Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 785 Points Skyrocket

Xia Ji and others walked into the study from the outside and saw Cao Yan eating on the sofa by the window.

A small dining table was set up in front of him, and on the table was a metal soup pot of primary color, boiling white broth in the pot, the green vegetable leaves and pieces of meat were undulating in the soup, making people feel greedy just looking at it.

Dai Huanyu, who was dressed in a black mage robe, moved a small stool and sat beside his boss, the magic flame in his hand was dancing and dancing, as if alive.

The flame under the soup pot was controlled by Dai Huanyu with magic, from big to small.

Next to Dai Huanyu, Big Bear girl was sitting, holding a small bowl in her hand, picking up the cooked meat and vegetables, putting them on a side plate, dipping in the seasoning, and putting them one by one in front of Cao Yan .

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Xia family was secretly angry.

"Cao Yan himself doesn't have long hands. After a meal, he asked a high-ranking mage to control the fire, and another big bear girl to cook meat..." Everyone in the Xia family looked at the two charming and stalwart female secretaries. , thought sourly.

Just when Cao Yan looked up, everyone in the Xia family met his eyes, feeling inexplicably nervous.

"Everyone, please sit down. It's time to eat. The people below have prepared some food. I'm also a little hungry. Please don't mind the impoliteness." Cao Yan said politely.

This moment and that moment, the last time Cao Yan visited Xia's house.

The Xia family was lukewarm at the time, but they expressed their refusal.

Boss Cao was able to treat each other with courtesy at this time, and everyone in the Xia family was already a little flattered. Although they were complaining about Boss Cao's fucking and eating without hands, they didn't dare to show it on the surface.

When Cao Yan spoke, everyone in the Xia family lowered their bodies subconsciously, their shoulders tightened, and their faces were full of smiles. When Cao Yan finished speaking, the Patriarch Xia Ji hurriedly said: "Young Master Yan is a true temperament, why do we care about it?" .”

"You guys haven't eaten yet, why don't you eat something together and let's chat?"

Cao Yan invited: "Come and have a taste. This is the hunting team in the city. Yesterday they went out to hunt animals and accidentally killed a black dragon. It is said that dragon meat tastes the best in the world. It tastes really good, but the meat is too tight. In fact, it needs special treatment first, and then it can be eaten by steaming with magic flames for more than 20 hours. The fire is just right now, and there is still a plate of borneol here."

"This pot is dragon meat?!" Everyone in the Xia family was shocked.

This wave of showing off wealth is perfect,

Eat dragon meat, why don't you go to heaven!

The power of dragon monsters is well known all over the world. Eating dragon meat is a great tonic for professionals. It can promote the increase of magic power and skyrocket physical fitness.

The pot in front of Cao Yan was filled with dragon meat, the temptation was not small.

Although the Xia family has power and wealth, they do not have the ability to capture dragon monsters, not to mention that the black dragon is still an average dragon, and its physical strength is extremely strong.

Everyone in the Xia family looked eagerly at the churning pieces of meat in the pot, thinking about the benefits of eating dragon meat.

Xia Ji still kept a little reserved, and said, "Will we join in, won't we disturb Yan Shao's interest?"

Cao Yan couldn't help laughing, and made a gesture of invitation.

Xia Ji was no longer polite: "Then thank you Yan Shao for your hospitality."

The resentment that had been waiting for a day disappeared in an instant, and it all turned into gratitude.

Xia Fuyi, Xia Ji, and two family elders got the chance to sit on the table.

Dai Huanyu added a few chairs for them, and let them sit opposite Cao Yan, chatting while eating.

Xia Ji expressed his desire to join the power alliance formed by the Four Great Associations and Sky City, and took out the gift he brought.

Recently, Dai Huanyu received a gift softly, and his movements were extremely smooth, he reached out to take it, and stored it in the storage utensil.

Tao Hua at the side also skillfully took out a small notebook, and registered the things sent by the Xia family.

Regarding the Xia family's idea of ​​joining the power alliance, Cao Yan said frankly:

"To tell you the truth, if you join in, you will need to oppose the church on the open. And the church has a deep foundation, and it is very likely that angels and even powerful gods will come to our green forest world in the future. The situation we face may It's going to be tough."

Before the summer festival came, relevant considerations had been made, and he nodded in agreement without hesitation, and complained smoothly about the church:

"Let me first apologize to Yan Shao for what happened last time. The last time Yan Shao went to my Xia family, I needed to consider the interests of the family and didn't want to take risks. And the church didn't show their ambitions at that time, and they actually wanted to destroy the whole world. It has become a religious country, and now we have seen the true face of the church.

If the church is not dead, my Xia family will not be safe. So this time joining the alliance formed by all major forces, my Xia family has seriously considered it, and will never repeat it. "

When Xia Ji and Cao Yan were talking, Xia Fuyi took a mouthful of dragon meat and chewed it in his mouth, the more he ate, the happier he was.

The so-called cannibal's mouth is short, Xia Ji's words fell, and he quickly expressed his loyalty: "Young Master Yan, just look at our future performance."

The guests and hosts who ate dragon meat had a good time, and the major event that decided the future direction of a family, and even a small half of the Eastern Region, was easily finalized. You see, this is the current influence of Guabi, which is terrifying.

In the process of eating dragon meat, there was an episode.

Previously, there was information about the traces of a small group of angels from the church going out, and the masters of Sky City moved upon hearing the news, plus Dogarosh, Little Black Fatty Leto and others, went out to stop the angel team at the same time.

When everyone was eating dragon meat, it was just in time for the team to return.

Cao Yan turned his head and looked out of the window, but he saw dragons roaming and tigers roaring outside the sky city, sunbirds burning with flames, two sticks, big sticks, circles... The whole team came back from outside the city with astonishing momentum. On the square in front of the City Lord's Mansion.

There are also dozens of giants of different ethnic groups in the team, and six or seven prisoners are tied to a frame at the rear, all of whom are angels.

Seeing the power of this team, Xia Ji, Xia Fuyi and others were dumbfounded, and even the last trace of doubt was completely let go.

After the meal, several members of the Xia family left, Xia Fuyi burped as soon as he went out, his mouth smelled like dragon meat.

Xia Ji said with disgust: "Second Uncle, you were a little rude just now, and you ate the most meat at the dinner table. The energy contained in the dragon meat is amazing, and it is not easy to digest. You eat so much, be careful that you won't be able to sleep at night. Sleep."

Xia Fuyi blushed: "I was thinking that we gave Cao Yan such a valuable thing, so it would be a shame if we didn't eat more. Besides, you can eat dragon meat just once here, so you don't have to eat less." ?"

The uncle and nephew complained to each other.

The other two elders of the family walked dully, not wanting to participate in the internal strife between the uncle and nephew, but they both couldn't help hiccupping.

Xia Ji pondered and said: "The things we send may not be so valuable compared with other visitors. The items placed in Cao Yan's study alone are surprisingly high in value.

The bookshelves in his study room are full of rare ancient books, and even the window glass is magic alchemy glass.

That piece of glass is enough to train a lord-level professional. "

Xia Fuyi was picking his teeth with a toothpick, and the shredded meat he picked out was not willing to spit it out. He swallowed it and swallowed it. He was shocked when he heard Xia Ji say that the glass in Cao Yan's study could train a lord-level master Leo: "So valuable?"

"Well, I said yesterday that the gifts we brought were a bit light.

Didn't you see when our things were taken out? The expressions of those two female subordinates of Cao Yan were flat and unchanged. They were obviously used to seeing good things and thought our things were ordinary. "

Xia Ji said: "I decided to send a message to the family and send some precious treasures over."

A group of people walked outside the city lord's mansion at this time, looked back at the deep courtyard and the continuous palace buildings of the city lord's mansion, all of them felt relieved secretly.

Cao Yan didn't mention anything about being rejected when he visited the Xia family last time, which showed his heart and let the Xia family put down their worries about it.

In fact, the Xia family is just a microcosm of the current situation.

When Cao Yan suppressed the church, the news of the death of the main god spread over time. Some forces that were originally hesitant asked to join the alliance headed by the four major associations and Sky City.

The formation of an alliance that affects the entire world structure is truly formed.

For a long time to come, Sky City will be the center of the Green Forest World. Powers from all over the world, even representatives of large empires, will gather in the city and set up fixed contact points one after another, preparing to stay in the city.

Of course, these are things to come.

It was night, Commander Cao finished his work of meeting 'guests from various countries' all day, and Shi Shiran went to the back house of the city lord's mansion.

While walking, I asked the fake system in my mind: "People who have visited in the past few days have sent many bones or feathers, scales and other body tissues of rare monsters. After submitting them to the spaceship, how much have my points increased?"

"The host's current total points are... 193,200."

Boss Cao was slightly surprised by the value given by the fake system: "It's approaching 200,000, so much?"

After thinking about it, I felt relieved, those who came to Sky City these days were all powerful forces from all over the world.

The things they sent were all high-end goods.

To a certain extent, the gathering of these forces and sending things to Cao Yan means that most of the forces in the green forest world are helping him to collect the remains of various creatures and provide them to the spaceship.

It is not surprising that Cao Yan's points soared by using the power of the world to provide genetic samples to the spacecraft.

For a period of time after that, his points will continue to grow at this rate.

With the current point value, I finally don't have to search and search to get by, and I can do a lot of things I want to do. For example, exchange skill potions for magic pets, adjust their existing skills... exchange a series of skill books at the level of gods, upgrade the kingdom of God and the city of the sky, and improve their own power, new attendants... Cao Yannao The inner thoughts fluctuate, feeling elated.

The night was hazy.

The bright moon hangs high on the dome, and the stars twinkle.

Cao Yan returned to the residence in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion, the lights were on in the room, obviously Wang Li had already come back first.

Cao Yan was still thinking about something in his mind, and walked briskly into the room, the fake system suddenly said: "Cao Yan, wait, listen... There are strange sounds in the room."


Ps: Two million words...

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