Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 786 Half a Year Later

Strange voice... Cao Yan expressed his doubts.

He used his divine power to search his surroundings, and he could even hear the worms wriggling in the jungle below the Sky City and the deep underground, let alone the sound in the house that was close at hand, but he didn't hear the need for a fake system. A sound that is described as strange.

"What strange sound?" Cao Yan frowned.

"On the second floor, Wang Li and Baoyue are whispering." The fake system said furtively.

"Uncle Ri, what's so strange about the two of them talking?" Cao Yan heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out that the fake system was acting as a demon.

He did hear the voices of Wang Li and Baoyue whispering on the second floor just now, but he considered himself a decent person, and when he heard his female ticket and best friend whispering, he automatically ignored the past and didn't pay attention to the specific content.

"The host hastened to eavesdrop, the topic of the two women upstairs is related to you." The fake system said.

"What's so strange about this? I'm handsome, rich and powerful, and possesses a weapon that no one can match. Isn't it normal for Wang Li and Baoyue to talk about me?" Cao Yan said lightly.

"The host wants to eat farts, dare to say that he is carrying heavy weapons... Look at the Chaos Giants and the others, that is called carrying heavy weapons. Compare it, don't you blush?" said the fake system.

"You just want to eat farts, why don't you compare the Chaos Giant with a big stick and two sticks, the whole body of those two is a heavy weapon."

"Okay. The topic Wang Li and Baoyue are talking about, don't regret if the host doesn't listen."

"Is there anything to regret, I'm not interested at all."

Boss Cao said that he would not listen, but in fact he had quietly pricked up his ears, and the voice from upstairs was exactly the same, and he could hear it clearly.

"... Baoyue, have you considered what I said last time?" It was Wang Li's clear and soft voice.

What was the matter mentioned last time... Commander Cao tilted his head.

This eavesdropping actually has episodes 2 and 2. The content of the conversation upstairs follows the episode 1. Boss Cao regrets listening to it late, so it would be better to eavesdrop earlier. He can’t hear the previous content, let alone infer the episode 1 What did the set say. It's like watching a broken dog, seeing a key point, and suddenly disappearing.

Baoyue was silent for a while before saying: "This kind of you really not mind?"

"of course it's true,

Otherwise why would I bring it up. "Wang Li's tone is brisk.

What the hell is it... Boss Cao scratched his head in various ways.

"I know what it is."

The fake system interjected: "The spaceship said last time that Wang Li was convinced by the host, so I helped you choose a concubine."

Cao Yan: "You're lying to ghosts. Wang Li's temperament makes it impossible to take the initiative to promote this kind of thing. You are uneasy and kind, and you are obviously misleading me."

The bogus system was exposed and quietened down.

Cao Yan continued to eavesdrop, the topic of the two women had already changed, and they started chatting in various ways, and neither of them mentioned the topic just now.

Commander Cao stood downstairs for a long time, thinking about it, but feeling rather depressed.

He ate a lot of dragon meat today, and even ate one of the most critical parts of the dragon's body. The animal blood in his body was boiling and his body was swollen. He really wanted to study the multi-directional parking skills with his girlfriend.

However, there are now two people upstairs, which is obviously inconvenient.

The situation at night was the same as last time. Commander Cao held a bachelor party downstairs with the little fat dog, the big cat, and couldn't fall asleep all night.

Early in the morning, he still got up to cook, and Miss Wang and Princess Baoyue came downstairs to eat.

Baoyue had other things to do, so she left after dinner.

Cao Yan sent Ms. Wang to the main store of the House of Magic Pets in Sky City. On the way, Ms. Wang stared at her male ticket: "I chatted with Baoyue last night, and the topic always turned to you unconsciously. Said It's all about the last two times when she went to the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God with you and saw you make a move.

She said that even Battle Angel is not your single enemy. You are the most talented person she has ever met, you are amazingly talented. Well, those are her exact words. "

Wang Li: "What do you mean she told me this?"

I heard it in the middle of the night last night, until the two of you went to bed, and there was no such content at all... If it wasn't for what I said before eavesdropping, Miss Wang was digging a hole.

Boss Cao expressed his determination not to jump into the pit: "I don't know what Baoyue is thinking, but brother will always be a man she can't get."

"Virtue." Wang Li said with a blank eye.

time flies.

For the next period of time, the green jungle world was as calm as water, and the church did nothing. Several major associations and Cao Yan were busy integrating power alliances, and the two sides entered a relatively peaceful period.

Half a year passed in a blink of an eye, and the time came to May of the new year in the green forest world.

After half a year of integration, the alliance of forces headed by Sky City and the four major associations has initially completed the construction of the structure.

By late May, the first post-alliance gathering was held in Sky Laputa.

There are a total of 261 participating forces, including more than half of the powerful forces or countries in the Green Forest, including Commander Cao's two ghost and animal friends, representing powerful forces outside the Green Forest World, and also joined in the hostility to the church In the camp's power alliance.

In the morning, the sun is shining brightly and the flowers are blooming.

In the study room in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion, the heads of several major associations, together with Cao Yan, and a few representatives of ancient families gathered together for a brief meeting here.

"Cao Yan, in the meeting later, I need to communicate with you first." Tinon said.

In fact, Cao Yan is not keen on power, or these so-called first-line forces, he has some disdain for them.

He likes the way of arrogant soldiers and strong generals, mainly the elite. For example, the ancient tribes gathered under the command of Sky City are invincible, and they all charge forward to stop a hundred with one.

If necessary, the team under Sky City can sweep any so-called first-line forces at any time without breaking a sweat.

Of course, it is not unnecessary to unite these forces.

The combination of these forces will form a huge and incomparable net, which can move the whole body with one move, and can involve the power of the whole world, and contribute all kinds of support for dealing with the church in the future and the light god system behind the church.

During the formation of the alliance, Cao Yan was a mascot and was mainly responsible for brushing his face.

The major forces can be twisted together because they are too famous and have a strong appeal.

Except for facial recognition, other things are operated by several major associations.

Cao Yan looked at Tinon, waiting for him to continue.

"Now that the alliance has many forces, some things have become bloated and difficult to coordinate, so you need to be erected as a banner that can deter all forces in the alliance." The presidents of several major associations are watching Boss Cao.

"Specifically?" Boss Cao asked.

"At the meeting later, you will come forward to explain the strength of Sky City. You can exaggerate appropriately to make these people feel unattainable, and it is best to be in awe." Tinon said again.

The presidents of several other associations also nodded.

Explaining the strength of the city of the sky, exaggerated appropriately, unattainable... Isn't this just for me to brag? Boss Cao thought to himself.

"Cao Yan, last time I heard you said that the number of king-level professionals in Sky City has reached thirty."

The president of the Mage Association said: "If you disclose this news, it is enough to make many forces feel awe."

"Thirty kings was the number a few months ago, and now there are more than sixty." Cao Yan said.

Several presidents looked at each other, feeling a little out of step: "There are more than sixty kings in your Sky City now?"

Cao Yan hummed, indicating that this is indeed the case.

The presidents were full of astonishment, the power under this kid's command has become so strong? !

"How did your strength grow so fast?"

Cao Yan smiled, because the points in his hand skyrocketed and he was very rich.

Some time ago, he encouraged a wave of pulling seedlings for the World Tree, using time fragments to water the World Tree and increase the age of the tree.

The World Tree is now more than a million years old. The leaves on the tree are verdant, and special textures emerge on the surface of each leaf, like magic circles that gather the elements of heaven and earth.

At this time, in the city of the sky, especially around the world tree, the thickness of the elements is becoming more and more astonishing, just like in ancient times, when the heavens and the earth first opened, the elements gathered to form chaos and nourish all things.

The major ancient survivors in the city have accumulated countless years in the past. Once the elemental atmosphere in the city reaches the grandeur of ancient times, they regularly go to practice under the tree, and the potential in their bodies begins to fully explode, advancing by leaps and bounds, and concentrated in the recent period. It is not surprising, it is the result of the accumulation of various races under Sky City.

"More than sixty kings..." The President of the Warrior Association's eyes sparkled.

Because of the existence of the city in the sky, the number of kings in the green jungle world is comparable to that of the ancient war between gods and demons.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the major forces entered the meeting hall of the Sky City, and the first meeting of the internal forces of the alliance was held.

Cao Yan and several presidents entered the arena last, and the originally bustling meeting room became silent the moment they saw Boss Cao.

After the meeting started, Cao Yan was the first to speak.

He talked eloquently about the development of Sky City and some of the forces in his hands, which made everyone below feel excited.

When the speech was over, Cao Yan walked back to his seat with disapproving steps, turned his head and asked Dai Huanyu behind him: "Is there anything unusual about the church recently?"

"No, it's very calm." Dai Huanyu said.

Cao Yan was silent for a moment, always feeling that the peace of the church was not a good sign, and the pope was wondering what he was thinking about.

The meeting went on until noon, and Dai Huanyu received a new message.

She went to her boss's side, whispered the report, and finally stuck out her tongue and licked it...

Boss Cao was teased by the female hooligan under the eyes of everyone, and felt wet behind his ears, but his face was calm and steady.

Dai Huanyu continued: "The news that came back said that the power of the target far exceeds our prior judgment, and it is very terrifying to be able to carry mountains and seas.

Our people are still entangled with the target, and the Chaos Giant means to ask the boss for help. "

"Okay." Cao Yan greeted Tinon and others, got up and walked outside the venue.

When he walked to the edge of the meeting place, there was a space ripple in front of him suddenly. Cao Yan stretched his hand, the space opened and closed, and he disappeared from the spot in an instant, entering the state of jumping into the void.

"What happened?"

"Where is City Lord Cao going?"

"Leaving the meeting halfway... I'm afraid something special happened." The people in the hall discussed among themselves.

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