"An ancient creature like this may not be born once in thousands of years.

I can know this because our association has been able to record some information about this ancient beast through uninterrupted inheritance in various historical periods. Is there anything else? "

After mentioning the words, he took out a thick and amazing ancient book from his belongings, and handed it to Cao Yan without any hesitation: "This is a diary recorded by the previous presidents of our association. It is easy to preserve, and it has been passed down from generation to generation in the association. The records about ancient beasts are all here.

It also introduces some anecdotes, including various legendary creatures, and the experience of previous presidents in training magic pets. Take a good look. "

He said again: "Remember to return it to me after reading it, this thing is very important."

Cao Yan nodded: "Understood, this is equivalent to the secret books collected by our association, and it is at the same level as Mingjiao's Great Teleportation."

Tinon blinked his eyes: "Which faction is Mingjiao, why have I never heard of it?"

Commander Cao said: "It's a large faction in the parallel world, very powerful. There are left and right bright envoys, four kings, five scattered people, and five-element flag chief and deputy banner masters in the sect. The sect headquarters is built on the top of the light... Barabara."

After hearing this, Tinon didn't know what to say: "It seems to be very standardized. What's the name of the world they live in?"

Cao Yan: "It's called Yitian Tulongjie."

The other bigwigs were listening on the sidelines, but they were quickly misled by Commander Cao, and the topic went astray: "What is the difference between the world of Yitian and Dragon Slaying and our world, Yan Shao said it to give us a lot of insight."

The amazing thing is that Commander Cao is very capable of correcting mistakes. He talked a few words about relying on the sky to slay dragons, turned a corner, and turned the topic back again: "Then Mingjiao has a sacred beast called the Golden Retriever Lion King, and that Like an old turtle, it is a totem-level creature, let's continue talking about that old turtle."

Now the topic returned to the old turtle, everyone expressed their opinions and discussed how to catch the turtle.

So other people at the meeting held a serious meeting to discuss various related aspects of the formation of the alliance.

Boss Cao and other bigwigs sneaked out collectively and formed an inner circle for private chats.

Seeing the content of the conversations of all kinds of brainstorming bigwigs, the other players couldn't participate in it.

The meeting where the major forces meet will take some time, but from the next day onwards, all the bigwigs don't need to attend.

Occasionally, one or two people can come to the scene to sit in town.

From the second day on, Boss Cao was in a hurry.

He hid in his study room, flipping through the inheritance 'cheat book' given by Tinon. The content in it is quite exciting, and it is all about the knowledge and experience of the previous presidents of the association. The core content is pet taming and pet hunting , and the introduction of various rare high-end monsters are a good supplement to Cao Yan's personal practice.

Especially the introduction to Warcraft, which is divided into categories, is eloquent, and involves some mysterious ancient creatures, which are of very high value.

Cao Yan calmed down and watched for two days.

From the third day, he entered the underground research room of the City Lord's Mansion.

It has been a long time since the drawing of the Small World Trapper Ball has been obtained, but Cao Yan has not actually made this Trapper Ball due to limitations of materials and other factors.

Until now, at least half of the world's forces have come to lick Commander Cao.

It became easy for him to collect all kinds of materials before he was ready to formally make the Small World Trapper Ball.

The underground part of Sky City is no longer deserted as it used to be.

Cao Yan specially set up relevant research departments, among which the research group on semiotics was led by him personally.

In addition, some non-combatants from various ethnic groups in the city were selected, and they were responsible for forming different groups by showing their respective strengths.

Entering the underground space, you can see some people shuttling around, which is quite lively.

Regarding the research on the trapping ball and semiotics, Ji Wen, Jiang Zi and others were responsible for the specific follow-up. Seeing Cao Yan approaching, the two happily went up to say hello.

Cao Yansui began to make small world trapping balls.

Time flies, and four days have passed in a blink of an eye.

The hunting team in the city was still fighting wits and courage with the old turtle in the Endless Sea.

The reason why Cao Yan made the Small World Trapper Ball at this time was to use it to catch the old turtle in a targeted manner.

Four days later in the early morning, under the Sky City, Gyantse opened the door and walked into Cao Yan's workshop where trap balls were made. He blinked his bright peach-blossom eyes and looked around the room.

Although in the past few days, she can see the situation in this studio every day.

But when he came in again, his heart throbbed unavoidably.

The floating matrix structure in this studio is as complicated as the arrangement of stars in the sky, with thousands of them. And if each matrix is ​​disassembled, it will form countless element symbols.

In today's world, only Cao Yan has the ability to skillfully apply such a complex matrix structure, which is terrifying!

When Gyangze came in, besides Cao Yan, there was Ji Wen standing beside him.

Like Gyantse, she watched Cao Yan's making of the trapping ball in a pilgrimage mood.

The production of the small world trapping ball has reached the final stage. Under the watchful eyes of the two women, the matrix structure all over the sky is suddenly gathered, and they fall one by one on a blank trapping ball held by Cao Yan in a specific order. Forms an elemental imprint.

The trapping ball glowed brilliantly in a blink of an eye, and the symbols on its surface flickered like stars twinkling.

Once the elemental matrix on the trapping ball starts to operate, it can continuously absorb the free energy in the void, expand the internal area, and finally take shape.

The whole process is like opening up a small world inside the trap ball, a magical one.

That afternoon, Cao Yan took the Small World Trapper Ball and teleported to the depths of the Endless Sea.

He was going to do it himself and take the old turtle.


Xia Chu is the second-generation descendant of the Xia family in the Eastern Region. He looks quite handsome. He is 21 years old this year. His father is Xia Ji, the current head of the family.

Since joining the alliance, Xia Chu has been arranged by his father to go to Sky City to increase his knowledge and make friends with various forces, which can be regarded as paving the way for his son's future.

It's only been two days since I came to the Sky City in the early summer, and everything I saw was new. The legendary races all over the city, the powerful creatures flying and hovering above the city, etc., were dazzled and dizzying.

Xia Chu felt that even the legendary world where the gods lived might not be as grand as the Sky City, so he couldn't think of leaving.

In the past few days, he racked his brains to find contacts everywhere, hoping to become a permanent resident of the city.

At this time, the night was falling, and Xia Chu was wandering in the city. When he walked to the main street where the City Lord's Mansion was located, he saw a crowd of people outside the City Lord's Mansion, and the atmosphere was noisy. It is a ranking list of king-level powerhouses.

He asked the people around him to know that this list was only launched recently and it is updated from time to time. The minimum requirement for the list is a king-level professional.

When Xia Chu heard that the list was full of kings, he almost went crazy with envy. He stared at the list intently, counting it carefully, and was even more shocked.

The ranking lists the rankings of fifty kings and powerhouses, all of whom are powerhouses from various races in Sky City.

The appearance of this list is actually an operation by Commander Cao to respond to the request of the presidents of the four major associations in order to brag and show the strength of Sky City.

In fact, the content on the list is all played by his own family in the city. Boss Cao's real family background will not be written on the list at all.

It's just that the list came out, and the effect was surprisingly good. The key is that there are only a few professional kings in the whole world, and those are unattainable existences. However, in the city of the sky, there are endless kings emerging in a single city.

The three views of many professionals have been subverted, like crazy, every day to see if the list has been refreshed.

Xia Chu was enjoying watching it, when he suddenly heard someone calling him, when he turned around, it was his second uncle Xia Fuyi.

Xia Fuyi is currently the representative of the Xia family resident in Sky City.

In the evening, he came to the city lord's mansion to explain something. When he came out, he saw Chu Xia and greeted him.

The group immediately went to a small courtyard purchased by the Xia family in Sky City.

Xia Chu blushed along beside his uncle, and asked, "I just saw a list outside the city lord's mansion. It's full of kings and powerful people. Uncle, how many people do you think there are?"

Xia Fuyi cheered and said, "How much?"

"There are a total of fifty kings, all of whom are strong from various races in the city. The power of our Sky City is too amazing." Xia Chu said excitedly.

He has unknowingly substituted himself as a part of Sky City.

Xia Fuyi shook his head slightly: "The list was made by Yan Shao for others to see. With so many forces gathered, it must act as a deterrent at all times, so that people's hearts can be peaceful and easy to manage. The strength of Sky City is definitely more than what is described on the list. Those, have you seen the people from the City Lord's Mansion on the list? The power of the City Lord's Mansion is the core of this city."

Xia Chu was stunned for a while, and then became more excited: "So the list is only a small part of the power in the city? Uncle, I want to meet City Lord Cao, can you help me find a way, the person I admire most is him .”

Xia Fuyi laughed and said: "City Lord Cao seems to have something to do recently, I have been in and out of the City Lord's Mansion these days, but I haven't seen him, let's talk about it in a few days."

The group quickly returned to the courtyard where the Xia family stayed in the city.

Xia Fuyi explained the matter, dragged his body after a busy day, and returned to the bedroom on the second floor.

Back in the bedroom, he sat down on the chair, feeling his body was hollowed out and exhausted.

He has been in a state of continuous rotation recently, and there are many things to be contacted with various forces on behalf of the Xia family.

At this moment, Xia Fuyi suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

A pressure surged out of the void, making it difficult for him to breathe, and he was deprived of the freedom to blink his eyes in an instant.

The space in front of him opened and closed, and a tall and glamorous female angel stepped out, who was the commander of the Angel Army, Tiermis.

She looked at Xia Fuyi expressionlessly: "The information His Majesty gave me shows that your Xia family is capricious. I came to the Sky City to find Cao Yan and killed you by the way. This is a warning to the Xia family."


Tirmis stretched out her finger, and touched Xia Fuyi's forehead.

She turned around and came to the window, staring at the city in the sky under the night, and frowned slightly after a while: "The news is wrong... Cao Yan is not in the city."

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