the Kingdom of God day and night. After half a month, he gradually mastered some of the methods of controlling the source of darkness.

On this day, the ruins of the Kingdom of God suddenly shook.

The space inside the Kingdom of God was cracked, and wisps of dark energy were introduced into the ruins from the cracked space by the source of darkness.


At this moment, the Kingdom of God seems to have ushered in a real recovery.

The entire kingdom of God was violently shaken, and earth-shaking changes took place.

In the space passage outside the ruins of the Kingdom of God (the passage located deep in the ancient burial ground, Cao Yan found the ruins of the Kingdom of God through this passage), originally stood countless dead corpses. At this time, these corpses started to move strangely. They were swept by a dark breath and floated into the ruins of the Kingdom of God. They stood in a dense line, like an army...

At the same time, in the depths of the remote endless sea, on the net red number suspended in the air above the sea, the mighty generals under the command of Sky City gathered, including Chaos Giants, Storm Giants, Hill Giants, Cyclops, Elf Queens, and even the Twelve Ancient Ones. Strong family, masters emerge in endlessly.

They were ordered by Boss Cao to capture a monster, a real dragon!

When the Era Temple was opened, there was a real dragon that soared into the sky from the eyes of the endless sea, and finally entered the temple.

After the temple was closed, this real dragon and several other rare monsters were followed by Boss Cao on their way back to their respective houses, and they found their lairs.

After such a long time, Boss Cao's black hands finally reached out to this totem-level dragon!

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