Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 789 It’s all a routine

The night is long, and the stars twinkle in the dark dome.

The battle between the old turtle and the Sky City hunting team has lasted for many days, and its situation is getting worse and worse.

At this time, there were clusters of vibrant green on the surface of the water element world wall it released, which were the seeds of divine power released by the jungle goddess.

The magical seeds of the wood element rely on absorbing the water power of the water element wall to grow, like parasites, causing very serious damage to its structure.

After many days of brewing, those magical seeds grew into vines and small trees, lushly attached to the water element wall outside the old turtle's body, creating a spectacle.

From a distance, a small jungle appeared on the old turtle's back, absorbing and consuming a large amount of the power of the water element wall every moment.

"Even if I don't come over, in a few days, this old turtle's defense will be broken by you."

When Cao Yan teleported over, the old turtle actually came out of the water and rose into the clouds, and the sea below was rough.

The jungle goddess standing behind the deck of the Internet celebrity said: "This old turtle has the ability to swallow mountains and seas. Yesterday, it opened its mouth to replenish its consumption. At that time, the void shattered and the seawater in the surrounding sea area was drank up by it, causing The seabed is depleted. It is not easy to consume such a powerful monster into a weak state. It is better for the boss to take action. "

The Jungle Goddess's attitude towards Cao Yan is obviously different from before, and she has become more pleasant to talk to, smooth-talking, and flattering Boss Cao.

Cao Yan raised his head to watch the battle: "Why did it reach the sky?"

This time it was the Chaos Giant on the other side. Weng Sheng responded: "The old turtle tried to control the water to escape several times in the sea but failed. It chose to take off. Maybe it wanted to try other ways to escape."

"Boss, I'll go up first."

The Chaos Giant's legs were slightly bent, then suddenly straightened, his body rushed up like a cannonball, penetrated the clouds, and punched out.

The old turtle was being blocked by Bao Yu and other members of the hunting team. He couldn't dodge and was hit hard by the punch. The water element wall outside his body rippled.

At the same moment, the jungle goddess chanted magic quickly and quickly. She stretched out her hand and the jungle on the old turtle's back grew wildly and turned into lush vegetation in the blink of an eye.

Some vines became thicker and longer, and were grabbed by the kings of the Sky City hunting team and pulled hard.

Big stick, two sticks,

Dandan and Abalone also took action on their own.

No matter how tyrannical the old turtle was, he could not help but be restrained in the air, unable to move even an inch.

Cao Yan took advantage of the situation and threw the Small World Beast Trapping Ball.

Symbols fell off the surface of the sphere one by one, forming an elemental matrix that collided with the water elemental wall outside the old turtle's body.

It should be noted that the matrix structure of the small world animal trapping ball is simulating a small world, containing abundant energy. It comes into contact with the defensive wall on the old turtle's back and melts with each other. Coupled with the auxiliary attacks of others, the old turtle's elements The wall of the world showed signs of damage for the first time, with cracks spreading.


The defensive wall finally shattered, and the absorbing force released by the Small World Trap Ball instantly increased, compressing and dragging the entire surrounding void into the ball like a black hole.

Including everyone from the Sky City Hunting Team, Old Turtle, Dandan and other magic pets also fell into the Small World Trapping Ball together.

Cao Yan raised his hand, and the animal ball fell back into his hand.

The jungle goddess said happily: "This old turtle has finally been caught. Congratulations to the boss for getting this mythical beast."

"Given the strength of this old turtle, it will probably take a while to finally capture it."

After the incident was over, Cao Yan was ready to return to the Sky City.

But just when he opened the space wall and prepared to deliver, his expression suddenly changed, he suddenly accelerated his speed, got into the void, and started the delivery.

The Jungle Goddess followed closely behind, and both of them left the bow of the Internet Celebrity.

After they left, the Internet celebrity fell from the sky back to the sea and continued to sail into the depths of the endless sea.

Castle in the Sky.

Cao Yan hurried back because he sensed something happened in the city.

When he broke through the void and returned to the city, what he saw made him break out in a cold sweat.

In order to ensure Wang Li's safety, he had given Wang Li a necklace before. At this time, a protective wall popped up from the necklace, protecting Wang Li within it.

Wang Li's face was pale, standing in a courtyard at the back of the city lord's palace. In front of her, a ray of golden divine light suddenly penetrated Baoyue's eyebrows.

Cao Yan walked out of the void, and Baoyue had fallen to the ground.

Not far away from her, the unlucky bear was crushed by some force and died.

In the mid-air of the courtyard, the female angel Tilmis floated.

Her wings spread out, and the divine power she released spread throughout the Sky City.

Seeing Cao Yan return, Tilmis narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at her with interest: "I attacked this woman named Wang Li, and you were able to sense her and came back in time."

Cao Yan blocked Wang Li behind him, and his eyes fell on Baoyue who fell to the ground.

The blood on Her Royal Highness's eyebrows was red, and life was leaving her.

Normally, ordinary people would die immediately if their eyebrows were damaged, but a golden broken scale appeared between Baoyue's eyebrows.

This scale offset part of the lethal force that pierced her eyebrows, so Baoyue still had a breath left.

"Save Baoyue quickly."

When Cao Yan came back, Miss Wang's mind immediately calmed down. She pulled her husband's clothes from behind and said in a loud voice. She had been looking at Baoyue, and tears had already burst into her eyes.

"She was penetrated between the eyebrows by my divine power, and even the gods coming to the world can't save her." The female angel said calmly.

Cao Yan suddenly stretched out his hand to hold it, and a test tube appeared in his hand. The light green potion in it was crystal clear and full of vitality.

Well, this is a cheating potion that can be exchanged for 30,000 points. As long as you don't die directly, it can restore various injuries.

The potion dropped on Baoyue's eyebrows.

The position between her eyebrows was like time flowing backwards, the injury healed backwards, and she soon returned to the integrity before the injury, with a layer of green vitality covering her whole body.

Her breathing slowly became stronger.

Tilmis was stunned: "Use the power of time to cleanse the injury and return the injured area to the state before the injury. This is an ability that even the gods do not have. How can you have such a potion?"

Cao Yan sneered and said: "The Lord God is nothing."


He swayed and appeared in front of Tilmis. He struck out boldly and punched out.

The void shattered silently under Cao Yan's fist, and a wave of black energy surged out, replacing time and space, and rolled towards Tilmisi.

The next moment, both of them were overwhelmed by black energy at the same time.

The black energy shrank to an origin, wrapped around the two of them, and disappeared into the room out of thin air.

Cao Yan's voice came out from the black air: "Check all parts of the city thoroughly to guard against church raids...protect Wang Li."

The jungle goddess walked out of the void and came to Wang Li.

The tears on Wang Li's face were not yet dry. Seeing Baoyue's injuries recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye and breathing calmly, she couldn't help but smile with joy.

"Miss, don't worry. This princess of the sea tribe is very lucky. If it weren't for the boss, no one could save her." The jungle goddess looked at Baoyue.

She could feel the vitality surging inside Baoyue's body.

The medicine Cao Yan used on her was probably not just for healing, but was also good for her practice.

Wang Li has always had full confidence in Cao Yan and blindly worshiped her. However, she was not worried that it would be unsafe for her boyfriend to have sex with her female angel.

Instead, the Jungle Goddess was a little worried.

The aura of that female angel was extremely powerful, and Cao Yan's confrontation with her would be unpredictable.

In the darkness, Cao Yan mobilized the ruins of the Kingdom of God, reversed the rules of space, and dragged the female angel out of the Sky City.

If they fight in the city, it will be too destructive, and Wang Li and others will not be safe.

Cao Yan's plan is to promote the power of the Kingdom of God, change time and space, and send the female angel into the dark abyss filled with black energy in the dark source world, and use the darkness in it to suppress the female angel.

However, Tilmis's power clearly exceeded Cao Yan's expectations.

Although she was shocked because Cao Yan used the power of time to cleanse and recover Baoyue's injuries, and her mind was momentarily lost. Cao Yan took advantage of the opportunity and dragged her into the darkness, but she immediately activated her divine power and broke away in the blink of an eye. Break free from the shackles of darkness.

She and Cao Yan immediately started fighting in the void somewhere under the night.

As soon as Cao Yanfu fought with her, he screamed mmp in his heart... This female angel was like a female tyrannosaurus, and her strength was obviously superior to him.

Commander Cao encounters a powerful enemy for the first time after entering the spiritual level.

There are animal trapping balls swirling around him, and he has activated his ball-playing skills, using the divine power of destiny without any reservations.

The fight between the two was as fast as lightning, bringing up phantoms and causing a large area of ​​the void to collapse.

Boss Cao kept complaining, but he didn't know that Tilmis across from him was much more shocked than him. The throbbing in his heart was like a turbulent wave, one wave higher than the other. He never expected that a heretical native of the green jungle world would be so powerful. to this extent.

During the fierce battle, Tilmis suddenly spoke: "I have sent my divine message and ordered the angels to use all their strength to destroy your city in the sky."

The so-called strategy of attacking with troops is to attack the heart first.

Tilmis sensed Cao Yan's difficulty and wanted to disturb his mood.

Unexpectedly, Boss Cao immediately turned on the quarrel mode and retorted: "I am thinking the same thing as you, you are dragged here by me, and my people have already set off to the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God. You are in the secret space dug under the central temple. The oracle gate placed there will soon be destroyed.”

Tilmis' expression changed slightly. How did Cao Yan know that the new Oracle Gate was placed in the secret space beneath the central temple?

At this moment, Tilmisi flicked her fingers and sent out a ray of divine light, stabbing Cao Yan, but she saw Boss Cao's palm spread out, and a small spider web appeared out of thin air, emitting the power of delayed time and space. The divine power emitted by Tilmisi was blocked by the sluggishness of the spider web, and it paused in the air for a moment.

At this moment, Boss Cao shot out a beam of light from his fist.

This beam of light not only contains his own power, but also consumes more than ten thousand points to combine with his own power and emit it together.


Tilmis received Cao Yan's blow, her body shook, and she lost all color in horror. Her heavy chest heaved violently, and blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

At the same time, she found that black energy was rolling and spreading in Cao Yan's hand, and her heart suddenly tightened.

She was very afraid of this kind of black energy. When she saw the black energy spreading, her eyes became dark. Even her consciousness seemed to be invaded by the black energy, and her thoughts were slow.

She suddenly had a warning sign and felt a huge pain in her wings.

In the void, the shadowed Egg turned into an undercurrent, taking advantage of Cao Yan's opportunity to release black energy to attract Tilmis, and launch a sneak attack on her. The location of the attack was the injured area of ​​his broken wing that had never healed.

Making claims in the east and attacking in the west, all interlocking, are all underhanded tricks that Boss Cao and Dandan have cooperated with for a long time.

"It turns out that you are just a weakling, and you are injured, and yet you dare to attack me." Boss Cao glanced at Tilmisi's broken half of the wings and felt reassured.

At this moment, Tilmis suddenly pulled back, blended into the void, and wanted to retreat.

She was shocked by the attack power shown by Cao Yan after cheating. In addition, she was attacked secretly by Dandan and suffered more injuries on Angel Wings. This had a great impact on her combat effectiveness and she was no longer sure of winning.

Cao Yan sneered and jumped in pursuit. If he let the female angel run away, the points he had just spent would be in vain and he would lose blood.

Ps: The first day of the month plus Monday, please vote, thank you!

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