Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 797 Flower Picking Thief

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In the city in the sky surrounded by white clouds, Boss Cao sat in his study after returning.

The ladies all had their own things to do, so they took a few days to rest, and then hurriedly got back to work after they came back.

"What has changed in the past few days since I've been away?"

Standing in front of Cao Yan were two female secretaries who were charming and ambitious.

"Everything is fine in the city. According to the boss's previous instructions, we have cooperated with Dogarosh and Leto and have begun to recruit legendary powerhouses or powerful races from other worlds into the city. We have gained quite a lot these days." Dai Huanyu Report.

Taohua continued: "The intelligence system under my command has been paying attention to the church's movements, and there is nothing unusual."

Cao Yan folded his hands and sat safely on the chair, listening to the secretaries' reports and thinking deeply.

Logically speaking, the church and the church had just experienced a fight, and the two parties were in peace and were in the period of recovering their strength. It was normal for the church to have no movement during this period.

But Commander Cao has always been good at getting things done, and is accustomed to using reverse thinking to think about problems.

So... he is not ready to let the church continue to be quiet.

"Pass my order to summon all the forces within the alliance to attack the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God. At the same time, let the forces from different regions cooperate to attack the regional churches in different regions of the church and carry out a comprehensive attack on them." Cao Cao Yan said in a deep voice.

The two secretaries looked at each other, not expecting that their boss would make such a big fuss as soon as he came back.

"In this operation, is our Sky City as the main force, confronting the church head-on?"

"Why did the boss suddenly decide to attack the church again?" the two secretaries asked separately.

Cao Yan: "Last time was the first battle after the alliance was established. We had to be the main force and attack the church regardless of consumption. This time is different. Let the major forces send elites to form a coalition to attack with us.

This is everyone's business, and we don't need to rush to the front every time. "

He added: "As for why we decided to attack the church, it's because the church is too quiet. There are two reasons why they are so quiet. Either they are brewing something,

It takes time to buffer, so be willing to hibernate. Or they are very weak and want to adjust and recover through a period of peace and quiet.

No matter what the possibility is, if we take action at this time, it will destroy their plans and break the tacit understanding of the battle between the various forces in the alliance.

More importantly, because we had a slight upper hand against the church last time, now all the forces within the alliance have the desire to compete with the church again and completely suppress their desires. We are pushing forward with the trend, why not? "

"The boss is right. Now that we have initially recovered the consumption from the last battle, we cannot let the church survive in peace."

Dai Huanyu agreed softly, "I'll get ready right away."

"Wait a minute, I have something to discuss with you two." Cao Yan said.

"Boss, please feel free to give me your orders if you have anything to do. I am willing to do anything as a subordinate." Dai Huanyu closed his watery eyes and said in a bitchy tone.

Cao Yan: "After our Sky City was established, the focus of your work has shifted to various affairs inside and outside the city. It is no longer suitable for you to be my attendants. I want to terminate your attendant contract and sign two new ones." Attendant.

From now on, you will concentrate on handling the affairs of Sky City. What do you think? "

Taohua and Dai Huanyu had slightly different reactions when they heard this.

Taohua suddenly felt panicked about being abandoned by her boss.

Dai Huanyu's face showed joy and he said, "Thank you, boss."

Cao Yan: "There is no rush in this matter. I just have this plan. You two go down and think about it."

The two female secretaries immediately left the study.

"The boss doesn't need us as attendants, why do you seem so happy?" Taohua frowned.

"Xiong Dawu Nao is talking about you. We don't need to be servants, but we can do other things. Aren't we still the boss's secretaries? Think about it, fighting servants need to rush forward at all times to fight with opponents. With the boss's temperament, we As long as we are still servants, he will have no further relationship with us."

Dai Huanyu said: "We can't be the boss's servants and his women at the same time, because the boss will not let his women fight to the death, so it is a good thing to terminate the servant contract. If you choose between the servants and the boss's women, One, which one do you choose?”

Taohua said nothing, but subconsciously raised the corners of her mouth.

All forces, led by the four major associations and Sky City, quickly assembled and launched another offensive against the church.

In terms of scale, this attack was larger than the last one because there was more time to prepare, and all forces in the alliance participated in launching a comprehensive attack on the church from all over the world.

However, from a combat level, it was not as intense as the battle that Cao Yan personally took action.

At Cao Yan's current position, there is no need to do everything personally.

He only proposed this action, and the forces within the alliance responded positively and were at odds with the church.

He himself did not participate. When a new round of fighting broke out between the major forces and the church, and people's heads were beaten into dog heads, Boss Cao was staying in the Sky City and began to study several newly acquired magical beasts.

These days have passed, and the old turtle has been officially captured, but has not surrendered.

In addition, there was the mysterious magic pet egg that was ripped off from the Dragon and Beast Hall. After several days of observation and attempts, Cao Yan roughly figured out that the creature in the egg had a huge demand for elemental energy.

At this time, Boss Cao, who was sitting in the study, took out a small metal bottle containing half a bottle of golden blood.

This is the divine blood obtained from the bloodline clone of Michael Michael who was tricked to death last time. It is the blood of a living main god and contains majestic divine power.

A very small part of the blood was taken out by Cao Yan.

As soon as the little blood left the metal vial, it was like the sun falling into the world, shining brightly and hitting the surface of the cheat egg like a meteor.


The whole eggshell is full of cracks.

The blood of the Lord God was buffered by the eggshell and controlled by Cao Yan, and turned into billions of tiny spots of light. It was like a meteor shower falling inside the eggshell.

Countless light spots poured into the young human-shaped life in the center of the egg shell bit by bit.

The cracking sound continued, and the cracks on the surface of the eggshell became clearer and clearer.

"When the power of the divine blood is completely absorbed, this egg will hatch." Cao Yan thought.

The process may take several days.

After dealing with the egg, Boss Cao took out the Small World Trap Ball and checked the old turtle inside.

This old turtle has a long life and has traveled all over the world. He has extensive knowledge and wisdom. It is very difficult to conquer him.

The Jungle Goddess and others have tried various methods, but the old turtle has no response and ignores them.

After thinking about it, Cao Yan exchanged a potion from the spaceship, which would allow the old turtle to gain a new skill.

When the medicine was given to the old turtle, the old turtle's body, which was as huge as a land mass, suddenly began to shrink.

You must know that not all Warcraft can master the ability to shrink their body size. For example, when Dandan was at a very low level, he evolved the ability to undergo cell fission and change his body size to suit his needs.

Another example is the big stick. As the level increases, it becomes larger and larger, reaching a length of a thousand meters and unable to shrink its size.

The same is true for this old turtle. He is getting bigger and bigger, but he cannot get smaller. His overly large body is actually a burden.

The medicine provided by Cao Yan can adjust the genetic sequence of the old turtle, allowing it to gain the ability to divide and shrink cells, either large or small.

As a result, for the first time in his long life, the old turtle experienced the lightness and joy of becoming smaller.

It feels like the difference between wearing it and not wearing it, the feeling of pleasure is completely different.

At this time, the old turtle, whose size continued to shrink, felt so happy that he almost burst into tears.

It poked its head out of the turtle shell, looked up to the sky and roared, the sound shook the sky, showing indescribable joy and joy.

No one can understand the many inconveniences caused by its large size during its long life.

The so-called attacking the mind is the best, and the same is true for subduing monsters.

Boss Cao is equivalent to fulfilling Lao Gui's long-cherished wish for many years. Although Lao Gui did not bow down and accept his master, his attitude towards Cao Yan became very friendly. This is undoubtedly a good start.

Boss Cao is about to have a powerful new thug.

He calculated that the powers in his hands now, which have reached the level of gods, include Dandan, Dagu, Ergu, Jungle Goddess, Aoh and Ju, as well as Abalone, Sun Golden Crow, and the leaders of Chaos Giant and Storm Giant. .

The leader of the storm giant tribe was originally recruited by Cao Yan to enter the Sky City. He is the top king. After several years of hard work, he just broke through to the 13th level of the totem not long ago.

Including the newly recruited old turtles, Commander Cao's power is already so sensational.

The mythical power he originally envisioned is gradually taking shape.

After the first contact with the old turtle, Cao Yan happily exited the small world of the animal trapping ball.

In the afternoon, he sent a message to his female friends, saying that he had to go out for something in the evening and would not go home.

In fact, he stayed in the study all afternoon and didn't go out at all.

When it was completely dark, Boss Cao left the study like a thief and appeared in a corner of the back house in a blink of an eye, silently observing his residence.

It was already dark, and the lights in the bedroom on the second floor of the residence were turned off.

Boss Cao lied that he was going out, but he touched the outside of his house at night. He was sneaky. The reason is very simple. He said that when he went out, Baoyue and Wang Li might get together to chat and then live in the same room after they returned home at night.

In other words, there is a high probability that the girlfriends will sleep in the same bed because Cao Yan is out.

This is Boss Cao's purpose.

Although his girlfriends would do anything when they were alone with him, they firmly resisted threesomes. Cao Yan's attempts in the past few days have all ended in failure.

He feinted tonight, was he planning to go home and become a flower-picking thief, or was he planning to pick two flowers at a time?

He had made all the arrangements in advance, and there were internal agents at home.

As soon as he came back, the little fat dog jumped out of the house, raised his paw and pointed at a room on the second floor, which was Wang Li's bedroom.

The message it conveyed to Cao Yan confirmed that the two women were indeed living together tonight, in Wang Li's bedroom.

Commander Cao touched the dog's head and waved his hand, letting the spy dog ​​go wandering on its own.

The flower picker quickly arrived outside his bedroom on the second floor of his home.

The door was locked, but it was impossible to keep Boss Cao in. The divine power in his palms flowed, and the door opened silently.

The moonlight outside the window was bright, and inside the room, the flower picker floated in like a ghost. The situation on the bed was as expected...

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