Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 787: The World's Oldest Warcraft Capture

Half a year ago, the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God, which was destroyed by Cao Yan, has now been fully restored.

In the pope's study, near the window, stood a female angel with a fit body and wearing a platinum battle armor.

Seen from a later position, her plump and round buttocks propped up the battle armor in a tight arc, and the three pairs of wings on the back drooped, and one of the wings was broken, missing half.

She was Tirmis, who was involved in a space storm because of the collapse of the oracle gate half a year ago, and nearly overturned.

Under the order of Michael Michael, the commander of the Angel Army who came to the world of Green Forest.

"Your Majesty the Pope, a new oracle has arrived, and the gate of the oracle is about to be born again."

Tirmis's voice was slightly hoarse, with a nice magnetism: "I hope that the oracle gate this time will not be placed in the central temple. The goal there is too clear, and it is easy for people to grasp the oracle gate. progress of change."

The Pope sat behind a log desk three meters away to the left of Tillmis, and nodded slightly:

"I have the same concerns as you, and I don't want to take risks. If Cao Yan leads another surprise attack, no one is sure that he will be able to stop his offensive. If he destroys the oracle gate again, we will all be punished by God. "

Tirmis's golden eyelashes fluttered, and she looked out of the window: "I have met His Majesty a few times recently, and I can hear you mentioning the name Cao Yan every time."


Pope: "The existence of Cao Yan has seriously hindered our plan for the next stage."

"In the past six months, I kept recalling the process of contact and confrontation with Cao Yan. There must be some secrets hidden in him that we don't know. This secret can even compete with the glory of God, so he can kill Mi'er The avatar of the Lord God has always had the upper hand in the confrontation with us."

"Of course, Cao Yan himself is also an amazingly talented person. His fighting ability is so strong that I have never seen it in my life. Once the so-called alliance formed by several major associations loses Cao Yan, it will immediately fall apart, and the rest will not be enough to convince the public."

"So killing Cao Yan is of great benefit to our plan to create a divine kingdom on earth."

Tirmis thought for a while: "There must be something strange about the death of the clone of Lord Mi'er who came to this world. I don't believe that anyone in this world can kill the clone of Lord God. That Cao not qualified. I will discuss this matter." Investigate clearly.

About Cao Yan,

What does His Majesty know, how long has he been a professional? "

"About seven years. At present, he should be a thirteenth-level god, but his combat power is far beyond the thirteenth level, so my judgment may not be accurate."

The pope glanced at the broken half of Tillmis's wing: "Your angel wing was broken for more than half a year, why hasn't it healed yet? How much does the broken angel wing affect your combat effectiveness?"

Tillmis gave the Pope a sideways look: "Could it be that Your Majesty is worried that my strength will be damaged and I will lose to Cao Yan?"

The Pope nodded slightly: "My experience with Cao Yan in the past tells me that any contempt for him will definitely cause serious losses."

Tirmis smiled and said: "Your Majesty is so cautious, but he managed to arouse my interest in this Cao Yan."

After a pause, he said: "In the green jungle world, it is very difficult to restore the broken angel wings. Only by keeping the wound unhealed can the wings grow slowly until they finally recover.

So my wings still haven't healed after half a year. I did it on purpose, so there's no need to worry about it, Your Majesty. "


The void in front of Cao Yan was rippling, and he suddenly broke away because he felt that the situation at the other end of the space was quite tense, so he rushed to a certain sea area in the depths of the endless sea through airdropping.

At this time, the hunting team of Sky City, Big Stick, Two Sticks, is cooperating with Net Red to capture a legendary ancient monster!

Among the monsters that appeared in the Jiyuan Temple back then, apart from the Sun Golden Crow and the True Dragon Two Cudgels, there was also an impressive old turtle, and it was also the biggest monster Cao Yan had ever seen.

After the Temple of Era was closed, they left the green jungle world, and all the monsters went back to their homes.

Lao Gui was targeted by Cao Yan at that time!

Now Boss Cao's troops are strong and strong, and he has captured the Sun Golden Crow and Zhenlong successively, and it will be the old turtle's turn next.

The hunting team in the city was dispatched two days ago. Through teleportation, they went to the depths of the endless sea and started capturing the old turtle.

The location where Cao Yan rushed over was a barren sea area in the depths of the Endless Sea.

The sea is dark and unfathomable, the sight is vast, and the sky is high.

When he came over, the Net Red was flying at a height of 100 meters from the sea surface. It was amazing that the huge hull was being dragged by a huge force, and it was moving forward uncontrollably.

The battle outside the ship was fierce.

The hunting team masters under Sky City are besieging a giant tortoise.

It is like a continent floating on the sea, with a dark green body and an unimaginably thick carapace. The tortoise shell pattern on it interweaves and releases a layer of blue water element wall, covering its body.

There were vines extending from the net red number, trying to restrain the old turtle, but he was pulled by his strange force, and dragged around in turn.

The old tortoise was huddled in the water element barrier, with his head protruding from the sea, with a pair of short horns on his head, and a humanized look appeared in his huge eyes, and he looked at everyone in Sky City mockingly.

The big stick, the two sticks, and the chaotic giants all showed their abilities. The waves on the sea were churning, and the water waves were intertwined like ropes. Thunderbolts fell from the sky, tearing the sky.

However, none of these attacks could break through the thick water elemental wall.

It is worth mentioning that the big stick completed the totem-level evolution last month, and is now a totem monster.

"Boss, this giant tortoise fought fiercely with us for two days, and the fight was the most intense yesterday. The sea surface thousands of miles around was overturned to the sky, and the ocean was hanging upside down. The seabed collapsed, and several islands in the nearby sea area were also destroyed by this giant tortoise. The smash of the old turtle hit.

It fought us head-on at the beginning, and was hit on the head by our cooperation. After the injury, the carapace on the back showed mysterious lines, releasing this layer of water elemental wall. It hid in it and started swimming around, taking us around in circles in the sea. We tried all kinds of methods, but we couldn't break through its defenses.

I suspect that this water elemental wall is the legendary ultimate defense magic of the water system - the water elemental world wall. "

When the Chaos giant saw Cao Yan appear, he bombarded the old turtle while reporting.

Cao Yan was surprised. The water elemental world wall is a legendary defensive magic that has long since disappeared. It surpasses the level of forbidden spells and directly uses the rules of the elements, making it indestructible.

At this time, Cao Yan squinted his eyes and looked at it for a while, then he was sure that what the old turtle had formed was indeed the water elemental wall.

Boss Cao ordered the Chaos Giant, saying: "I see that the shell on the back of this old turtle is filled with traces of time, and its aura is extremely ancient. It may be a mysterious creature that has survived from ancient times to the present.

Its water element world wall contains the rules of time, and I can't break it.

Divide it into two parts, take turns to rest, fight a protracted war with it, consume its magic power, boil it slowly, and try to capture it when the time is right. "

"It's useless for me to stay here, I'll go back first."

After Commander Cao finished speaking, he reopened the space barrier, walked into it, returned the same way, left, and disappeared into the void in a blink of an eye.

But he kept Eggy, Abalone, and Jungle Goddess, and joined forces to deal with this old turtle.

The Chaos Giant waited for the deployment of Sky City with a look of confusion. His boss just came to have a look and then left, which was too irresponsible.

Boss Cao quickly returned to the conference hall of Sky City, and sat in seat C of the venue leisurely.

The fake system said in consciousness: "Cao Yan, after you catch that old turtle, what name are you going to name it?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"I'm a little curious. Now that you have Eggy, Big Stick, I wonder if you will name this old turtle *Tou. If you call it this name, your monsters will be complete and can be combined into a heavy weapon. said the fake system.

"..." Cao Yan was speechless.

"What happened?"

Tinon poked his head over from the side and asked him why he left just now, and the other presidents also turned their eyes.

"The hunting team in the city is catching an ancient creature, I'll go over and have a look." Cao Yan said.

"Ancient creatures, what species?"

"An old dog's skull is similar to a dragon, so it should be a dragon-type turtle." Cao Yan said.

There was a slight strange expression on Tinon's face: "Is it an old turtle with a huge body, like a land in the sea, and the carapace on its back is filled with the breath of time?"

Cao Yan was stunned for a moment: "The president also knows about this old turtle?"

"Well, this old turtle has a lot to offer."

Tinon said enthusiastically: "Since the establishment of our association, there have been records of this strange beast. It is probably the oldest creature in our world and has gone through countless ages. According to the records circulated by the association, this beast The old tortoise may have traveled around the whole world during its long existence, holding countless unknown secrets.

Another theory is that the tortoise shell pattern on the back of the old turtle hides a complete map of our green forest world and a secret at the core of the world. "

"How sure are you of catching it?" Tinon asked.

Cao Yan: "It's hard to say, right now it has formed a layer of water element world wall, which is very difficult to break through, I ordered my subordinates to fight a war of attrition with it.

What the effect is, you have to observe it to know. "

Cao Yan and Tienon whispered to each other at the venue, and quickly attracted the attention of other bigwigs around them. They turned their heads around, joined the discussion, and offered advice: "Can you put it in the trapping ball first, and block it from being connected with nature?" The induction between them weakens its ability to use elements, thereby speeding up the consumption of the water element wall it releases, to achieve the ultimate goal of breaking the defense?"

Cao Yan shook his head: "It won't work. That old turtle has the terrifying power to drag the continent. No matter what trapping ball it is, it's unlikely to force it into it."

Then he looked at Tinon again: "Tell me again, old man, what else do you know about that old turtle?"

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