Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 796 Travel [Final Chapter of this Volume]

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On the ocean, the sky is clear and the waves are gentle.

In the sea water next to the Internet celebrity account, two 'mermaids' were playing in the water, but it was Wang Li and her sister-in-law.

Big sticks, two sticks, and three wind-winged carp acted as guards, probing around the surrounding waters, and sometimes their huge and terrifying bodies appeared.

On the deck of the bow of the ship, Boss Cao was basking in the sun on a deck chair, with a white background and blue stripes in his hand, a World of Warcraft egg that was as delicate as a work of art.

This egg is a gift from Sodojia, the treasure of the Dragon and Beast Hall.

Commander Cao's spiritual power overflows from his eyebrows and blends into the surface of the egg, matching its lines.

The thick eggshell slowly became transparent under his gaze, vaguely showing the scene inside the eggshell.

The eggshell is filled with thick liquid fetal membrane. In the center of the fetal membrane, there is a life like a baby, curled up there, motionless, as if sleeping.

"This is strange. It is actually a humanoid creature. Is it some kind of intelligent life, not a monster?"

Cao Yan then saw a pair of transparent wings on the back of the little life in the eggshell, as thin as the wings of a dragonfly.

"What kind of creature is this?"

Cao Yan turned around and asked the little wife next to him who was wearing a cool swimsuit and showed off her perfect figure without hesitation: "The people at the Dragon and Beast Hall said that this egg has not hatched for more than a thousand years since it fell into their hands.

Your sea clan has a long heritage. Do you know what creature takes so long to hatch? "

"Legend has it that if a god has an heir, it may last for thousands of years."

Baoyue turned her head from one side, her long hair hanging down naturally, she squinted her eyes and said lazily.

Cao Yan was startled: "Where did you hear this statement? I am a god now. Does it mean that it takes thousands of years for you and Wang Li to conceive? Isn't this unscientific?"

Baoyue couldn't help laughing and said: "What are you talking about? What I said about the offspring of gods being pregnant for thousands of years is special circumstances, such as leaving the mother's body early and not having enough nutrients for pregnancy. After leaving the body, the elemental energy needs to be absorbed by itself until the energy slowly accumulates to a certain level. To this extent, it is possible to breed for thousands of years under such circumstances.

Some ancient books of our Hai Clan also record,

It is said that some dragon creatures, as well as ancient elves with long lifespans, may spend thousands of years giving birth to children. "

Cao Yan took a breath: "If it takes you thousands of years to have a child, I might become the first god to be suffocated to death?"

Baoyue chuckled and said, "What are you going to do with this egg?"

Cao Yan: "I'm not sure what kind of creature it is yet, so I won't be busy with it for now. I'll blend it with some powerful energy-containing substances later to see if I can help it hatch as soon as possible. If it hatches smoothly, I can give it to If you raise it as a war beast, I can feel that it is a very powerful being."

Baoyue: "Let's give it to Wang Li. The last time the female angel attacked, the unlucky bear died, and Wang Li is still sad. If you give her another magic beast, she might feel better."

Boss Cao nodded. The girlfriends were in good terms, the harem was harmonious, and there were no painful palace fights, which made the bastard very happy.

"What have my father-in-law been busy with lately?" Cao Yan asked Baoyue.

Baoyue frowned her beautiful eyebrows: "My father's wish for many years is to restore the ancient grandeur of our Deep Sea Clan, rule the surrounding countries, and expand our territory. Last time we successfully opened the Poseidon inheritance and let him summon the legions of gods from the Sea Eye Clan. , the military strength of our country has greatly increased. Recently, my father has been frequently inspecting the borders and purging the major legions. His intention is obvious. He wants to use troops against neighboring countries.

I don't really want you to point out our issues right now. "

Cao Yan thought for a moment and said, "Are you afraid that I will be the trigger for your father's decision to start a war?"

Baoyue hummed: "With your current reputation and your prominent status as the only god in our green jungle world, if our relationship is made public, I estimate that my father will immediately spread the news about you becoming his son-in-law throughout the entire ocean world. , and took the opportunity to provoke and immediately start a war with other countries."

Cao Yan comforted him: "Don't worry, although my father-in-law has been a little moody recently, I still have him, so I won't let him suffer."

Baoyue closed her beautiful eyes and looked at Cao Yan, then walked from one side to his side and said leisurely: "Do you think I have to marry you because of your status as a god?"

Cao Yan muttered: "Of course not. A strange man like me still has some confidence. Haven't you already tried it?"

Baoyue laughed dumbly, turned over and sat up, stretching the perfect curves of her upper body to the fullest, and then walked slowly to the bow of the ship. A shadow of golden scales appeared between her eyebrows, and a thin golden scale appeared below her waist. The huge fish tail covered the legs in an illusory way, and the water element around the body suddenly became thick.

This is the bloodline left by the gods of the deep sea royal family, the bloodline ability of the golden mermaid.

Baoyue pursed her lips seductively and looked back at Cao Yan: "Qi man, do I look good?" The huge fish tail flapped flexibly twice in response to the words, which seemed strangely attractive.

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Commander Cao to respond, she jumped up from the bow of the ship, drew a graceful arc in mid-air, fell into the sea, and swam with Wang Li and her sister-in-law.

Boss Cao looked down from the boat and thought to himself: "I have always admired Xu Xian, Dong Yong, and Ning Caichen, the three leaders in the driver world, and everyone knows the reason. Later, after seeing Hua Qiangu, I realized that Luo Shiyi is A real man would even dare to sleep with a caterpillar.

Looking back now, there is no need to admire others. I am the same as them. My girl is a mermaid. "

Boss Cao and the girls had a great time. They took a boat trip in the ocean without being disturbed and stayed alone for a few days. Then they visited some famous cities and attractions in the Green Jungle World.

At the last stop of the trip, Wang Li once again proposed to meet Cao Yan's parents.

Baoyue and her sister-in-law are also looking forward to this and want to flatter their future parents-in-law.

With the S-class life-saving box obtained at the Temple of the Epoch, it is not difficult to travel back and forth and return to Earth.

Both Baoyue and Feier knew about the existence of parallel worlds and had long known that there were other human settlements in the boundless space and time. To them, the earth is just a parallel world, and there are no other hidden dangers.

Go back, there's nothing wrong with it.


In early autumn, in a large city in northern China, in a certain room in a residential area, the space suddenly rippled. A small, square box jumped out, and then stretched to form a portal. Cao Yan and his girlfriends walked out of it. come out.

After becoming a god, this shuttle process and even aspects such as time difference have become relatively controllable.

The place where Cao Yan returned this time was his former residence on Earth.

Considering that he had more time to come back this time than before, he did not appear directly near the area where his parents lived like the previous times.

Baoyue, Wang Li, and sister-in-law were walking around where Boss Cao once lived, like three curious babies.

"The rules of this world naturally suppress supernatural powers. When I get here, my power is almost unusable. What about you, Cao Yan?" Baoyue said with a frown.

"I'm okay."

Having become a god, he has a deeper understanding of the world and controls the rules, so Boss Cao's power at this time is not all limited because he came to the earth.

He immediately communicated with the fake system, spent some points, changed a mobile phone, and called his parents.

After the blind tone was connected, my mother's voice came out.

You know, when Cao Yan was away, the fake system had established an intelligent feedback beacon, specifically used to answer calls from his parents and other acquaintances, so when he was not on earth, there was always a 'stand-in' on the other side of the phone. On the phone, people who knew him thought Commander Cao existed.

This is just basic operation for the fake system, very simple.

So he called his mother, who didn't notice anything unusual. She was very happy when she heard that her son was going home and taking his daughter back with him.

The next day, Boss Cao took his girlfriends to visit Jiangyang, an important town in the north of China.

The girlfriends have all kinds of novelties, and Boss Cao is also very interested.

On the third day, Boss Cao took his girlfriends home.

Mother Cao prepared a whole day in advance to welcome her future daughter-in-law grandly and cooked a table full of delicious dishes.

However, the people her son brought back were a little different from what Cao’s mother had expected: “What’s going on, three of them?”

Because Cao Yan had already met Wang Li's parents and made an appointment to get married, when Wang Li saw Cao's mother, she formally called her mom as if she were meeting her mother-in-law.

Baoyue thought for a while and called her mom too. When her sister-in-law saw it, she decided not to fall behind others and called her too.

"Hey, can this mother scream? There are three more daughters-in-law at once, my heart is so broken." Cao's mother put one hand on her chest, feeling like she couldn't breathe.

Cao Yan's father was also confused: What is my son doing? Three such beautiful daughters-in-law don't fight? Can you step on three boats without capsizing them?

During the meal, the atmosphere was weird.

Cao's mother took her son aside and taught her secretly: "Cao Yan, my mother urged you to find a wife before because she was anxious. You can't retaliate against her. Now that you have brought three daughters-in-law, my mother has a bad heart and is a little bit hurt." No."

Cao Yan spread his hands and said: "The three of them have a good relationship. If they insist on liking me together, what do you think?"

Cao Ma blinked her eyes, still harboring a trace of fantasy in her heart. Maybe it was this bastard boy who was teasing me. This boy has been naughty since he was a child and has done all kinds of bastard things.

Cao Yan planned to stay for a day when he went home this time. He was not in a hurry to leave, so he stayed in the same bed with his girlfriends at night.

The last illusions of Cao's father and Cao's mother were completely shattered. They were not just teasing us, they were real daughters-in-law, and they all lived together.

Of course, at home, although they lived together, nothing happened.

Although my sister-in-law lives in the same house, it is because there are few rooms in the house and there is no other place to live. The little girl sleeps alone on a temporary bed.

On the fourth day, Cao Yan took his girlfriends on the return journey, ending the trip and returning to the green jungle world.

(End of this volume)

Ps: The next volume is "The Scroll of the Gods". There will be more powerful and interesting monsters appearing one after another, as well as stronger gods appearing, and faster driving speeds. Please fasten your seat belts~

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